View Full Version : Gem Traps!!

02-16-12, 06:51 PM
Sigh. Can I get refunded after clicking on these dumb gem traps by accident? It was one of those finish-this quest-with-10-gems ones.... I wanted to press ask my neighbors but clicked finish it instead. It takes a lot of work to make and save those gems and I'm really sick of these traps being everywhere... This is the second time Ive fallen for it! Sorry for raging, i feel so lame for being this upset... But yea, has anyone ever had this happen to them and got refunded?

02-16-12, 06:54 PM
No, TL doesn't refund gems for player transactions, which they consider that being. Sorry. :(

02-16-12, 06:59 PM
Awww, I'm sad for you :(

02-16-12, 08:01 PM
Sigh. Can I get refunded after clicking on these dumb gem traps by accident? It was one of those finish-this quest-with-10-gems ones.... I wanted to press ask my neighbors but clicked finish it instead. It takes a lot of work to make and save those gems and I'm really sick of these traps being everywhere... This is the second time Ive fallen for it! Sorry for raging, i feel so lame for being this upset... But yea, has anyone ever had this happen to them and got refunded?

If you have iOS than contact Apple and explain what has happened. They are very helpful & from what I hear they refund easily - assuming you have bought gems.

02-17-12, 12:06 PM
I lost 10 gems over the last couple of days do to accidental tapping.

I want a confirm button!!!

02-17-12, 12:31 PM
TeamLava doesn't have the time to implement a confirm button. They are too busy thinking up the next gem trap and ad and implementing them.

02-17-12, 01:10 PM
Awww, I'm sad for you :(

LOL, no your not!!, Me either, till fixed I just won't buy them...EVER. I love to see on here and on Apple page, TL cutting their own throat, may they bleed slowly as their games become forgotten.

02-17-12, 01:21 PM
Sorry if misunderstood, Being Sarcastic.

02-17-12, 01:28 PM
Sorry but accidental purchases are not refunded. I a code tally clicked the "100 gems for 100,000 coins" in fashion story. That hurt. :( haven't bought gems since. Lol.

02-17-12, 01:28 PM
Edit *accidentally (not a code tally :S )

02-17-12, 03:09 PM
LOL, no your not!!, Me either, till fixed I just won't buy them...EVER. I love to see on here and on Apple page, TL cutting their own throat, may they bleed slowly as their games become forgotten.

I am so. Smack!

02-17-12, 03:32 PM
Omg! I accidentally bought a valentine dragon for 24 gems this morning! I don't even know how it happened. I almost cried I worked so hard to get those gems and I don't even like dragons! Unfortunately this isn't my first accidental purchase. Yeah for confirmation button!

02-17-12, 05:07 PM
I am sick of the pop ups. You press to do something and then it puts pop up at same time and people spend their gems.
So not fair. People who buy gems need to QUIT buying til they put a confirmation on spending gems.

02-17-12, 05:27 PM
Look, every time it happens (even if you did not buy the gems), contact Apple to lodge a complaint. Even without requesting a refund, it can make a difference just to complain. The App store and your iPhone/iPad/iPod are Apple products, which makes Apple itself look bad when app developers engage in deceptive or unfair tactics. Apple gets a cut of every purchase you make, which makes them in a way responsible. With enough complaints, Apple may decide to do something about it. All you have to write is that you purchased gems through in-app purchase, with the intention of purchasing a premium item. Instead, a badly placed button or unexpected popup caused the gems to be spent on something unwanted. You asked for but were refused a refund. You are upset and feel *****ed. You feel that the company is engaging in unfair practices. That's all. You don't need to request a refund or anything else. You are just letting Apple know that you are unhappy with something that is going on in an app where real ones can be spent by consumers of an Apple product. The reason nothing gets done is because everyone is complaining to the wrong people. It is clearly useless to complain to TL.

02-17-12, 10:45 PM
We have been asking for confirmation buttons FOREVER. But instead, TL just makes more and bigger gem traps. *sigh*

02-18-12, 06:29 AM
If you have iOS than contact Apple and explain what has happened. They are very helpful & from what I hear they refund easily - assuming you have bought gems.

There is a message from DJ regarding refund from apple.... There is a chance of "permanently suspension"... ?....

A word of caution when requesting refunds, if your account does not have enough Gems/CC to cover the refund, your account may be permanently suspended in order for the refund to be processed.


02-18-12, 09:27 AM
There is a message from DJ regarding refund from apple.... There is a chance of "permanently suspension"... ?....

I think u should have read farther into the thread. That is not accurate. Here is a reply from Kooky about that post...............

I can't post links but copied and pasted this from the thread from the link given above:

Dw did not say that if you go to apple that they will ban you account, what he is saying , is if you go to apple stating you want a refund due to accidentally purchasing gems, then those gems should still be in your game so TL can remove them when you get your refund from apple.
In other words, if you get the gems, but go to apple for a refund, you should not be spending the gems in the game knowing that you may be getting your money back from apple.


