View Full Version : Rude much?!

03-14-12, 10:35 PM
Lol idk if this was meant to be an insult to my restaurant, but here is what a non-neighbor wrote on my darn wall..... "Ur restaurant is kinda messy but i still tipped u tip me!" Ummmm first of all, this person is a newbie at level 6 with barely any space in their restaurant! 0__o second of all, my restaurant may not be good looking like most, but hey, it's mine! And lastly, u asked me to tip u back?! PFFFT after u made a slick insult about my spot, oh no! lol

03-14-12, 10:37 PM
Yeah, there have been a lot of players saying people are writing that on others walls. Awful really. Just ignore them and they'll go away hopefully. If anyone looked at my BS or RS right now they would be horrified as I fully expanded both the other day and am now in the renovation period which means I need coins and deco, but with updates coming, I'm holding off. LOL

03-14-12, 10:38 PM
It sounds like it may have been written by someone very young.

03-14-12, 10:44 PM
lol the thing that really got me is when they asked me to tip them back! I went to their restaurant and saw how plain it was lol....i busted up laughing

03-14-12, 10:46 PM
It is like the people that post "add me" on your wall but don't tip you. You come to my place, you take the time to put in my ID, you post on my wall, but you can't leave 3 measly tips? Seriously? If they can't do it then, they won't do it once I add them, so I just decline the invite. :p

03-14-12, 11:00 PM
I had this happen to me not awhile ago. This player in level 20-30 comes to my boutique, write on my wall that my boutique is messy and crowded.
I visited that person's boutique to find few racks almost empty with white walls and white tiles, lol. I just deleted that message laughing (but furious at the same time). I spent great amount of time and money (both coins and gems) renovating my boutique after last update and new player (sorry but level 20-30 is pretty new) who's not my neighbor comes to my boutique and JUDGE?
I wish those players are banned (I know, harsh)

03-14-12, 11:29 PM
I had this happen to me not awhile ago. This player in level 20-30 comes to my boutique, write on my wall that my boutique is messy and crowded.
I visited that person's boutique to find few racks almost empty with white walls and white tiles, lol. I just deleted that message laughing (but furious at the same time). I spent great amount of time and money (both coins and gems) renovating my boutique after last update and new player (sorry but level 20-30 is pretty new) who's not my neighbor comes to my boutique and JUDGE?
I wish those players are banned (I know, harsh)
lol i totally agree with the part about them being banned. Last time i checked, i didn't ask for their opinion on my darn restaurant

03-15-12, 03:55 AM
I had someone tell me that I needed to add more tables because they couldn't tip me. This person was a level 20, I'm a 96. I guess they didn't get that when you have a 4 star rating, it means you tip a lot of people and get a lot of tips back, so sometimes your tables are full! The ironic thing was that they didn't even have enough tables in their place to seat all their customers. I think it's amusing when people try to tell you how to play.

03-16-12, 07:30 AM
lol i totally agree with the part about them being banned. Last time i checked, i didn't ask for their opinion on my darn restaurant

Lol !! Really !!! I'm sorry that i'm going to say that but i have to ..
Is it so hard to ingnor them !! Or even reply to what they said !!
This is silly thing to annoyed of !!
And you can't prevent Them from saying their opinion !! If you're afraid of critisism then ignor what they say or don't do anything at all!! Because people criticise all the time !!

Sorry if that offended you ! (don't ban me plz!)

03-16-12, 07:50 AM
I have yet to get a snarky response like that from anyone about any of my spaces in any of the games. But, I wouldn't be surprised to read that comment in RS or FS, or even PSS about my spaces. Like queentina3, I recently expanded in all three of those games, so I'm saving coins to put up wallpaper and such. Queentina3 has seen my restaurant, so she can tell you how cruddy it looks right now. ;-D

I'd probably leave a message like that on my wall for a while, just so other people could see it and be warned about what sort of neighbor that person would be. But I wouldn't get angry about it if I were you. Like you said, their place ain't purty, either, so it's just good ol' fashioned jealousy on their part.

I roll my eyes when people write, "Add me [name]" on my wall. Sure they tip me, and I go and tip back, but ordering me to neighbor you won't make me wanna do it. I give more preference to the ones that say please.

03-16-12, 08:24 AM
I haven't received this type of comments......yet.
My BS and RS don't look all that great. I spent a lot of gold and gems on stuff, but the overall look is OK at best due to my #1 priority to maximize gold production.
After all, I have to play the games with some type of objective....or I'm just wasting my time tapping on things day after day;)

I did have people who either curse me out or calling me an idiot for not gifting food. This is after I made it very clear that I only gift parts and accept only parts, AND still made an exception for some newbies.

03-16-12, 08:31 AM
I never had any bad comments, I also have that I don't accept food or gift food, and some people, neighbors and non-neighbors asked me why, I just said I have too much and that is it.
Just ignore those who are rude. "If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything".

03-16-12, 08:32 AM
I never had any bad comments, I also have that I don't accept food or gift food, and some people, neighbors and non-neighbors asked me why, I just said I have too much and that is it.
Just ignore those who are rude. "If you don't have anything nice to say, just don't say anything".

Yup, ignore and delete.....end of story:)

03-16-12, 08:38 AM
Lol a very honest person i guess... i would never write something like that on a foreign wall :S

03-16-12, 09:17 AM
I have yet to get a snarky response like that from anyone about any of my spaces in any of the games. But, I wouldn't be surprised to read that comment in RS or FS, or even PSS about my spaces. Like queentina3, I recently expanded in all three of those games, so I'm saving coins to put up wallpaper and such. Queentina3 has seen my restaurant, so she can tell you how cruddy it looks right now. ;-D

I'd probably leave a message like that on my wall for a while, just so other people could see it and be warned about what sort of neighbor that person would be. But I wouldn't get angry about it if I were you. Like you said, their place ain't purty, either, so it's just good ol' fashioned jealousy on their part.

