View Full Version : Use coins instead of real money to buy gems

11-01-10, 09:27 PM
Please can we have the option to buy gems with gold coins we earn instead of real money? The 'cook instantly' button should be taken out too cos it is very easy to tap on that unintentionally, thus losing our precious gems!

11-01-10, 11:14 PM
Except coins are basically free for a player to make - when not counting the time you spend in the game messing around with the stoves and ovens, I mean. TL needs to make a living also as well as paying for the hardware on which to actually run the games.

Now I'd like to see TL compensating the players for this recent mess that these bugs had caused - maybe with free gems (ideal) or even a special in-game decoration that you cannot get anywhere else (sort of okay). Not to mention seeing if they can repay people for any losses the bugs had caused - for example, if you bought gems that got lost, you should be able to get them back if you prove that the purchase happened to prevent fraud.

Gems are essentially free to TL, and given the bad PR from these bugs, giving them away should be good to help fix some of this.

I just don't like to see how expensive gems are. I have an account in the Japan App Store, and gems cost me... 700 yen for 6. That's close to US$9 when converted, and there is no way I'm paying that! :p