View Full Version : Expansion costs using gems

03-05-12, 01:14 PM
Does anyone else find it unfair that the 4 newest expansions cost different amounts for different players? It isn't even based on game level which still wouldn't make it okay since gems are gems. We all pay the same prices for gems regardless of what level we are in.

Here is what I've put together so far with 4 different devices/restaurants and levels.

Level 37 on an iPad 2 - 120 gems per expansion
Level 44 on an iPod touch - 40 gems per expansion
Level 66 on an iPhone - 40 gems
Level 96 on an iPod - 160 gems

C'mon! How are these prices set??

03-05-12, 01:19 PM
It appears to be random.

03-05-12, 02:07 PM
All I have to say s that it is outrageous BS 120 and RS 160 that's crazy....they need to lower the prices!!!!

03-05-12, 02:17 PM
Bah! Random pricing? Has anyone ever heard of that?? Imagine if they did that in stores. $5 one day...$20 the next. Or how about $5 for a 30 yr old and $20 for a senior citizen????? It's nonsense and somehow discrimination I say!!

03-05-12, 02:48 PM
Bah! Random pricing? Has anyone ever heard of that?? Imagine if they did that in stores. $5 one day...$20 the next. Or how about $5 for a 30 yr old and $20 for a senior citizen????? It's nonsense and somehow discrimination I say!!

I'll say it before and I'll say it again: stores price-discriminate ALL THE TIME. The only thing they can't do is base that discrimination against factors like race, gender or age. But they can discriminate based on buying behavior or history, i.e. low spenders tend to get bigger discount offers in an effort to get them to increase their buying behavior. Big spenders get fewer and less discounts because companies figure they've shown a pattern of buying anyway, regardless of sales or prices so any discount offered to them just gives margin away.

I don't know what's behind TL's reasoning on the different gem costs for expansion (it would cost me 80 gems on my iphone at level 96 in Bakery and RS) but it also doesn't affect me personally because I don't spend gems on stuff that I can buy with coins, even if I have to spend a bazillion coins instead of a bazillion gems. Everyone knows the most effective way to show your displeasure with the gem prices for expansion, right? That's right, don't expand using your gems.

03-05-12, 02:57 PM
I would expand with 40 gems but not when it's 4x that. So yes I do purchase gems...it's my guilty pleasure. And that is exactly why expansions for me are priced so high. I contacted TL and they say pricing isn't based on frequency of prior purchases.