I roll my eyes when people write, "Add me [name]" on my wall. Sure they tip me, and I go and tip back, but ordering me to neighbor you won't make me wanna do it. I give more preference to the ones that say please.

LMAO, you've seen both my RS/BS too, they are a MESS! ROFL I expanded fully with gems on both and in BS I'm trying to get rid of the +2 mil plates I have on counters, so everything is scattered, and blocked, and just thrown around with a few chairs near one of the doors. I'm slowly fixing up each little area as I get the coin (RS is ****ing me with how long that's taking), so I would agree with ANYONE that said my place looked like a disaster. hahaha

Whoa, did you see that tornado that ran through her shop? LOL Yup, that's my BS/RS

03-16-12, 09:27 AM
I roll my eyes when people write, "Add me [name]" on my wall. Sure they tip me, and I go and tip back, but ordering me to neighbor you won't make me wanna do it. I give more preference to the ones that say please.

Likewise. But even RUDER in my opinion are the ones who just send me a neighbor invite without posting or even tipping! Maybe I should change my bakery name so that my name and ID aren't the same. Or maybe people just shouldn't be so rude! Yeah, I think that's it.

03-16-12, 09:46 AM
Likewise. But even RUDER in my opinion are the ones who just send me a neighbor invite without posting or even tipping!

I had that happen to me yesterday where someone just wrote "add me" with their storm ID - no please, thank you and they didn't tip. And they wrote it right above my post that said "sorry but not adding new neighbors anymore". So, they don't tip or read walls - I should add them why??? While I don't necessarily consider it rude per se, they definitely don't come across as a type of neighbor I would want.

03-16-12, 09:50 AM
I had that happen to me yesterday where someone just wrote "add me" with their storm ID - no please, thank you and they didn't tip. And they wrote it right above my post that said "sorry but not adding new neighbors anymore". So, they don't tip or read walls - I should add them why??? While I don't necessarily consider it rude per se, they definitely don't come across as a type of neighbor I would want.

Hey pastrychef: add me

(Just kidding, please no one add me!)

03-16-12, 09:51 AM
I'm talking about the neighbor invite where they actually go and add you from the Invite Friends tab and then you find some random person's invitation on your Neighbor tab later on with no post on your wall and not even a tip on your news feed!

03-16-12, 09:52 AM
Hey pastrychef: add me

(Just kidding, please no one add me!)

Now you'll find some random rude person named DAmanding has sent you an invite on your neighbor tab. ;) :P Just kidding. :D

03-16-12, 11:04 AM
I'm talking about the neighbor invite where they actually go and add you from the Invite Friends tab and then you find some random person's invitation on your Neighbor tab later on with no post on your wall and not even a tip on your news feed!

Oh, geez, that happens to me nearly every day. I figure they get my storm ID from the forum and send the invite but 9 times out of 10, they don't tip or visit but just send the invite. And they expect me to click "accept". Not happening.

Pinkster, look out, I'm playing Farm now! Just kidding, I never add people unless they ask AND if I'm actually looking for neighbors ;).

03-16-12, 11:52 AM
Oh, geez, that happens to me nearly every day. I figure they get my storm ID from the forum and send the invite but 9 times out of 10, they don't tip or visit but just send the invite. And they expect me to click "accept". Not happening.

Pinkster, look out, I'm playing Farm now! Just kidding, I never add people unless they ask AND if I'm actually looking for neighbors ;).

I get a bunch of invites daily. I always decline. I wish our storm Id was not our forum name.

03-16-12, 11:55 AM
Oh pinkster, you are just too popular *o*

My Restaurant is a mess. I don't plan to decorate until after I'm done expanding via coins (which is gonna take foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrr)
My Bakery looks nice but that is because I had reached the max expansion at the time and finally had funds to pretty the place up. Of which I did =D And now time to save coins to expansions againnnnnn TT__TT

03-16-12, 04:10 PM
Personally I don't care if people voice there opinion on my wall about my place, whether its good or bad they have the right to there opinion.what bothers me is when people are rude.you can give constructive criticism with out being rude .I think its funny how she asked to be your neighbor after she told you she didn't like your place.If she didn't like your place why would you want to have to go and look at it everyday .is she going to close her eyes when she tips you..LMAO.. the nerve of people. SMH

03-16-12, 04:22 PM
*Ignore ignore ignore. In some cases, they just want you to respond so it can become a back and forth situation.

