View Full Version : Finding Good Neighbors

03-21-12, 09:01 PM
Ive only been playing RS for a little over a month, and in my effort to level up quickly and progress I became neighbors with lots of people. I figured being a good neighbor would result in having good neighbors. I gift and tip each of my neighbors daily (mostly parts, except to lower levels) I even make a point to gift within the first half hour of gifting time so that my neighbors will not be maxed out.

But in keeping closer track of who reciprocates this past week, I am annoyed to find that probably half of them do not. After asking some if they want to remain neighbors, I have had few responses. I am guessing that a lot of people start a game and then loose I Teresa. I have deleted several people today, but my question is, how do you find neighbors who really will be neighborly. now when asked to add people I respond by letting them know I will only add them if they plan to tip/gift daily and to let me know if they are still interested. Then there is either no response, or they say yes, but then don't. Any suggestions from the veterans on how to fill my neighbor with like minded people? Thanks.

03-21-12, 09:11 PM
Do you play any other TL games? If you do, and have good neighbors there, see if any of them also play RS and ask if they'd like to be your neighbor on that game as well. I have many neighbors that are on multiple games, so it helps. Try to find neighbors that are 4 star, as they'll mostly be the ones that will tip daily. Gifting is a toughie as many neighbors get maxxed right after reset, then when they log on to decline gifts, people can then send again. The problem is, some have already sent their mass gifting for the day and don't realize that person is now empty. This could be partially what is happening for you, they are showing you maxxed and don't realize that some of your stuff may have cleared and they can try again.

What I TRY to do, but don't always have the time, is when I check into my game periodically through-out the day, I'll go to the social tab and find one of my neighbors that has the "gift" button lit up, I'll click it and then the list of neighbors that didn't get a gift from me yet will show up, I then gift them again and some go through while others still show as maxxed. LOL

My only other suggestion is to check out Sehana's neighbor spreadsheet for those of like mind and you can either add yourself, this way you can see their star rating if they invite you and you won't have a pending neighbor that may be inactive sitting in your queue forever, or add those that are of like mind from the list.

Here is a link to her spreadsheets to get you started. Hope it helps.


03-21-12, 09:19 PM
I only play farm and dabble at pet shop. I have maybe ... I dunno... 8 good neighbors in pet and i am admittedly a lousy pet shop nbr. (please dont add me!)

But in farm I'd consider at least 75% of my current nbrs to be great nbrs who gift and water frequently. Most of my neighbors I got by being patient and doing the back and forth watering and writing on walls before becoming neighbors. If, after a couple of weeks, I've gotten a feel about how they play and we seem to be like-minded, I'll ask them to invite me.

03-21-12, 09:27 PM
Hi Jcd, what I did, was write a message on a lot of walls, telling them that I tip or water everyday to those who write on my wall. I asked that if they were like minded, then to add me. I received a lot of nbr requests that were very good people. I sifted out the ones that didn't do as I asked and was left with a lovely group.

03-21-12, 09:29 PM
Oh, and I only left messages to the people I found had written a message on someone's wall, knowing they were the ones who would probably be the regular wall writers.

03-21-12, 09:40 PM
Oh, and I only left messages to the people I found had written a message on someone's wall, knowing they were the ones who would probably be the regular wall writers.

STALKER, we have a STALKER here! :p J/K

I'm glad you found me the other day, as I didn't realize which neighbor you were on my other games until you had! LOL!! I just knew you were a neighbor. :)

03-21-12, 09:55 PM
I sometimes ask my existing good nbrs if they can recommend anyone else as a nbr who might be adding. This has worked well in the past.

I also watch peoples wall to see who's names pop up regularly. If I see someones name on a wall over and over again saying they've tipped then it's a good chance they are a regular tipper, so I'll check their wall to see if they post their gift preferences (hopefully they match mine). Then I'll tip them to see if they tip back. If they do then I will see if they are adding new nbrs.

03-21-12, 11:06 PM
I have one neighbor that I particularly trust who knows how picky I am. She recommends the best of her bunch to me and I do the same for her. Otherwise you can do what I did to get started early on. Just add people and regularly delete the ones you don't want. You'll end up deleting the vast majority, but a few will survive repeated cuts and be worthy of your time. :) Now I've got a good group of neighbors at just the right manageable size so I don't usually look for new neighbors.

