View Full Version : Has anyone noticed...? The speed of the customers in your shop?

03-24-12, 04:31 PM
I know it sounds daft.. but has anyone noticed that sometimes the little people that are customers in your store... sometimes they move quick, and sometimes they go really slowly... my heart rating stays at 100, its not that they're unhappy or anything, its wierd... is there something that affects this? cos surely the quicker people are - the quicker they'll buy stuff and earn money quicker? :confused::confused:

03-24-12, 04:36 PM
I have seen that the more crowded the boutique is the more ow the customers are

03-24-12, 04:39 PM
I always have tons of stuff in my shops and lately it won't give me a hundred hearts!!! Someones always sad :(

03-24-12, 04:58 PM
I always have tons of stuff in my shops and lately it won't give me a hundred hearts!!! Someones always sad :(

Saw ur store you have one blocked door and you only have on rack of dresses which Is blocked by an empty rack..... You have som counters. But are Locked. BY empty racks that's why the. Token hearts

Also allow customers access to mirrors and dressing rooms