03-16-12, 04:39 PM
Lol idk if this was meant to be an insult to my restaurant, but here is what a non-neighbor wrote on my darn wall..... "Ur restaurant is kinda messy but i still tipped u tip me!" Ummmm first of all, this person is a newbie at level 6 with barely any space in their restaurant! 0__o second of all, my restaurant may not be good looking like most, but hey, it's mine! And lastly, u asked me to tip u back?! PFFFT after u made a slick insult about my spot, oh no! lol

Idk. I'd take it as an insult. I had somebody write on my wall...OMG ur place is sic! And they didn't leave. tip. I got mad and wrote on their wall...Like ur place is any better. I sent a complaint to TL and haven't heard from them since. Oh I also told them it was against the rules to attack other players. Anyway, my nephew and a friend on here sourlicorice informed me being sic meant awesome. Was a new one to me. lol

But to say your place is. mess but I tipped you anyway tip me back!!! I'd probably write on their wall NOPE. Idk. Seems there Re some mean people on here. But the good way out weigh them. :)

03-16-12, 04:44 PM
lol i totally agree with the part about them being banned. Last time i checked, i didn't ask for their opinion on my darn restaurant

I enjoy seeing how different people make their place unique. It doesn't matter what I think about it cause it is their place. Although I have never seen a place I thought was ugly. And if I did I wouldn't write it on their walls. Oooo ur place is ugly. Mine is pretty. Now tip me!!! Too bad you can't block people who are mean then u don't have too see them. lol

03-16-12, 04:46 PM
I had someone tell me that I needed to add more tables because they couldn't tip me. This person was a level 20, I'm a 96. I guess they didn't get that when you have a 4 star rating, it means you tip a lot of people and get a lot of tips back, so sometimes your tables are full! The ironic thing was that they didn't even have enough tables in their place to seat all their customers. I think it's amusing when people try to tell you how to play.

I have offered advice to new players a couple of times. But always tell them I'm trying to help and not be bossy. I think I ended up nbrs every time. lol. But I get what ur saying. :)

03-16-12, 04:51 PM
I get a bunch of invites daily. I always decline. I wish our storm Id was not our forum name.

Really? I didn't know that. lol. I get invites and usually accept and don't even look at who it's from.

03-16-12, 04:55 PM
I asked a question on yahooanswers one night and I swear I had a person write "I know the answer but I'm not telling you because I don't like the way you worded the question". I had to write in additional comments that usually when someone says I know but I'm not telling you they usually don't know jack. lol

03-16-12, 05:28 PM
I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in these issues. Not too long ago I had a level 6 give me "tips" on my level 96 Fashion store. I think some people are just naturally pushy and bossy. I just laugh and feel sorry for the people who have to be around this person in real life.

As for people adding you without "introducing" themselves happens to me all the time too. I refuse to add anyone who doesn't at least bother to introduce themselves on my wall. Usually I get low level players with equally low star ratings. On the off chance I actually get a high level player with a high star rating I have posted on their wall asking "How did you get my ID and why did you add me?" Cause I don't advertise my ID at anywhere. So far my questions have always been met with hostile replies accusing me of being too uptight with comments like "it's just a game" and such. I've hand picked almost all my nbrs in an attempt to find like minded players that play the same way I do. I don't just accept everyone, blows my mind that people think I should. I've very picky about who I add, I have the best nbrs.

I'm with you Pink, I also loathe that our ID's is our user name here. When I first signed up the first thing I did was try to find a way to change. Figured out quickly it wasn't possible. Really wish they would change that.

03-16-12, 07:39 PM
I don't get neighbor invites on my neighbor tab every day, but the frequency has certainly increased significantly since I started posting on the forums. Now I get a few a week.

I sometimes give advice to new players, especially if they're making major layout mistakes like too many chairs per table and no path to the chairs. I've only had one who got mad about it. They do usually ask me to be neighbors but I have a standard "Sorry I'm not adding neighbors at this time" statement that automatically expands from a shortcut I created so I can easily reply. I believe in daily tipping all my neighbors so I generally keep my neighbor list under 30-40 and I periodically weed out neighbors who don't return daily tips.

03-16-12, 07:47 PM
Really? I didn't know that. lol. I get invites and usually accept and don't even look at who it's from.

I water and gift daily so I'm trying to keep my list shorter. It's at 70 and sometimes its too much. So I do the same "screening" as Lueann :p

03-16-12, 08:15 PM
I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in these issues. Not too long ago I had a level 6 give me "tips" on my level 96 Fashion store. I think some people are just naturally pushy and bossy. I just laugh and feel sorry for the people who have to be around this person in real life.

As for people adding you without "introducing" themselves happens to me all the time too. I refuse to add anyone who doesn't at least bother to introduce themselves on my wall. Usually I get low level players with equally low star ratings. On the off chance I actually get a high level player with a high star rating I have posted on their wall asking "How did you get my ID and why did you add me?" Cause I don't advertise my ID at anywhere. So far my questions have always been met with hostile replies accusing me of being too uptight with comments like "it's just a game" and such. I've hand picked almost all my nbrs in an attempt to find like minded players that play the same way I do. I don't just accept everyone, blows my mind that people think I should. I've very picky about who I add, I have the best nbrs.

I'm with you Pink, I also loathe that our ID's is our user name here. When I first signed up the first thing I did was try to find a way to change. Figured out quickly it wasn't possible. Really wish they would change that.

OMG I just found my twin sis lol
Im the same way, I handpicked my current dear neighbors and have no intention to add anymore.
I dont take low level players unless I had several tipping back relationship before becoming a neighbor, and I only take 3-4 stars. I delete current nbrs that fall below 2 stars unless they notify me in advance that they're away.
I have VIP nbrs who I personally refers to those that visit me everyday and leave msg on my wall after tipping/like/watering. These nbrs may fall down to 1-2 stars but are never deleted because I know they have life outside of the game and trust they'll be back after their life crisis/emergencies/ or whatever has been resolved.

I have been getting many invites without anything metioned on my wall, rude and nope you're not getting on my nbr list.
Many complements my store along with tipping and I graciously tip back but I have one message written by me a I delete all messages after I read them that clearly states "Sorry NOT taking anymore neighbors".
But guess what? I have a person that writes directly above this, add me -----.
If you dont even have time to read one line message that is written by the owner, you're not the nbr Im looking for. Even if you were added to my nbr list you'll be deleted the next day as I screen my nbr list almost every day.
Harsh? Maybe but all my nbrs are daily players who actually write on my wall after tipping so I can tip them back.
Like I said, I handpicked almost all of my nbr and very happy with them, whom I have wonderful relationship with.