03-21-12, 11:10 PM
Note to all those reading this thread: Don't bother trying to add me. I decline all neighbor requests by default unless I am expecting it from someone that was pre-arranged. So don't waste your time or mine. Don't add me and then write a post on my wall saying you agree with me and therefore we should be neighbors. That actually irritates me even more. Thanks. :)

03-22-12, 03:09 AM
I recommend you to look at my thread

you can find important information to decide by yourself.

I have some questions so you can think about them:
*You can only receive 20 gifts a day, if you have more than 20 neighbors you will never know who didn't send you a gift because you will be maxed out.
*If you have a problem in your life, and you have to take a break for RS, (lets say 1 week), would you like to be deleted because you did not tip?
*you can receive maximum 1 tip per seat you have available, and a neighbor can tip you 6 seats a day. If you have a lot of neighbors lets say (100), would you have enough seat to be tipped (600 seats). (I know you can receive tips, and reset your tables, would you do it 2 or 3 times a day?)

When I started, I use to think like you. Now I am more relaxed because this is a game to have fun.

03-22-12, 10:36 AM
I agree with DAmanding .... delete those who don't respond and keep your neighbour numbers low. I'm a level 96 player and have a great bunch of around twenty neighbours who I've enjoyed playing with for ages. If they go away, they generally let me know and if they're unexpectedly not around for a while, I know them well enough to cut them some slack and wait until they return.

03-24-12, 04:28 PM
Thanks for your advice. I appreciate it.

03-26-12, 10:03 AM
Note to all those reading this thread: Don't bother trying to add me. I decline all neighbor requests by default unless I am expecting it from someone that was pre-arranged. So don't waste your time or mine. Don't add me and then write a post on my wall saying you agree with me and therefore we should be neighbors. That actually irritates me even more. Thanks. :)


I completely agree...will u add me? :p

03-26-12, 10:33 AM

I completely agree...will u add me? :p

lol NO! :p

03-26-12, 10:36 AM
lol NO! :p

Oh come on.....pleeeeeeeeease!! LOL

Too funny! :D

03-26-12, 04:15 PM
Honestly, in all of my games, I get more tip-backs from tipping/liking off the community list. i think those are people who happen to be online at the same time and can see you on their newsfeed easier. If I tip neighbors while they're sleeping or at work and they never see my name cuz it drops off their newsfeed, its just kinda a waste of time. Fasion story is the WORST, I swear none of my neighbors hardly ever like me and I was starting to take it personally. Ill keep the neighbors that happen to exchange gifts most of the time and not hold my breath waiting for tipbacks from them. Ill just drop the ones I never ever hear from and just assume they dont even know I was ever there.

03-26-12, 06:17 PM
If I tip neighbors while they're sleeping or at work and they never see my name cuz it drops off their newsfeed, its just kinda a waste of time.

Do you post a message on their wall so that they will know? The wall feed lasts longer. Many people don't return tips off their newsfeeds, they only return tips from their wall posts.

04-01-12, 01:32 AM
I have one neighbor that I particularly trust who knows how picky I am. She recommends the best of her bunch to me and I do the same for her. Otherwise you can do what I did to get started early on. Just add people and regularly delete the ones you don't want. You'll end up deleting the vast majority, but a few will survive repeated cuts and be worthy of your time. :) Now I've got a good group of neighbors at just the right manageable size so I don't usually look for new neighbors.

I wonder who you are talking about... Hmmmmm.... Lol :confused: :o

04-01-12, 08:37 AM
Do you post a message on their wall so that they will know? The wall feed lasts longer. Many people don't return tips off their newsfeeds, they only return tips from their wall posts.

Not me, I tip back from my news feed first since that's proof they actually did tip. Then I check my wall and tip from there anyone I might have missed. Anyone could write on a wall that they tipped whether they did or not. I only write on walls occasionally that I tipped. Otherwise my neighbors know I do and tip back regularly or if they don't or they miss a day here and there, I don't really mind.

04-03-12, 07:12 AM
I try to be a good neighbor and keep my star rating at a 4 but life does get in the way with work, kids, games, PTO/Cheer meetings. My rating bounces between a 3 and 4. Currently I have 105 neighbors which I find very time consuming to tip every day plus write on their walls. I have noticed that many of my 'neighbors' are a 0, so now might be a good time to cut the 'fat' per se. What is a good amount of neighbors to keep?

