View Full Version : Anybody Else Bored?

03-16-12, 07:16 AM
I am going to take a much needed break. This game is getting to be sooooo boring! The IOS goals keep it interesting. I am so sick at looking at my boutique. I have changed it a dozen times and the clothes are getting really boring. The new stuff is so dark and depressing. I just hope my neighbors don't delete me, but this isn't fun anymore.

Sorry to sound so blah. Please bring back GOALs! Valentines seems like such a long time ago. How about a Spring update with goals (and for my Andriod sisters too)? PLEASE.

Well I am taking a vacation Fashion Story until something really changes to make it fun again.

03-16-12, 12:49 PM
I am going to take a much needed break. This game is getting to be sooooo boring! The IOS goals keep it interesting. I am so sick at looking at my boutique. I have changed it a dozen times and the clothes are getting really boring. The new stuff is so dark and depressing. I just hope my neighbors don't delete me, but this isn't fun anymore.

Sorry to sound so blah. Please bring back GOALs! Valentines seems like such a long time ago. How about a Spring update with goals (and for my Andriod sisters too)? PLEASE.

Well I am taking a vacation Fashion Story until something really changes to make it fun again.

I agree with you. This is my current wall post: ������WILL ONLY PLAY FOR ONE HOUR DAILY������ ����������CLOSED ON THE WEEKENDS����������������������.

03-16-12, 06:35 PM
Just might be joining you ladies, I too have gotten bored with my shop just not in the mood to change it. After losing most of my gems in a gem trap, I am just a little bit closer to going away for a few days, & hope I'm not deleted also. Might just borrow your newsfeed notice!

03-16-12, 06:50 PM
I'm kind of getting bored too~ The new catalogs are making it impossible to finish completing the older ones.
Plus, it takes a long time to earn gems and money. ._. I just lost money, today.

I don't know if I have the will power though >.<

03-16-12, 07:31 PM
Anyone know when is new goals coming up fashion story?

03-16-12, 08:26 PM
I am with you ladies.....clothes are really beginning to bore me --- especially the ones with the shorter order times. I like the new displays so that has helped me a bit.....broke down and spent gems. Oh well...it's my only vice (sort of - Lol). I have been wondering where the goals are lately also.... I have had the Love is in the Air Goal forever it seems, b/c I refuse to spend money on two cash registers....especially when i really don't care much for the Cupid. Wait.....Just saw a new one called Accessory Crazy - worth a gem. That's a start.

03-17-12, 12:23 AM
I am an Android player without any goals....imagine my boredom with the game....I have actually stopped playing until goals are introduced to this platform...however I don't think that will ever happen...

03-17-12, 12:53 AM
I really would like new goals!!!
Some of my neighbors are still collecting their goals so i thought i had a bug....

03-17-12, 04:13 AM
Was thinking this not too long ago so thanks for bringing the point up!
I mean its just so boring

1. Ive tipped my neighbours this morning, got nothing left to do for the day until i collect my clothes on order

2. I don't earn coins quick enough to re-design my shop or add items (besides the fact that my coins tend to disappear from time to time)

3. I can't keep up with ordering the different catalogues, the old stuff ive pretty much mastered (appart from the day length stuff) - but that takes ages to collect, and with new stuff coming and disappearing in the blink of an eye, i don't have time to keep up with the old catalogue.

4. I'm getting sick of people saying theyve had really good gem sales, when i havent had one since november last year. I think i pay enough as it is, its not fair others are benefitting when I'm not.

We NEED new goals, or something. They dont have to give us physical items, even just xp to help level up. Come on Team Lava, get a shift on!:mad::mad:

03-17-12, 04:45 AM
I'm sorry, but I love my store and never ever get bored with it.

03-17-12, 05:09 AM
I'm sorry, but I love my store and never ever get bored with it.

What level are you?