03-16-12, 08:55 PM
Wow. I just had someone get my id from the forum after reading my posts here and try to add me as a new neighbor. She did at least tip me and post on my wall introducing herself and did say that she is a daily tipper.

Perhaps I haven't made myself clear enough. I'm not going to add just anyone who is a daily tipper (assuming she actually is). I have additional criteria such as how you do your wall posts, how your bakery looks, gifting policy, etc. At this point I only take on new neighbors who come with glowing references from neighbors I already trust really well.

Frankly even if someone met my additional criteria, the simple fact that they clearly didn't understand what I'm saying on here and tried to add me anyway automatically disqualifies them.

03-16-12, 09:05 PM
Wow. I just had someone get my id from the forum after reading my posts here and try to add me as a new neighbor. She did at least tip me and post on my wall introducing herself and did say that she is a daily tipper.

Perhaps I haven't made myself clear enough. I'm not going to add just anyone who is a daily tipper (assuming she actually is). I have additional criteria such as how you do your wall posts, how your bakery looks, gifting policy, etc. At this point I only take on new neighbors who come with glowing references from neighbors I already trust really well.

Frankly even if someone met my additional criteria, the simple fact that they clearly didn't understand what I'm saying on here and tried to add me anyway automatically disqualifies them.

You're so DAmanding :p. You sound like you should hand out applications to be your neighbor ha ha.

03-16-12, 09:18 PM
You're so DAmanding :p. You sound like you should hand out applications to be your neighbor ha ha.

There's a reason my real life nickname is DAmanda. :D I think we're all entitled to neighbors of our choosing. I just happen to be really choosy. :P

Hey there are tons of people playing this game and they all have different criteria in picking their neighbors. It doesn't bother me a bit that not everyone would want me for a neighbor just as I don't want everyone else for a neighbor. We're all a lot happier if we pick neighbors we're compatible with.

03-16-12, 09:23 PM
OMG I just found my twin sis lol
Im the same way, I handpicked my current dear neighbors and have no intention to add anymore.
I dont take low level players unless I had several tipping back relationship before becoming a neighbor, and I only take 3-4 stars. I delete current nbrs that fall below 2 stars unless they notify me in advance that they're away.
I have VIP nbrs who I personally refers to those that visit me everyday and leave msg on my wall after tipping/like/watering. These nbrs may fall down to 1-2 stars but are never deleted because I know they have life outside of the game and trust they'll be back after their life crisis/emergencies/ or whatever has been resolved.

I have been getting many invites without anything metioned on my wall, rude and nope you're not getting on my nbr list.
Many complements my store along with tipping and I graciously tip back but I have one message written by me a I delete all messages after I read them that clearly states "Sorry NOT taking anymore neighbors".
But guess what? I have a person that writes directly above this, add me -----.
If you dont even have time to read one line message that is written by the owner, you're not the nbr Im looking for. Even if you were added to my nbr list you'll be deleted the next day as I screen my nbr list almost every day.
Harsh? Maybe but all my nbrs are daily players who actually write on my wall after tipping so I can tip them back.
Like I said, I handpicked almost all of my nbr and very happy with them, whom I have wonderful relationship with.

Wow, we do sound a lot alike. I have a list of criteria I look for in a nbr. It's different for each game, since each game is different. I don't add low level players anymore either. I'm a level 96 in 4 different Story games. I don't feel like "training" new players how to play. I'd rather find people who know what they are doing already. I too have a few nbrs who are "grandfathered' in so to speak. In Farm I used to want dog bowls only, but then I switched to tool shed parts only. I'm not going to remove a really good old nbr just cause they still send me dog bowls. I do still add though, I keep my numbers low so if any of my good nbrs quit I feel the loss and need to replace them.

I've sent you an invite DAmanding. :P honestly you and I sound similar too. I see people post on walls all the time to "add me" when just below is a message saying they aren't adding. Some people just don't read. I don't bother to post anything like that cause I know it will be ignored anyway. I just ignore the request. There are plenty of others who will add them, they don't need me to.

Pink I often thing I need to hand out applications, especially in farm. I'm just really picky in farm. As you know. :P Anyone who reads my profile will get an idea how picky I am in farm.

03-16-12, 09:24 PM
There's a reason my real life nickname is DAmanda. :D I think we're all entitled to neighbors of our choosing. I just happen to be really choosy. :P

Hey there are tons of people playing this game and they all have different criteria in picking their neighbors. It doesn't bother me a bit that not everyone would want me for a neighbor just as I don't want everyone else for a neighbor. We're all a lot happier if we pick neighbors we're compatible with.

Could not have said it better myself. This is exactly how I feel.

03-16-12, 09:35 PM
That was you who tried to add me in Bakery Story about thirty minutes ago?!? But this is a thread in Restaurant Story last I checked and I don't see a neighbor request in RS. I thought it was some random person who didn't bother to pay very much attention to what I was saying and I lost my temper a bit. Sorry I was short with you. I'm really not looking for new neighbors right now though. I'm downsizing my neighbor list on Bakery as is. I just recently started Restaurant Story and so I'm spending a lot of time focusing on that. I picked up the vast majority of my neighbors in Restaurant either from my own neighbor list on Bakery or they were hand picked by my fave neighbor on both games who recommended them to me.

