View Full Version : Why has my Cookbook Stopped Working ??

02-23-12, 06:51 PM
I'm currently playing Valentine version... almost finished my goals. Now my cookbook opens, flick pages but wont let me select anything to make ???

How can I fix this - its been over 16hrs now ??

02-23-12, 06:55 PM
Try syncing with itunes, clearing safari cache/history, then shutting off and turning back on your device. This happens to me sometimes, but normally it's when an item has finished cooking and won't let me remove it from the appliance, and I do these steps and it usually clears up the issue. It's like it just freezes for some odd reason. :)

02-23-12, 07:16 PM
Wow...thanks for you quick reply. I was super excited as I thought think might work. But unfortunately it didn't work for me. So I just decided to delete my Valentine version and re-install it (with fingers crossed)...

This has seems to have fixed the problem.. and best of all I still have the same completion of my current V'Day goals.

Thanks for trying to help...

02-23-12, 07:21 PM
No problem. I should probably re-install mine at some point as well, maybe that will stop it from occuring to me every couple of days. LOL!!!