View Full Version : Lost my gems...HELP!

03-20-12, 11:22 AM
I was clicking on my dish to start cooking it and I accidentally used up my gems to complete the dish instantly....is there anyway I'm able to undo this????

03-20-12, 11:32 AM
Unfortunetly there isn't. TL doesn't refund gems for "accidental" purchases.

03-20-12, 02:25 PM
And the stories co tinge if only we had a confirmation. Button

03-20-12, 02:30 PM
Happened to me numerous times, too. TL does not refund them, as others have posted. But you'll have them back in no time as you master recipes. Be glad you didn't accidentally purchase a higher gem item. I lost 24 once when my iPad slipped and I hit one of the magic box purchases! Got a big Santa in the middle of summer! LOL