03-16-12, 09:39 PM
There's a reason my real life nickname is DAmanda. :D I think we're all entitled to neighbors of our choosing. I just happen to be really choosy. :P

Hey there are tons of people playing this game and they all have different criteria in picking their neighbors. It doesn't bother me a bit that not everyone would want me for a neighbor just as I don't want everyone else for a neighbor. We're all a lot happier if we pick neighbors we're compatible with.

I completely agree. I was teasing you :p

03-16-12, 09:41 PM
I completely agree. I was teasing you :p

I know you were teasing me. I wasn't offended. :) lol, it's certainly not the first time someone has told me I'm demanding and won't be the last! :D

03-16-12, 09:59 PM
That was you who tried to add me in Bakery Story about thirty minutes ago?!? But this is a thread in Restaurant Story last I checked and I don't see a neighbor request in RS. I thought it was some random person who didn't bother to pay very much attention to what I was saying and I lost my temper a bit. Sorry I was short with you. I'm really not looking for new neighbors right now though. I'm downsizing my neighbor list on Bakery as is. I just recently started Restaurant Story and so I'm spending a lot of time focusing on that. I picked up the vast majority of my neighbors in Restaurant either from my own neighbor list on Bakery or they were hand picked by my fave neighbor on both games who recommended them to me.

No, it wasn't me. I've not added anyone in Bakery in weeks. I was just joking since you said you weren't adding, I said I was adding you. Sarcasm doesn't translate well via internet. I've added nbrs the same way. Ppl often play both games so I have a lot of the same nbrs in both games. My BS and RS store name is Lets Tea Party.

03-16-12, 10:06 PM
I don't take neighbors that add me from here either, unless they post on my wall WHO they are on here as I have taken to heart what some call "stranger danger". LOL I still can't add everyone that asks though, as I'm really trying to cut down on my neighbors in some of my games as it's taking too much of my time to reach everyone in every game daily now. With spring/summer coming up, it's going to be worse as I'll be spending a lot more time with the kids since school will be out. I want to get my 4 main games BS/RS/Fashion/Farm down to 60 neighbors total in each, and I'm getting fairly close to being able to accomplish that. Empire/City/Nightclub I don't spend nearly the amount of time as I do with the other 4 and I keep those neighbor lists very low with about 35 in each. I refuse to add anymore neighbors there.

03-16-12, 10:17 PM
I don't take neighbors that add me from here either, unless they post on my wall WHO they are on here as I have taken to heart what some call "stranger danger". LOL I still can't add everyone that asks though, as I'm really trying to cut down on my neighbors in some of my games as it's taking too much of my time to reach everyone in every game daily now. With spring/summer coming up, it's going to be worse as I'll be spending a lot more time with the kids since school will be out. I want to get my 4 main games BS/RS/Fashion/Farm down to 60 neighbors total in each, and I'm getting fairly close to being able to accomplish that. Empire/City/Nightclub I don't spend nearly the amount of time as I do with the other 4 and I keep those neighbor lists very low with about 35 in each. I refuse to add anymore neighbors there.

Gack! Thanks for bringing up summer holidays from school (runs away and cries)

03-16-12, 10:36 PM
No, it wasn't me. I've not added anyone in Bakery in weeks. I was just joking since you said you weren't adding, I said I was adding you. Sarcasm doesn't translate well via internet. I've added nbrs the same way. Ppl often play both games so I have a lot of the same nbrs in both games. My BS and RS store name is Lets Tea Party.

The person who did it apologized and I apologized too for being borderline rude in my reply. I told her she had bad timing. Maybe she read my posts in the Bakery Story Discussion thread and didn't see this one which makes her action slightly less tacky.

lol I'm glad it wasn't you, I would have been disappointed about having to change my opinion of you. :)

03-16-12, 10:52 PM
lol I'm glad it wasn't you, I would have been disappointed about having to change my opinion of you. :)

So glad opinions didn't have to change.:p

Sorry someone had really bad timing in trying to add you. But hopefully they will learn not everyone wants to be added without permission first.

03-17-12, 01:03 AM
I roll my eyes when people write, "Add me [name]" on my wall. Sure they tip me, and I go and tip back, but ordering me to neighbor you won't make me wanna do it. I give more preference to the ones that say please.

Totally agree. More worse if they didn't tip in the first place. There is a thing called manners!!

03-17-12, 11:45 AM
These people should at least take you out to dinner first or something. Geez.

03-17-12, 01:19 PM
I add anyone who requests and I'll keep them as long as they're a decent neighbor. Then every month or so, I'll go through my list and delete people who look like they've stopped playing (0 stars, empty shop, tips they haven't picked up in weeks). I have a lot neighbors in each Story, but I don't want to miss out on good neighbors by saying I won't add anyone. I'm like that in life too though; I think being a guidance counselor makes it hard to exclude people because you're wondering about the psychological effects it may have on them! Lol

I never add anyone through the boards though; I know a lot of people here are high level players (myself included) and most don't accept new neighbors. I think it's like Storm ID poaching when people just go around collecting IDs and requesting anyone they can without any comment. I'd rather people leave me a message and tell me they saw me on the boards if they want me to add them.

03-17-12, 08:37 PM
Someone wrote on my bakery wall "nice but kinda cluttered." I was thinking who would say that!? There are many bakeries I've visited that were not my style, but I would never leave a criticism! I mean what is the point?? Didn't their parents ever teach them "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? I wanted to write back on their wall "Who made you judge and critic of my bakery!?" but better judgement prevailed and I just said nothing and did not tip back.

