View Full Version : Tipping System improvement required - Receiver should not gain XP!

02-13-12, 10:43 PM
I have over 60 neighbours and I tip everyday

Everyday I visited neighbour, I always tip by initiative. All I got is 2XPs the most, or sometimes just 20 coins per neighbour I visited. That is fine to me.

But as the Receiver, receiver gain 1XP per tips on each table. Total of 6XPs per neighbour.

In another word, Tipper doing the work, yet Receiver gain 6XP. This is plain wrong, and very discouraging to Tipper.

Some players would've just add thousands of neighbours, and received endless tips and level up without putting any effort; but the players who put hard work into it, yet receive so little XP.

My suggestion is,

Tipper should receive XP; Receiver should just receive coins but not XP. Receiver may have the money, but they should maintain at low level due to no effort put on RS.

02-14-12, 12:29 AM
Well the point is.. the more you tip the better! Because there are higher chances that person will tip you back. So more xp and coins for you. 20 coins for vising PLUS 120 coins for neighbor visiting ur shop. So you benefit more.

I think that plus one xp from tips is really new players depend on to gain extra edge on xp. I for myself used to be dependent on that in early levels.

02-14-12, 03:12 AM
Well the point is.. the more you tip the better! Because there are higher chances that person will tip you back. So more xp and coins for you. 20 coins for vising PLUS 120 coins for neighbor visiting ur shop. So you benefit more.

I think that plus one xp from tips is really new players depend on to gain extra edge on xp. I for myself used to be dependent on that in early levels.

Well said!

02-14-12, 07:09 AM
Well the point is.. the more you tip the better! Because there are higher chances that person will tip you back. So more xp and coins for you. 20 coins for vising PLUS 120 coins for neighbor visiting ur shop. So you benefit more.

I think that plus one xp from tips is really new players depend on to gain extra edge on xp. I for myself used to be dependent on that in early levels.

If you have 20 friends and they all tip you 6 times, you get 1440 coins and 120XP, miniscule amounts if you compare it to the 100k+ you earn a day. As for XP, if you could only stand to play twice a day, baking 12H Apple Pies on 18 appliances, you'd made 5400XP per day. Though if you go crazy, you could earn 4320XP per hour by doing 1M Brownies... (And if they'd all sell instantly or even before the next morning, you'd have made 86,400 coins.) Tiring, but the most coin and XP generator. So put that into perspective, the time you spent tipping... could be better spent making brownies. xD.

As for new players, because you don't have that much stocked up yet and cause the game is all new and "fun," master your short recipes. They make you more gold, XP, and plates per hour, and you'll likely sell out by the next morning. Overnight, have something longer and by the next morning, when your counter is all cleared, put down the stuff you cooked overnight.

Now, this only looks at HyperNova1986's response. Ofc people tip for other reasons such as maintaining a 4-star rating, part of being social, etc. :>.

02-14-12, 10:01 PM
If anything, I'd prefer a system like Pucca's Restaurant where you visit your neighbors to collect coins and XP lying on the ground. Thus you can decide if it's worth your time and you're not dependent on another person's "generosity/courtesy."

Exactly my point. My XP is dependent on other person's generosity, or initiative. I myself tip every neighbour of mine everyday, but I am sure my neighbour doesn't, some of them has over thousand of neighbours, and they just wait to be tipped. they are never the proactive one. They only tip to maintain the rating at most. It is not right and unfair. no doubt if we tip more, the Receiver may sees it and return tipping as a favour. but that does not guarantee they will do that. They could have just tip a few as long as he is maintained at Rating four. then the rest of the time, just waiting for free XP.

The problem is, RS does not give us a report, who tipped the least or most, if we got such report, I don't mind the current system, as I can delete those Leechers which I think they are not up to my expectation

02-15-12, 08:08 PM
Exactly my point. My XP is dependent on other person's generosity, or initiative. I myself tip every neighbour of mine everyday, but I am sure my neighbour doesn't, some of them has over thousand of neighbours, and they just wait to be tipped. they are never the proactive one. They only tip to maintain the rating at most. It is not right and unfair. no doubt if we tip more, the Receiver may sees it and return tipping as a favour. but that does not guarantee they will do that. They could have just tip a few as long as he is maintained at Rating four. then the rest of the time, just waiting for free XP.