03-17-12, 05:21 AM
Level 79

03-17-12, 05:51 AM
I m bored too. I wish they can create more new goals.
1, more items for coins
2, more items for our girl
3,new man line
Just something new and fun

03-17-12, 07:00 AM
Girl i am with you . This game can get boring and nothing seems completely new. Some of tl displays have nothing to do with shops. They normally design whatever they want to design to sell gems. Clothes take too long, to expand the shop is too expensive, and as an android user i feel under valued by tl for not having the privileges that ipod users have. I definetly have less love for this game now compare to when i started. If it wasn't for my nice neighbors i would stop playing this game completely.

03-17-12, 07:31 AM
I have to admit I was a little disappointed to see the makeup go for Valentine's day considering we can't build the counter on Android. it was a nice change of pace .for a while .And my neighbors quit when I say I can't send .parts.that's enough to make you want to close.

03-17-12, 08:14 AM
I agree with you, but at the same time I understand that TL can't always be making goals for us.. I do hope there's something new for us other than new decor and clothing. :)

03-17-12, 08:41 AM
Just off the topic...
If the team create a man line.
Who do u want your avatar look like?

03-17-12, 09:07 AM
Level 79

So...how do you keep the romance alive!!!???? LOL

03-17-12, 10:07 AM
I'm bored... I want to expand but they keep stealing my coins.

The new clothes are UGLY. There are so many great suggestions for new clothes on this forum but they give us ugly football uniforms and an ugly hat that looks like a leaf.

03-17-12, 11:50 AM
Wonder if it is just my IPhone or what? I keep getting goal request and of course I accept them since it is no harm to me, my ?? Is why aren't they gone? I still have one in my corner b/c I was saving up my gems to expand & get caught in a gem trap therefore I can't expand to complete this annoying goal that shows up like it is new. Anyone else getting request& or who could still be doing goals?

03-17-12, 12:30 PM
I m bored too. I wish they can create more new goals.
1, more items for coins
2, more items for our girl
3,new man line
Just something new and fun

I LOVE the idea of a men's line! My boyfriend won't play FS, even though he's played all the others, simply because he can't idtify with the clothes or the customers. TL would attract tons more players if they had women's and men's clothes! Or even kids' clothes would be nice!

03-18-12, 02:50 AM
...and an ugly hat that looks like a leaf.

LOL!! made me giggle :P

03-18-12, 06:10 AM
I am bored too. But it is not that related to goals. I always set my own goals in getting gems through mastery and redesigning my shop. As I have finished many short-hour catalogs, now I am mastering 12 - 22 hour catalogs, only need to connect to the game one or at most two times a day. You can image how hands off and boring it is. The weekly update helps a bit in keeping players' eagerness to redecorate the shop, but I found the update are quite repeating, e.g. the fairy dress looks like the variation of mermaid dress, the emerald forest display looks like the mixture of valentine and fairy displays... I think players are looking for new features like the makeup counter last time...

03-18-12, 07:25 AM
I am bored too. But it is not that related to goals. I always set my own goals in getting gems through mastery and redesigning my shop. As I have finished many short-hour catalogs, now I am mastering 12 - 22 hour catalogs, only need to connect to the game one or at most two times a day. You can image how hands off and boring it is. The weekly update helps a bit in keeping players' eagerness to redecorate the shop, but I found the update are quite repeating, e.g. the fairy dress looks like the variation of mermaid dress, the emerald forest display looks like the mixture of valentine and fairy displays... I think players are looking for new features like the makeup counter last time...

Yeah know what you mean, after getting the fairy display - the emerald display is near enough the same thing :/ plus, the updates are the same thing - buy one major item thats available for a high gem price (like fairy/emerald display), maybe one or two new catalogue, one or two display items in decoration tab.... give us goals! spruce it up a bit TL, come on theres tonnes of people voiceing their opinions! listen up lol

03-18-12, 05:35 PM
I'm bored... I want to expand but they keep stealing my coins.

The new clothes are UGLY. There are so many great suggestions for new clothes on this forum but they give us ugly football uniforms and an ugly hat that looks like a leaf.

To me it looks like a turtle.

03-18-12, 10:08 PM
Mine still have goal missions for fashion, only i have to save lots money for expansion goal so still working on it. My dissapear goals happen in bakery & restaurant after valentine over...