03-17-12, 08:40 PM
Someone wrote on my bakery wall "nice but kinda cluttered." I was thinking who would say that!? There are many bakeries I've visited that were not my style, but I would never leave a criticism! I mean what is the point?? Didn't their parents ever teach them "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? I wanted to write back on their wall "Who made you judge and critic of my bakery!?" but better judgement prevailed and I just said nothing and did not tip back.

Ha ha I've started a major reno before and went to bed before I was done. I wonder what people think now? No one said anything though.

03-17-12, 08:50 PM
I wasn't even renovating! And in actuality I do try hard to keep my bakery fairly uncluttered, though that can be a bit hard with all the cool items available. I've seen a lot of bakeries with a ton more items and tables than mine. I wonder what my critic thinks about those bakeries!!

03-17-12, 08:52 PM
Back when I first started Farm, some sped wrote "yours is rubbish" on my wall. For about two weeks, I watered him every day and wrote "watered".

He never came back.

03-17-12, 08:56 PM
Back when I first started Farm, some sped wrote "yours is rubbish" on my wall. For about two weeks, I watered him every day and wrote "watered".

He never came back.

**** them with kindness wa ah ah

03-17-12, 09:29 PM
Maybe it was worth having my device stolen because I post under my old 🆔. I never gave it much thought since I have never invited somebody blindly from the forums. But when the new Story games launched, that was when I was very grateful to have a different posting 🆔 from my current playing one!! And just tonight I had a player tell me that my shop was way too crowded with lots of !!!!!!! I dont appreciate blind invites and I don't post my 🆔 in the new games. Just this past week I had an invite and I simply asked them how they got my 🆔 and they never told me. I am still trying to figure that one out. At least in RS/BS we have news feeds which I sincerely miss in the new games.

03-17-12, 09:54 PM
Someone wrote on my bakery wall "nice but kinda cluttered." I was thinking who would say that!? There are many bakeries I've visited that were not my style, but I would never leave a criticism! I mean what is the point?? Didn't their parents ever teach them "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all"? I wanted to write back on their wall "Who made you judge and critic of my bakery!?" but better judgement prevailed and I just said nothing and did not tip back.

You could of wrote back oh sorry didn't know the critics were coming today. You weren't due til next week sometime. lol

03-17-12, 10:00 PM
You could of wrote back oh sorry didn't know the critics were coming today. You weren't due til next week sometime. lol

That's a good one!

03-18-12, 08:17 AM
Back when I first started Farm, some sped wrote "yours is rubbish" on my wall. For about two weeks, I watered him every day and wrote "watered".

He never came back.

Lol "Yours is rubbish." That cracks me up! Why would someone take the time to write that?

03-19-12, 02:06 AM
I'm so glad to know I'm not alone in these issues. Not too long ago I had a level 6 give me "tips" on my level 96 Fashion store. I think some people are just naturally pushy and bossy. I just laugh and feel sorry for the people who have to be around this person in real life.

As for people adding you without "introducing" themselves happens to me all the time too. I refuse to add anyone who doesn't at least bother to introduce themselves on my wall. Usually I get low level players with equally low star ratings. On the off chance I actually get a high level player with a high star rating I have posted on their wall asking "How did you get my ID and why did you add me?" Cause I don't advertise my ID at anywhere. So far my questions have always been met with hostile replies accusing me of being too uptight with comments like "it's just a game" and such. I've hand picked almost all my nbrs in an attempt to find like minded players that play the same way I do. I don't just accept everyone, blows my mind that people think I should. I've very picky about who I add, I have the best nbrs.

I'm with you Pink, I also loathe that our ID's is our user name here. When I first signed up the first thing I did was try to find a way to change. Figured out quickly it wasn't possible. Really wish they would change that.

I agree with you here! our id should not be displayed in public! I have a friend who has been harassed by a certain player and contacted TL to had him removed. Unfortuately she had her id on her wall! and he remember it, start a new game and start harassing her again! Beside that, he also give her id to everyone!! Luckily TL allow her to change her ID! We should be allow the enjoy the game!

03-19-12, 03:02 AM
Maybe i shouldnt have got offended.....but i did recently when a non ngbr wrote on my wall demanding to know how much money i had spent on gems? I actually ignored this as i thought it was quite a rude personal thing to ask someone who isnt your ngbr. Plus they hadnt bothered tipping me! Anyway this person didnt like being ignored she later wrote 'why wont u tell me, i want to know?'. So i replied ' why was it so important for her to know'? She didnt reply to that. I just thought it was really random and a little bit personal. She wrote it without any smiley icons or hellos or thankyous. Just 'how much money have u spent in gems, i want to know now'!!!!!! Weird!

I agree though the worst offenders are the add me peeps who dont even tip u.

03-19-12, 05:15 AM
O. At times, I m also curious to know of how much gems r needed to build very fanciful restaurants.
Thus this query should be reasonable n valid.
But u do have the right not to reply.

03-19-12, 05:29 AM
I'm only on level 75 and have a long way to go to reach the dizzy heights of the 90's (which is what I'm aiming to achieve).
On several occasions my little establishment has had non-tipping visitors who have written single word messages on my wall such as "boring", "yuk" and even "pathetic".
Now I'm the first to admit that my restaurant is extremely plain but I like it that way and after all it's MY restaurant, so I've just ignored these people and immediately deleted their opinion off my wall.

I openly admit that when thanking and returning the tips of some new players at level 10 or below I have, at times, written on their wall (and I'm quoting myself here) "If you need another neighbour you're welcome to add me". I did this because it was people doing that for me that helped me to get started in this game. Indeed the 3 neighbours whom I cherish the most all gave me my start in this fashion and I chat every single day with these people.

