View Full Version : Why does bakery food earn more coins than restaurant food!?!?

02-23-12, 02:28 PM
Can someone Please explain why food earns more stars and coins in BS than RS?

02-23-12, 02:56 PM
Each game has it's own microeconomy, BS just has different prices and earnings.

02-25-12, 03:09 PM
Pretty much what rachael said, but it doesn't really make a difference, yes u earn more in BS but notice how most ITEMS and STUFF in BS are expensiver than the items in RS

02-25-12, 03:15 PM
Pretty much what rachael said, but it doesn't really make a difference, yes u earn more in BS but notice how most ITEMS and STUFF in BS are expensiver than the items in RS

Ah, thanks. You explained that far better than I did (now people will be able to understand what we're on about:p).

03-03-12, 12:29 AM
The coins earned for food cooked in Bakery story is higher than what is earned in Restaurant
Story AND its NOT fair!! The food cooks same amount of time yet earns less coin this needs to be fixed!!

03-03-12, 08:02 AM
The coins earned for food cooked in Bakery story is higher than what is earned in Restaurant
Story AND its NOT fair!! The food cooks same amount of time yet earns less coin this needs to be fixed!!

No it does not. Next time you play restaurant story and bakery story, look at items/tables/chairs etc... Yes, u may earn more in BS but most if the items in BS are expensiver than in RS story, so it's pretty much the same thing AND IT IS FAIR. For example,
A white chair in BS is 1000 coins
A white chair in RS is 500 coins