View Full Version : Collectibles, are there requirements?

03-10-12, 02:45 PM
So i have noticed that certain collectibles pop from certain actions like tipping or creating dishes, but I was wondering if anyone had a handle on exactly what brought about spatulas, chef jackets, or knives.

03-11-12, 01:09 AM
The spatulas come from tippings. The chef jackets and knives come from cooking.

03-11-12, 05:23 AM
Anyone know where the chefs coat (for the Chefs Impliments collection) and the sharp knife (for the Baking goodness collection) are usually found?

I have SO many of the other 3 collectables in these two collections, but can't complete them!

03-11-12, 08:19 AM

That thread lists collectibles and how to achieve them. Everyone has trouble getting one item from each set, and in some cases that one item isn't the same for everyone.

03-11-12, 10:52 PM
They pop out randomly....So you can never really pinpoint exactly what food to cook so they'll pop out.