The one difficulty I've encountered is when people have given me their storm ID to add them as a neighbour but the ID is incorrect and I've ended up inviting a totally different person! I've found that to be a rather tricky situation with apologies and explanations required.

03-19-12, 07:16 AM
Maybe i shouldnt have got offended.....but i did recently when a non ngbr wrote on my wall demanding to know how much money i had spent on gems? I actually ignored this as i thought it was quite a rude personal thing to ask someone who isnt your ngbr. Plus they hadnt bothered tipping me! Anyway this person didnt like being ignored she later wrote 'why wont u tell me, i want to know?'. So i replied ' why was it so important for her to know'? She didnt reply to that. I just thought it was really random and a little bit personal. She wrote it without any smiley icons or hellos or thankyous. Just 'how much money have u spent in gems, i want to know now'!!!!!! Weird!

I agree though the worst offenders are the add me peeps who dont even tip u.

You should have replied back asking how much they weigh :p

03-19-12, 08:50 AM
You should have replied back asking how much they weigh :p

That's a good one:-D

03-19-12, 09:51 AM
O. At times, I m also curious to know of how much gems r needed to build very fanciful restaurants.
Thus this query should be reasonable n valid.
But u do have the right not to reply.

You can usually easily have some basic, ballpark idea of how much money someone has spent in his/her store if you set your mind to it. The cost of each item is usually known. If it came out of a box, you know the cost of each attempt at a box item. You know the cost of gems. Just do the math. You won't know how many times they tried before they got the item from the box, but it doesn't matter, since everyone's "luck" at boxes is different. They may have tried once and got the first prize or 50 times and eventually got it.

03-19-12, 10:03 AM
You should have replied back asking how much they weigh :p

Darn i wish i had said that lol. To be honest maybe i shouldnt have taken offence, maybe she was just giving me a compliment that my bakery looked good ( which is debatable). Just they way she said it. Sooo demanding and no please or thank yous. I got one msg once asking me why i was playing a kids game when i was an adult.......i couldnt think of any reply for that insult.....i purely wept with shame!

03-19-12, 10:05 AM
Darn i wish i had said that lol. To be honest maybe i shouldnt have taken offence, maybe she was just giving me a compliment that my bakery looked good ( which is debatable). Just they way she said it. Sooo demanding and no please or thank yous. I got one msg once asking me why i was playing a kids game when i was an adult.......i couldnt think of any reply for that insult.....i purely wept with shame!

No no, there's no shame. It's fun. Simple as that. Don't let what other people think bother you.

03-19-12, 10:11 AM
I had a person yesterday on fashion ask me to add them and send them gems lol. And they didn't even bother to like my stuff. It made me laugh.

03-19-12, 10:20 AM
Haha! Yesterday on bakery i had a msg asking me to tip her to make her star rating a 4???? I thought she must b a newbie who hadnt grasped the idea yet. But nooooo she was a level20?! Plus she hadnt bothered tipping!

I actually dont think the games are for kids. I mean 14 yrs over doesnt mean its just for 14 yrs olds, just thats its suitable for them.......at 32 im obviously young at heart! Plus 14 isnt really young is it? I mean im not playing a peppa pig or dora the explorer game.....which would be a tad embarrassing

03-19-12, 10:26 AM
Haha! Yesterday on bakery i had a msg asking me to tip her to make her star rating a 4???? I thought she must b a newbie who hadnt grasped the idea yet. But nooooo she was a level20?! Plus she hadnt bothered tipping!

I actually dont think the games are for kids. I mean 14 yrs over doesnt mean its just for 14 yrs olds, just thats its suitable for them.......at 32 im obviously young at heart! Plus 14 isnt really young is it? I mean im not playing a peppa pig or dora the explorer game.....which would be a tad embarrassing

LMAO, just yesterday I downloaded onto my iPad Tap Jurassic so my son could give it a try, he HATED IT. I instantly deleted it off, as the graphics were horrible since it was really made for iPhone and to go to fully screen was really blurry. He plays a Jurassic park game on his computer, so he'll just stick with that, thank you very much. hehehe

I told them in a few years they can each have their own portable gaming type of system, until then they can just be happy with their computer games and leave me to mine! :p

03-19-12, 10:51 AM
I say AMEN to that. My kids know. When mummy has settled down on the sofa with her phone to bake cakes NOT TO DISTURB! Haha.

03-21-12, 04:57 PM
I just had a tip from a non-neighbor, someone completely random as I didn't see any of my neighbors or other people I recognize on her wall. I saw her tip on my News feed but not on my Wall. I sometimes don't return tips when they don't leave a message on my wall, I check them out first. If they're new I give them a pass and tip anyway. This person was a level 96. I noticed she had a post on her wall asking her neighbors to leave a message when they tip since she gives those priority. Ironic that she expects her neighbors to leave her a message but doesn't have the courtesy to return the favor! :rolleyes:

03-22-12, 05:57 AM
Omg thats exactly what happened to me the other month! I have had a ngbr for about a year now who is on on high level and has NEVER posted a msg on my wall when tipping yet on her wall the only msg is her notice that u MUST leave a msg or she will not tip back! I always leave a msg but as i have progressed in the game and now have a larger number of players i only leave a msg to the ones who do the same. Yet im happy with the ngbrs who dont leave msgs as i know the tip me.

