View Full Version : Questions I can't find the answers of...

02-22-12, 06:31 PM
I tried searching but I just can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for. So I hope someone can send me to a helpful thread, or just reply an answer here. Here it goes:

1) Are there other ways to obtain free gems? I made 2 miss-click purchases and my gems are almost gone. I already installed all the games for free gems.

2) Which fruits do I need to water/plant to redeem the "Cake and Pies", I'm missing the 1st and 4th one. Other information about these redeemable items is welcome too because I also found other stuff and bugs.

3) What's the maximum amount of neighbours you can have? I read somewhere you need 55 for a 24x24 farm. Is 24x24 the maximum size?

4) Any tips on how to get more players to water your farm? I often see farms that are 100% watered. I have 4 stars but not many players are coming yet. Yesterday I advertised on 20 walls, promising to water their crops if they would water mine. That seemed to work for a while but I'd rather not become a spammer. There must be more friendly ways. :p

5) The gifts neighbours send to me keep sticking in my News list. Am I forced to put them on my farm, or build a structure that needs the materials, in order to remove them? I'd rather only have crops there to gain more money...

6) Does gifting cost the same amount of money, as if I were to buy and use the item myself?

Thanks in advance~

02-22-12, 06:34 PM
1) Forum Contests and Mastery, plus buying them...except thats not free.
2) Any, I think, except possibly flowers. I'll check. They're just rare.
3) 2,000 neighbours is max neighbours, 24x24 is max expansion
4) It's not spam if it's one-per-wall. Keep at 4*, and get 3 and 4* only neighbours.
5) No, it's just...a thing. Nothing you can do.
6) Gifts are free to send and receive.

02-22-12, 07:39 PM
For #2, I got that 2 times the other night by just making Raspberries.

02-22-12, 07:47 PM
Here is the thread about collectibles


02-22-12, 08:58 PM
Also, the most profitable gift to sell is a dog bowl, you receive 400 coins for it

02-23-12, 02:23 AM
2000 neighbours? That's an eye opener... No wonder those fields are always 100% watered.

I'll start gifting more people then, if it's free anyway. A bowl for a bowl.

Thanks for the information. And add me if you want a dog bowl. :rolleyes:

02-23-12, 11:40 AM
If you want people to water you back, rather than posting on their wall that you will do so, just go ahead and water them. It doesnt take any longer and doesnt cost anything. You can post that you did, and people may also see it in their news feed.

When I'm looking to get more water on my farm, I spend a few minutes just watering random farms. Works like a charm.

02-23-12, 12:34 PM
I tried searching but I just can't seem to find the answers I'm looking for. So I hope someone can send me to a helpful thread, or just reply an answer here. Here it goes:

4) Any tips on how to get more players to water your farm? I often see farms that are 100% watered. I have 4 stars but not many players are coming yet. Yesterday I advertised on 20 walls, promising to water their crops if they would water mine. That seemed to work for a while but I'd rather not become a spammer. There must be more friendly ways. :p

I wouldn't water you if you promised to water me first, hun. Water my farm and I water yours back. I will also sometimes water players who only send me gifts.

02-23-12, 04:12 PM
It's a promise that I'll come back to water each day, and not only this one time. I got many requests since I posted it.