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03-24-12, 05:42 PM
Why do we have nozzle if it is used for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!
This is more of a rant rather than a question but still!!!


03-24-12, 05:42 PM
LOL its just a music video sorry tht was an accident

03-27-12, 11:49 AM
It's for the dishwashers in the basement. You can't see them but with one customer coming through the door every second, there's a real lot of dirty dishes.

Seriously though, no one knows and we're not supposed to ask. But one day there's going to be an appliance that needs 50 nozzles and all of us OCD people who stockpiled nozzles are going to be vindicated.

03-27-12, 12:05 PM
They may be used when TL (or rather, if ) TL releases an easy drink machine for BS. Sigh, looks like I'll be getting even more nozzles every day than I do already..I mean, I like the concept of easy machines but they spoil because they don't offer them for the other constructible machines. I just consider easy appliances to be a waste of parts

03-27-12, 12:16 PM
It's for the dishwashers in the basement. You can't see them but with one customer coming through the door every second, there's a real lot of dirty dishes.

Seriously though, no one knows and we're not supposed to ask. But one day there's going to be an appliance that needs 50 nozzles and all of us OCD people who stockpiled nozzles are going to be vindicated.

Hahaha, love it!

03-27-12, 12:39 PM
I am sure the drink mixer needs 10 nozzles

That's in Restaurant. The drink mixers in Bakery aren't constructible. Nozzles aren't used for anything in bakery (yet).

03-27-12, 01:03 PM
Here is an idea, whenever the easy drink mixer option shows up in the polls, we should all vote for it!!! Then we will finally get to use up those nozzles!

03-27-12, 01:08 PM
Oh. So we are getting an easy drink machine are we?
Would that be this week's update, maybe?

There is at least one machine that was advertised but was never released...i think it was when the sugar coater came out. The machine in the teaser was different from what we actually got in game. Maybe THAT's the appliance that needed the nozzles. ;-)

Just doing my part to spread the rumour along...


03-27-12, 01:54 PM
Here: Vote for Easy Drink Machine (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?26118-Bakery-Story-Poll-3-21)

03-27-12, 02:03 PM
We have an ice cream maker and got a hot cocoa maker. Both of which would logically use nozzles. But apparently TL didn't think it was a logical option.

Farm has a "welcome mat" that is also used for nothing. So this is a common theme.