View Full Version : Fashion valentines goals: my best friends wedding & love is in the air

02-19-12, 03:24 AM
Wondering if someone could help me.
I am on part 6 of My best friends wedding and part 8 of love is in the air. I am going on Holliday in a week and I'm not sure there will be wifi where I'm going.
I would like to complete these goals ASAP. I noticed on another thread someone had posted pictures of each step of an earlier goal. It helped a lot as I was able to plan what to make next or not to send out too many requests.
If anyone could let me know what's coming up next for me in these goals, I would really appreciate it!

02-19-12, 10:56 AM
Here is Love Is In The Air:

Love is in the air Pt 9 Get 1 New Dress or Top (Closet)
Love is in the air Pt 9 Have 10 Dressing Rooms
Love is in the air Pt 9 Collect 6 Appetizers
Love is in the air Pt 10 10 counters
Love is in the air Pt 10 visit 10 neighbors

Here is My BFW:

My BFW7 Display 20 Jewelry
My BFW7 Display 20 Dresses
My BFW8 Send 20 gifts
My BFW8 Pay 9k
My BFW8 5 Relationship Advice

02-19-12, 11:15 AM
Those goals aren't vday goals.