View Full Version : Where did the Goals go?

03-15-12, 11:54 AM
They were there last night and now they are gone! Did I miss a message about them being removed? I was working on my last two in BS :(

03-15-12, 12:37 PM
Me too! I was so close to getting molten lava cake and then poof they went away. I was told that Teamlava said they were taking them down but idk why i was never informed and i wish there was a countdown so we would know how time we have left like during the Christmas goals.

03-15-12, 12:41 PM
That's exactly where I was too... Your right though. I wonder why we didn't get a countdown this time. I don't recall getting a message about them taking the goals away either :-/

03-15-12, 12:43 PM
There was an in-game notification about all the Valentine content going away a week or so prior to them actually going away and there are multiple threads on the forums about March 13 being the pull date. They actually didn't pull them until a day after they said they would. Sorry you weren't able to complete the goals in time.

03-15-12, 01:03 PM
Yea, I probably missed the notification. Bummer. I really wanted that Molten lava cake too! LOL! Well better luck next time I guess ;)

03-16-12, 11:13 AM
I finished one of the goal, did not get item. What can I say? It's better let us finish the started goals.

03-17-12, 01:16 AM
So, will this game provide goals again? I find no challenging without goals so meanwhile i'm closing my bakery... When will the goals appear again?

03-17-12, 02:35 AM
Goals are usually released before a major holiday. I'm sure they're working up some devilishly interesting goals for Easter as I write this.

When there are no goals, take advantage of the time to master recipes and save $$$ Try to master higher level recipes since low level ones are usually used in the goals.

Remember, you get a gem upon reaching level 2 and 4 mastery for each recipe so you have lots of gems in there ... No time for breaks! Get back to work :P