03-19-12, 12:52 AM
I am an Android player without any goals....imagine my boredom with the game....I have actually stopped playing until goals are introduced to this platform...however I don't think that will ever happen...
I imagine you will be waiting for quite some time.

03-19-12, 12:53 AM
I have to admit I was a little disappointed to see the makeup go for Valentine's day considering we can't build the counter on Android. it was a nice change of pace .for a while .And my neighbors quit when I say I can't send .parts.that's enough to make you want to close.
Yes Androids are left out of a lot of the good stuff. Tl needs to hurry up and create full feature parity within the platforms. This waiting game is getting old.

03-19-12, 07:36 AM
To me it looks like a turtle.

No it looks like a swamp lily pad

03-21-12, 01:00 AM
Is this a permanent change having no goals except for the expansion ones or just temporary?? Can't see the point of playing if there is nothing to achieve???

03-23-12, 04:32 PM
Is this a permanent change having no goals except for the expansion ones or just temporary?? Can't see the point of playing if there is nothing to achieve???

I hear ya...

03-23-12, 04:47 PM
No it's not permanent (unfortunately). Sadly goals will come back around November. But by all means quit, please. Cause if this thread convinces TL that they need to have goals year round then I'll quit. I hate the goals. I've created my own goals (I'm imaginative that way) and their goals interfere with they goals I've created for myself.

I know many other long term players who feel the same as I do. These games never had goals until about a year ago. So those of us who have been playing longer than a year relish the down time once the stupid goals are gone.

There are other games out there that have goals all the time. By all means go play those.

03-23-12, 04:54 PM
I tend to disagree. I think it's who you ask. There are tons of people who are high or low level players who I'm sure would love to have goals, but they have been denied them. Goals give you special items, food, gems, coins, and XP - something that could help lower level gamers and keep older ones tuned in. They've been exclusively for IOS devices, but I hope tl sees that IOS players are annoyed by them, and therefore work to exclusively put them on Android.
One could dream.

03-23-12, 05:13 PM
I know what goals give you. But I also know what goals cost. The coins they give are always far less then what it costs to actually complete the goal itself. So in the end you lose money. That won't help a low level player at all. Only frustrate them.

Same goes for any goals that offer gems as a reward. They give you far less then they ask you to spend. So again you come out behind.

The only goals I do are the goals that give a special item, since it's the only way to get it. Other wise I don't bother. Would rather move forward in my game then backward. If you think I'm wrong just pay closer attention next time goals come out. Once you see how much they cost to do you may not like them as much anymore either.

Wouldn't bother me one bit if goals were removed from IOS systems so that other systems could have them instead. I won't miss them at all.

03-23-12, 05:48 PM
What I find most boring are the gifts. Can't we get new gift items?

03-23-12, 06:43 PM
Be careful what you wish for. If Fashion gets more gifts it will most likely be constructable parts. And that's nothing but a pain in all the other games. Really don't want it in fashion too. But would be nice if they maybe changed up the fashions a bit. Red sweater just isn't really appealing when it's hot outside. A summer dress or tank top maybe. Pair of shorts or sandals would be nice. But I don't want constructables.

03-24-12, 05:18 AM
I am bored and remodel my shop again.... But just don't know what to do anymore
We need new goals ,dresses ,idea please

03-24-12, 08:22 PM
Okay I'm new and dumb =) What are goals? Do they have them on android? And what is "Valentines"? I need to be schooled lol:p

I am going to take a much needed break. This game is getting to be sooooo boring! The IOS goals keep it interesting. I am so sick at looking at my boutique. I have changed it a dozen times and the clothes are getting really boring. The new stuff is so dark and depressing. I just hope my neighbors don't delete me, but this isn't fun anymore.

Sorry to sound so blah. Please bring back GOALs! Valentines seems like such a long time ago. How about a Spring update with goals (and for my Andriod sisters too)? PLEASE.

Well I am taking a vacation Fashion Story until something really changes to make it fun again.

