View Full Version : Parts List

03-02-12, 08:55 AM
When will Android uses see the total amount of parts they have in stock in the Gift section??

03-02-12, 09:13 AM
That is very difficult to say.

I am ussing a trick to know some info.

I start building 3 appliances at the same time:
Drink Machine
Easy Oven or Easy Grill
Nacho Machine or Holiday Drinking Machine

with that 3 appliances, you can have an INVENTORY of your Parts.
look: Drinking Machine you check : Gear, Metal Sheet, Nozzle and Screw
with : Easy Oven or Grill you check : Knob and Paint
and with Nacho Machine or HDM you check : Fuse, Motor and Spring

that is all the parts available for Android.
I am on android also.
good luck.

04-10-12, 07:23 AM
I don't know when Android will, but I hope soon!

04-10-12, 07:54 PM
Thank you so much for asking that question. We have inventory for everything else, it only makes since.

04-10-12, 07:55 PM