04-03-12, 03:48 PM
I try to be a good neighbor and keep my star rating at a 4 but life does get in the way with work, kids, games, PTO/Cheer meetings. My rating bounces between a 3 and 4. Currently I have 105 neighbors which I find very time consuming to tip every day plus write on their walls. I have noticed that many of my 'neighbors' are a 0, so now might be a good time to cut the 'fat' per se. What is a good amount of neighbors to keep?

You need only 23 neighbors, 130 tips daily, to maintain a 4 star level.

04-03-12, 04:02 PM
I try to be a good neighbor and keep my star rating at a 4 but life does get in the way with work, kids, games, PTO/Cheer meetings. My rating bounces between a 3 and 4. Currently I have 105 neighbors which I find very time consuming to tip every day plus write on their walls. I have noticed that many of my 'neighbors' are a 0, so now might be a good time to cut the 'fat' per se. What is a good amount of neighbors to keep?

I think the amount of neighbors is up to you, how much time you have and how much you enjoy having neighbors, gifting, tipping, etc. I'm down to 45 neighbors in RS (used to be over 100) and I'm thinking of cutting down even further and deleting 0 star players even though they're good about gifting, just not tipping. Given the max limit on receiving gifts is 20 and parts requests is 20, there's not much incentive for me to have a lot of neighbors. I'm not interested in expanding any further and I've mastered all but the steampunk oven recipes so I'm not playing as much as before. It's easier to be a good neighbor by having fewer of them when I've cut back on my playing time.

04-03-12, 06:20 PM
Having less neighbours is always good. I'm trying to cut down in bakery story too. In farm story i have 33 neighbours which is where i want to be in restaurant and bakery. I hardly visit some neighbours in bakery and restaurant as i just have so many. So i visit those who post on my wall and who leave me a gift. I've cut down signifinactly in restaruarnt...down to 54. Still too many though for everyday visits. bakery is harder. I have 94 really good neighbours there. Can't find a good reason to cut any of them. Some neighbours get visited once a week unfortunately.

04-03-12, 06:35 PM
I like having around 30-35 nbrs. With 3 games, I can usually keep up with tipping and watering and maintain a 4 star rating, and I can usually get 20 gifts and not have a lot of neighbors being maxed out.

However, this hasn't been working well lately with needing up to 50-60 neighbors to expand and with the special parts for the constructables. I have more neighbors than I want in one of my games because of expansions. When I am done building constructables and no longer want one-time-use special parts like dragon parts, shamrocks, and pink fuses, I still get them for days and it often causes me to not get 20 usuable gifts.

04-03-12, 07:14 PM
Note to all those reading this thread: Don't bother trying to add me. I decline all neighbor requests by default unless I am expecting it from someone that was pre-arranged. So don't waste your time or mine. Don't add me and then write a post on my wall saying you agree with me and therefore we should be neighbors. That actually irritates me even more. Thanks. :)

Are you referring to me?? LOL

I have lots of nbrs, but tipping back nbrs on my wall is enough to get my 4 star rating! If not close to! BTW, DAmanding is my lastest nbr! Might find it frustrating to tip me in the coming few days! as I will be pretty busy and can't clear tables as often! LOL

04-03-12, 11:40 PM
I have been keeping my rating at 4 for my restaurant, bakery and fashion stories and can feel the strain and frustration when neighbors don't respond . Some neighbors only ask for parts but have never visited my shop once! I'm not upset that some neighbors cannot tip everyday and they do need parts to get their stuff built. But not even visiting once and keep seeing their requests popping up is outrageous! I realized I need to take care of my good neighbors' requests so started to delete my neighbors since last week. After all, it's so much more meaningful to have neighbors that respond and interact with me With their kind thoughts. We exchange advice what strategies are good for increasing sales and compliment specifically the way we arrange our displays. I look forward to these games even more now!

04-04-12, 05:44 AM
I have been keeping my rating at 4 for my restaurant, bakery and fashion stories and can feel the strain and frustration when neighbors don't respond . Some neighbors only ask for parts but have never visited my shop once! I'm not upset that some neighbors cannot tip everyday and they do need parts to get their stuff built. But not even visiting once and keep seeing their requests popping up is outrageous! I realized I need to take care of my good neighbors' requests so started to delete my neighbors since last week. After all, it's so much more meaningful to have neighbors that respond and interact with me With their kind thoughts. We exchange advice what strategies are good for increasing sales and compliment specifically the way we arrange our displays. I look forward to these games even more now!

When they ask at ur wall, they have visit, right?
If they ask n no tip u, tat is bad.
Then u should delete the msg on wall n dun give them part.