03-24-12, 08:51 PM
I know what goals give you. But I also know what goals cost. The coins they give are always far less then what it costs to actually complete the goal itself. So in the end you lose money. That won't help a low level player at all. Only frustrate them.

Same goes for any goals that offer gems as a reward. They give you far less then they ask you to spend. So again you come out behind.

The only goals I do are the goals that give a special item, since it's the only way to get it. Other wise I don't bother. Would rather move forward in my game then backward. If you think I'm wrong just pay closer attention next time goals come out. Once you see how much they cost to do you may not like them as much anymore either.

Wouldn't bother me one bit if goals were removed from IOS systems so that other systems could have them instead. I won't miss them at all.

EXACTLY!! I noticed the same thing after a few weeks of downloading the game. I was thinking why in the world would i just give 5000 coins for a "cater" or 3000 coins to "get rid of the paparazzi". Why would i spend 125,000 coins on 5 purple racks when i hate the color?

I'm not bored but I also care very little about goals. I'll participate if it doesn't cost me anything like neighbor request or purchasing something I was gonna buy anyway. I'll gladly do that for extra coins or XP's. I hate the gifts; you'll never see any of the ones offered thus far in my shop.

03-25-12, 08:11 AM
I love my store as well and I am not bored with it BUT I do not like how long it takes for the new items and it makes it very hard to complete. I feel that the time should be shorter like 6-8 hours verse 12-16-24 hours...they should change the times on the older clothes...it just takes way too long. I remember when I first started to play they had 30 or 40% off gems...now I only see 20%...personally I don't like spending money on this game...I have spent close to $1000 over all and that is crazy! I have controlled myself much better now but still don't like how much things cost with the gems. Oh well!

03-25-12, 08:49 AM
Regardless of my personal preference, I do think it would be nice to offer goals for those players who enjoy them. I will say however that I believe the goals are a major reason newer players have difficulty accumulating coins. When I visit random lower level players on the weekend I see countless shops with empty purple racks. When you spend 125,000 coins on 5 purple racks when 5 regular ones only cost 5,000 it's no wonder the player has empty racks. There's little currency left for clothes. Bless their hearts, they'll post please visit I have no money or I need neighbors ... It's tough when you have nothing in your shop to tip.

03-25-12, 09:10 AM
Today I have just housekept my neighbor list and removed inactive players (not playing for over 1 month). I am quite shocked that the number of neighbors drops to 150+ from 225! It's is one-third of the total and 70 players stopped playing... Surely it is just a single case and it cannot conclude that players get bored and stop playing. I just want to point out that players will stop playing at any time and even won't bother to stop by here and express 'I feel bored' or make positive suggestions... I hope TL will really release offer new interests rather than those very routine weekly update.

03-25-12, 01:39 PM
Today I have just housekept my neighbor list and removed inactive players (not playing for over 1 month). I am quite shocked that the number of neighbors drops to 150+ from 225! It's is one-third of the total and 70 players stopped playing... Surely it is just a single case and it cannot conclude that players get bored and stop playing. I just want to point out that players will stop playing at any time and even won't bother to stop by here and express 'I feel bored' or make positive suggestions... I hope TL will really release offer new interests rather than those very routine weekly update.

People quit all the time. Even while goals are going on. You said these people you just removed have been inactive for over a month. That means they quit while goals were still going on. So clearly they didn't quit because they got bored. Perhaps they didn't like the goals, and so they quit.

03-27-12, 07:29 AM
I am all for the goals. No one is being forced to play the goals. So what is the big deal? I realize it is difficult for the newer players, but we were all new once and went through the same challenges.

03-27-12, 07:34 AM
Goals are the only thing keeping me playing - i never get any other reason to play anymore... :/

I try to make my own goals, im working my way through the catalogue slider - mastering each one then going onto the next... whoo exciting. but what else is there to do? the update comes, i buy whatever they're offering - then thats it for a week.

*sigh* team lava, you're making a fortune off the loyal players of fashion story ALONE - reward us somehow COME ON.

04-12-12, 11:32 PM
Another stereotyped weekly update. Though I still love the new catalog, other weekly update is really routine and routine... I suggest a new idea in the game in another thread. c if any of u would comment.