Ok it won't let me post as its saying I have to have at least 10 characters??? Apperently even computers can't count :p

02-18-12, 09:28 AM
Lol never mind. Apperently my post was added to xcellent post. The part where it says you should have read farther into the thread etc etc is my post not xcellents.

02-18-12, 04:19 PM
Lol never mind. Apperently my post was added to xcellent post. The part where it says you should have read farther into the thread etc etc is my post not xcellents.

Ok... I was confuse of your answer till i get to this post... Lol!

I guess the poster i quote did not understand the OP too (who is complaining of lost gems due to traps).... And i just quoted DW to caution her (Ericasyummy) about refunding from apple... If the OP bought some gems, and accidentally spent it to unwanted items, then ask apple for full refund, then that would be a reason for the action (suspension).... (is that right? I am getting confuse! Lol!)

02-18-12, 04:31 PM
These are my questions,

Let me get this straight.
You buy gem, 24 of them.
Then you accidentally buy an extra appliance slot
Then you ask for a refund from apple because TeamLava doesn't refund accidental purchases.
And then you have a possibility of getting banned because of it? Wowwww =.=

& one more thing.
I am a kindergarten teacher so I know this could and probably has happened.
Your 6 year old gets ahold of your device and inadvertently purchases gems and spends some or all of them.

Then what?

And one last thing (sorry for blabbing )
If you do suspend someone to process the refund couldn't you allow them to purchase the gems with the refunded money and then you take the gems away (to make up for the gems that were purchased, spent, and refunded?) That should be an option especially if their young child got ahold of things. :)

I understand the reason to go to Apple for a refund for accidental gem purchases. If you purchase a gem package by accident and the full amount of gems are still on the account, then there should be no issue processing a refund. If you purchase a gem package and use a portion of the gems, then your account no longer has the original amount of gems received from the purchase. Since there is less than the full amount of gems purchased on the account ...

Please remember that I did mention that this was a word of caution. I'm only providing information so you don't accidentally permanently suspend your own account.

02-18-12, 04:34 PM
I have those questions too.

02-19-12, 04:15 AM
I feel like that topic wasn't even read by the mods who posted on it, since no one was even talking about wanting to be refunded cash, the OP wanted to be refunded gems lost in a trap. Permanently suspending users who are complaining to Apple is obscene, and if that's not the case I'd really like it to be cleared up. We have rights as consumers to not be deliberately ripped off or to be retaliated against, seriously.

02-19-12, 05:52 AM
I don't think it's enough to just stop buying gems. Many of us have stopped for quite awhile now. I think we need to stop playing, at least for awhile. Every time you log into your game that "ups" TL's numbers. It shows them how much activity is occurring. When we had our ******* over the changes in RS. BS & Fashion, it was reversed the very next day. Even though not everyone participated, it was enough to make them change it back. Yes, we can complain to Apple, but what can they do, really? They could drop TL's games, but I doubt they would do that. There are still a lot more ppl buying gems than asking for refunds. Rate the games you play as 1 star. And we should consider doing another "unsanctioned event".

02-19-12, 06:19 AM
If ur 6 yr old kid accidentally bought gems, and spent some or all--- no refund from TL... Outrageous!...

If accidentally bought gems, unused, still complete-- refund from apple... Possible....

If accidentally bought gems, spent some or all, refund from apple without informing TL support --- suspension...possible....

If accidentally bought gems, spent some or all, refund from apple, inform TL support about the issue -- investigation process will follow.... Action????..... Unknown.....

That is from my point of views... ;-)...... Tho i wanna know the answer what kind of action will be the later case......

02-19-12, 07:57 PM
The pop-up new oven is a gem trap. I clicked on it accidentally a few times, but when it went to "place", since I didn't place it at all, just pressed close, it didn't steal me carefully hoarded gems. At least there was that to save me, otherwise I'd have 3 ugly fireplaces (sorry the small pic looks ugly, haven't seen it in anyone's shop yet).

02-19-12, 10:07 PM
Uh oh Julia, you gonna get the topic locked! :p Seriously though, I think you're right. It was pretty surprising how fast things changed after we stuck together.

03-11-12, 06:27 AM
LOL, no your not!!, Me either, till fixed I just won't buy them...EVER. I love to see on here and on Apple page, TL cutting their own throat, may they bleed slowly as their games become forgotten.

LOVE your honesty!!

03-11-12, 11:42 AM
I refuse to buy gems until they offer AT LEAST a confirm button when spending them or some form on protection again accidental gem-spending.

03-11-12, 11:43 AM
*Some form of... typo and can't edit my previous post so I'm wasting another one for the correction.

On that note, why aren't users allowed to edit their own posts? Lame........