04-04-12, 06:22 AM
I have been keeping my rating at 4 for my restaurant, bakery and fashion stories and can feel the strain and frustration when neighbors don't respond . Some neighbors only ask for parts but have never visited my shop once! I'm not upset that some neighbors cannot tip everyday and they do need parts to get their stuff built. But not even visiting once and keep seeing their requests popping up is outrageous! I realized I need to take care of my good neighbors' requests so started to delete my neighbors since last week. After all, it's so much more meaningful to have neighbors that respond and interact with me With their kind thoughts. We exchange advice what strategies are good for increasing sales and compliment specifically the way we arrange our displays. I look forward to these games even more now!

fashion is the worst...they hardly leave a message!!

04-04-12, 08:17 AM
When they ask at ur wall, they have visit, right?
If they ask n no tip u, tat is bad.
Then u should delete the msg on wall n dun give them part.

I used to give parts and accept requests but not now. These neighbors are pseudo!

04-04-12, 06:42 PM
I started keeping track of people who seemed to never tip or gift, only request, asked them to tip back if they were still interested in being neighbors, if I still got no response, deleted them. I must say, it is much more enjoyable to play with fewer people, but ones who actually play. I now have 3 and 4 star neighbors with a few exceptions, but those exceptions do tip me every time I tip them. I know I've seen people say they needed more neighbors for expansion. Is there a listing I can look at somewhere on the forums that tells how many for each expansion? I've never not been able to expand for lack of neighbors.


04-04-12, 06:45 PM
Oh, was going to mention the laugh I get when I am invited to be a neighbor by someone I just deleted a few days prior. They don't even realize that we had been neighbors. I don't even understand why these people play.

04-04-12, 06:47 PM
Oh, was going to mention the laugh I get when I am invited to be a neighbor by someone I just deleted a few days prior. They don't even realize that we had been neighbors. I don't even understand why these people play.

Oh boy! Hope you are not referring to me! I always tip back when I receive tips!

04-04-12, 06:47 PM
All my neighbors are either 3 or 4 star rank and if they happen to drop to rank 2, I just pay closer attention to them. If they hit rank 1, I write on their wall and ask if they're still playing. If they don't respond within a few days or drop to rank 0, I delete them. I have about 70 neighbors on restaurant story and I make sure to write on their walls saying I have visited. I get around 80% of my tips back. The other 20% is due to me sleeping and my tables are all full of tips already. I also try to gift all my neighbors right when I wake up so I get in before their daily 20 max hit, I also have an excel sheet of items that my neighbors specifically request so that I make sure to send those to help them out. I do plan on making my 70 neighbors into 35-40 good ones and will be combing out the bad ones in the next few weeks but it'll be hard since most of them are very nice neighbors.

04-04-12, 07:06 PM
Oh boy! Hope you are not referring to me! I always tip back when I receive tips!

But I do have the same experience like you have. It's just that they asked to be added when we were already neighbors! Lol

04-04-12, 08:37 PM
DAmanding, I agree. Add plz? (sorry! Couldn't help myself! :D )
When I started BS, I added everyone I could, usually from people who had commented on a random community member's wall (I figured they had to be active), and accepted all that came in, which was a good plan to get started. Then I found myself with over 100 neighbors, (and I've only been playing a few weeks) and I spent hours tipping each one (and gifting), and getting lots of brownies, not a lot of tips, and stressing about tipping everyone, and how do I manage them and...ugh. When I started playing RS I was more careful about it, and currently I have around 50 right now, and I like it a lot more.
So you could say I just got neighbors in bulk in BS and am now 'weeding' out the good from the bad, starting by removing all my 0 and 1 star neighbors to start, that's helped a lot. I had to get over my hesitancy to remove anyone 'just in case', but at the same time, I'll take a sure thing, over just in case until I get a more manageable list. I comment every time I tip a neighbor (which is also easier with a smaller list) now too. That has, I think, gotten return tips, and also started conversations, which is nice. :) As I narrow down my list, I know it'll be easier to tell who is a good neighbor, and who is not. And if I need new neighbors, now I have a good neighbors to look to for who they like. (maybe DAmanding will let me be a neighbor one day! ;) )
I don't necessarily recommend getting a bunch of neighbors then working from there, but you do have to start somewhere. Figure out who you have now that are good neighbors, add a few new, see how they work out, and add on from there.