View Full Version : NEW Make-Up Counter!

02-29-12, 12:51 PM
Does anyone else think we should have the option of purchasing a make-up counter that isn't gold? Gold just doesn't go with my pink and black store! And I'd really like to have a make-up counter in my shop. Teamlava I will purchase gems for it! Pleeeaaasssseee!

02-29-12, 01:47 PM
I got really excited when I saw this thread title... oh well :rolleyes:

I would like a black makeup counter that matches the intimates display and perfume counter from the secret bag. That would be cool. But honestly I would rather have more makeup for the counter we have before they start adding variations.

02-29-12, 02:49 PM
I got really excited when I saw this thread title... oh well :rolleyes:

I would like a black makeup counter that matches the intimates display and perfume counter from the secret bag. That would be cool. But honestly I would rather have more makeup for the counter we have before they start adding variations.

I agree. I like how in Farm they give you the option of changing the colors of the fences/hay when you purchase them, too bad TL can't implement that in all games for chairs/tables/counters, etc........

02-29-12, 04:32 PM
I got really excited when I saw this thread title... oh well :rolleyes:

I would like a black makeup counter that matches the intimates display and perfume counter from the secret bag. That would be cool. But honestly I would rather have more makeup for the counter we have before they start adding variations.

lol, me too xD i was like... New make up counter?? hooray! but wait... i just bought one :rolleyes:

03-01-12, 09:22 AM
I just wish they'd fix the bug with the one they have. I know they r working on it but I've been waiting for 2 months now :-(

03-01-12, 10:22 AM
I'm personally a silver girl. Which is why I sighed big time with the one silver-ish mirror because it's slanted and I prefer for it to be standing straight. With that said, I'd love for the counter to be silver...but I'm fine with this gold one. I'm just hoping they add to it. Luckily notifications work for me...and the placing of the make up bug is fixed for me also. But more catalogs would be excellent :)

PS - I'd love the counter in white too :)

03-01-12, 10:28 AM
The gold makeup counter is perfect for shops name. Cheap Designs. No offense to others but to me it is gaudy and that's why I LOVE IT!!

03-01-12, 10:49 AM
The gold makeup counter is perfect for shops name. Cheap Designs. No offense to others but to me it is gaudy and that's why I LOVE IT!!

No offense taken :-) everyones tastes are different :-)

03-01-12, 10:53 AM
I personally don't mind the gold, as I more of a gold than silver person anyways, and the gold goes better since I'm using the peach/beach theme mostly. However, I still like how in Farm you have the option with the fences and hay, so if they could do that for the make-up counter I think everyone would be happy. :)

03-01-12, 05:13 PM
I'd prefer a white makeup counter though because it would match with almost any theme, but the gold one is still very pretty

03-01-12, 07:54 PM
I think they should offer different color counters but the cost should still be in gems NOT coins.