Anyway i stopped leaving a msg on this ladies wall as she couldnt be bothered to i thought why should i? Seems she doesnt like this....she left me a msg ( her first to me in 12 months) informing me she will be deleting me as i dont play by her rules! My reply msg was a simple 'you are able to write then?' and she deleted me. I just had to laugh. I mean what a hypocrite! Looool

03-22-12, 05:57 PM
I just had a non-neighbor post on my wall, "I need cappuccino." She tipped, and I tipped back, and I ALMOST posted on her wall that I can't gift her since she's not my neighbor (she's only on Level 7). But I didn't post on her wall, because I assume she would then ask me to be her neighbor, and I don't have the heart to tell her I'm not accepting new neighbors at this point. I probably would for one of you guys, but not for some random person.

03-22-12, 06:05 PM
I just had a non-neighbor post on my wall, "I need cappuccino." She tipped, and I tipped back, and I ALMOST posted on her wall that I can't gift her since she's not my neighbor (she's only on Level 7). But I didn't post on her wall, because I assume she would then ask me to be her neighbor, and I don't have the heart to tell her I'm not accepting new neighbors at this point. I probably would for one of you guys, but not for some random person.

Yes, you were wise to just Shhhhhh

03-22-12, 06:25 PM
I think is the matter of different point of view. Some people consider you're rude when you stated clear enough not adding neighbors or just add certain rate neighbor & requested not to post on your wall. At least, I really got some rude comments about these. Players are just not open enough to think there are players who play more than a year now to achieve a very high level especially playing all the TL games. I don't see the point to argue or discuss this matter of rudeness.

03-22-12, 07:05 PM
I just had a tip from a non-neighbor, someone completely random as I didn't see any of my neighbors or other people I recognize on her wall. I saw her tip on my News feed but not on my Wall. I sometimes don't return tips when they don't leave a message on my wall, I check them out first. If they're new I give them a pass and tip anyway. This person was a level 96. I noticed she had a post on her wall asking her neighbors to leave a message when they tip since she gives those priority. Ironic that she expects her neighbors to leave her a message but doesn't have the courtesy to return the favor! :rolleyes:

I tip non-neighbors sometimes if i randomly visited there restaurant. Maybe saw them on the 'community tab' or another neighbors wall.

Maybe the person tipped since they were already there or maybe they liked your place. Maybe they dont expect anything in return.

03-22-12, 09:24 PM
I sometimes randomly visit someone's place too and tip. But I always post a message.

Someone posted on my wall tonight (who apparently read this thread) that I need to just relax and enjoy the game or I'll get hypertension. So I deleted her thoughtful suggestion. I'm quite happy with the way I play. :D

03-23-12, 02:50 AM
I sometimes randomly visit someone's place too and tip. But I always post a message.

Someone posted on my wall tonight (who apparently read this thread) that I need to just relax and enjoy the game or I'll get hypertension. So I deleted her thoughtful suggestion. I'm quite happy with the way I play. :D

Thats hilarious!! Haha! I agree with u. I tip randomly too. Yet always leave a message. I just would. Ever have the nerve to tell someone their place was rubbish/could be improved etc! Prime example happened last night to my ngbr. A newbie randomly posted on her wall that she could improve her shop by taking out the pink dividers, removig this, removing that and then her shop would like nice!!! I did giggle! The sadistic side of me wanted to write on newbies wall a long list of improvements she needed to make.....yet the cowardly english side of me decided to ignore!

03-23-12, 02:52 AM
Excuse terrible spelling on above. Had one hand in packet of crips as i was typing! Yikes

03-24-12, 03:30 AM
I just had a tip from a non-neighbor, someone completely random as I didn't see any of my neighbors or other people I recognize on her wall. I saw her tip on my News feed but not on my Wall. I sometimes don't return tips when they don't leave a message on my wall, I check them out first. If they're new I give them a pass and tip anyway. This person was a level 96. I noticed she had a post on her wall asking her neighbors to leave a message when they tip since she gives those priority. Ironic that she expects her neighbors to leave her a message but doesn't have the courtesy to return the favor! :rolleyes:

I expect my nbrs to write on my wall when thy leave tips.
I even have it on my wall asking kindly that they do this.
I also leave msgs when I tip them back.

But sometimes when i have free time and just feels like it, I start going through community tab and tip random ppl.
I dont write msg on their wall cause I really dont want them to tip me back AND leave msg. Because if they do, I feel obligated to tipmthem back again.
It was a one time thing and I usuallly keep myself busy tipping back my nbrs.
So maybe he/she was like me just out on a casual tipping spree ;)

03-24-12, 04:44 AM
[ I start going through community tab and tip random ppl.
I dont write msg on their wall cause I really dont want them to tip me back AND leave msg. Because if they do, I feel obligated to tipmthem back again.
It was a one time thing and I usuallly keep myself busy tipping back my nbrs.
So maybe he/she was like me just out on a casual tipping spree ;)[/QUOTE]

I'm with zoom on that one – I just randomly tip sometimes, it doesn't matter if you don't get them back and writing on their wall only results in unnecessary to-ing and fro-ing!

09-13-15, 12:20 PM
[QUOTE=dria_91;258672]Lol idk if this was meant to be an insult to my restaurant, but here is what a non-neighbor wrote on my darn wall..... "Ur restaurant is kinda messy but i still tipped u tip me!" Ummmm first of all, this person is a newbie at level 6 with barely any space in their restaurant! 0__o secon:cool:) im not rude pls add me on resturaunt story: Hollykbusey

09-13-15, 12:51 PM
There's an Add Me thread for all S8 games here:


Lots & lots of players looking for nbrs there & you can post your ID there as well :)