04-13-12, 06:39 AM
Today I have just housekept my neighbor list and removed inactive players (not playing for over 1 month). I am quite shocked that the number of neighbors drops to 150+ from 225! It's is one-third of the total and 70 players stopped playing... Surely it is just a single case and it cannot conclude that players get bored and stop playing. I just want to point out that players will stop playing at any time and even won't bother to stop by here and express 'I feel bored' or make positive suggestions... I hope TL will really release offer new interests rather than those very routine weekly update.

That brings up a great question...is there anyway to know for sure if someone has quit playing the game. I look at the star rating but that can drop temporarily at times due to life's busy-ness!!

04-17-12, 09:11 PM
Goals would be nice, but better updates would be better. Seriously, the past few updates... is this Fashion Story or Fashion Forest. Where's Yogi the Bear?? The fairy displays were beautiful but enough is enough! New themes, more gifting options, equal distribution of gems sales, more coin items so the people who don't buy gems can have more options, more goals since many players enjoy them! I've also deleted over 60 inactive neighbors. People are quickly loosing interest.

04-18-12, 10:51 AM
I keep spending gems by accident :( I think I'll spend less time to play as well.

04-18-12, 01:58 PM
Fashion story used to be my favourite game out af all the TL games. Now its soo boring. My shop look boring too bc theres not a lot of "gem" items. Maybe I should save up for a huge fountain or something.

Im spending most of my time on bakery at the moment.

04-19-12, 12:32 AM
Yes it's getting boring.
1- No goals over 50 level,
2- no new slots to earn,
3- too long time to master a catalogue
4- Too difficult to earn gems, so easy too loose by accidental move
5- too many ads pop up interrupting the games

Why don't we have sometimes:
1- gems lottery
2- sale to other neighbors of unused furniture
3- new slots to earn every 6 levels
4- possibility to stock clothes
5- more way to earn gems ( 1st prize in gems for best collection display, best color collection, for shoe lover, for jewels addicted ...)

04-19-12, 04:38 AM
Fashion story used to be my favourite game out af all the TL games. Now its soo boring. My shop look boring too bc theres not a lot of "gem" items. Maybe I should save up for a huge fountain or something.

Im spending most of my time on bakery at the moment.

Agree. Fashion story was once my most favourite game. Now I spend more time on games not offering by TL.

04-19-12, 08:16 AM
Agree, I havent been on in about 4 days cos its just so boring until the update comes. Hell its even more exciting to come on here than on the actual game lol :P

04-19-12, 07:51 PM
I feel limited because everything is expensive in this game. Compared to restaurant/bakery story I run low on money so quickly. 2500$ for floor tiles?! There aren't enough average priced stuff. I'm insanely rich in my other lava games that I'm bored but here one purchase and I'm broke~

04-20-12, 10:51 AM
... its even more exciting to come on here than on the actual game lol :P

I think so too. I spend more time on the forum than in all 4 of my games combined.

04-24-12, 12:19 AM
I wonder what TL will do to save us from this 'boringytis' . .....

05-15-12, 12:21 PM
Count me in on this thread. I'll be lvl 75 probably today which means I open up one more expansion..whoopity doo dah dah.. I don't need it just yet not for a while then I have 2 more expansions after that. I play on Android so don't have goals and not so sure I really want them. I make up my own goals i.e. finish this catalog or I want this X many items of this catalog etc. I wish that there was more rewards in place for leveling up. We would have something to look forward to than it just being another number. I do look forward to the weekly updates just like everyone elese. But that's about it and the exictment is short lived.

05-15-12, 12:24 PM
Came back to correct my post sorry I have 2 expansions left period for now..Not needing them just needed to correct my previous statement.

05-15-12, 02:52 PM
I really do wish for more ordering slots - other than the ones from gem traps ;)
...especially since the newer catalogs have been for longer times.

05-15-12, 08:46 PM
Why is fashion story boring? I can't play one of my accounts and I can't get on the forums for that account cuz I forgot my password......