The problem is, RS does not give us a report, who tipped the least or most, if we got such report, I don't mind the current system, as I can delete those Leechers which I think they are not up to my expectation

I know I'm going to get some hissing but after a month of daily tipping (and tracking people so I reward those who deserve it), I myself don't bother anymore. I've decided I'll occasionally venture out, cause I like to see what's up with people's games/layouts, but other than that, I've concluded, not worth my time.

02-15-12, 10:36 PM
I only tip my neighbors that tip me and leave me a message on my wall..or the one that are in the news feed that don't leave me a message too....after that I leave a tip from the top of my list that have 3 and 4 star ratings...the reason I keep the 0 and 1 is because maybe I can get a gift from them...but I eventually delete them and there messages are old and there food is spoiled.

02-16-12, 09:43 AM
I like to receive tips and that is why I like to give them. I know only a certain percentage come back, and that's OK. I do make it a point to generally tip all four star neighbors first, especially if I am short on time.

I like that tipping includes XP and that extra bit makes me more inclined to do it. If my tips were less valuable, I would envision them as being less appreciated which would discourage me from tipping as much. As pika4ever88 pointed out, there are ways to get more XP per tap than tipping.

In addition to the giving spirit, I think there is a good game justification for tips to include XP. To get tips one must have visitors and to get many of those one must make some contribution to the game, either by through tipping and posting or both or through tipping enough to appear on the top of the "community" tab. One XP per tip seems like a fair reward for such contribution.

Finally, I have found tipping XP to be useful and to enhance my enjoyment of the game. I was very close to levelling up but had all of my ovens cooking roast chicken with a full day left. I went on a tipping spree and between the XP I got for visiting and the tips I got back I got the 100+ XP I needed to level up a day sooner.

01-27-13, 05:12 AM
I think they should because surely thats the point of tipping!:p

01-27-13, 07:06 AM
The current system is fine because you can choose your neighbours, thus using your strategy best to the game restrictions.

The proposed method is too selfish as receiver no xp gain, and in this way people strategy will switch to not collecting tips, hence how can the tipper continue to tip on limited tables.
Relationship for tipper and receiver is usually neighbours, thus it takes both hands to clap and the current system ensure both parties gain.

Work within the game rules, think of strategy to win it instead of changing system for easy way out.
There are many ways to success but the journey path is the only thing that make us stronger, the harder the journey, the more stronger you will be at the end.

01-27-13, 03:38 PM
If you want you neighbors to tip you back, delete the ones that dont and ones that do.

Problem solved.

01-27-13, 03:39 PM
Dang phone... That should read ... And add ones that do.

01-27-13, 04:46 PM
Well I do think the whole system should be overhauled and be made into a tip jar of sorts, so it consumes less time!

However if the system stays as it is, I think u should get more, that's right MORE gold and XP for each tip. As a level 99 player who has millions of XP to next level, and previously hundreds and thousands, I think the +2 XP and +100 odd coins are a drop in the ocean! And especially on Bakery, where the prices of recipes are high, a few people tipping doesn't make too much difference!

01-27-13, 04:57 PM
tips help beginners to levelup , after that u get bored anyway, u get golden utensils on all the walls anyway,and the only use of tips is to draw funny stuff on tables with them and to invite neighbors when u have some new stuff to see and thats all ok.

01-27-13, 10:07 PM
Isn't that too selfish? Maybe you just chose the wrong set of neighbors. Gosh youre so bitter I dont mean to offend though I already am doin it LOL, coz the system does not need to change. If youre unhappy with your neighbors not tippin back then delete them, TL already has that option - EDIT > DELETE .

Just sayin. Peace ! <3

01-27-13, 10:13 PM
the current system is fine because you can choose your neighbours, thus using your strategy best to the game restrictions.

The proposed method is too selfish as receiver no xp gain, and in this way people strategy will switch to not collecting tips, hence how can the tipper continue to tip on limited tables.
Relationship for tipper and receiver is usually neighbours, thus it takes both hands to clap and the current system ensure both parties gain.

Work within the game rules, think of strategy to win it instead of changing system for easy way out.
There are many ways to success but the journey path is the only thing that make us stronger, the harder the journey, the more stronger you will be at the end.

well said !

01-28-13, 01:54 AM
I had 169 neighbours, so I know tipping everyone of your neighbours takes initiative, time and effort. What the topic starter is trying to say is he/she wants his effort to be paid off, I can fully understand and agree with him/her.

Some said is being selfish? Tipper can always just visit to get the visiting rewards of either or both coins & XP without leaving any tips for neighbours, but he/she chose to tip them, hoping his/her neighbours tip back and then it will be considered a bonus, while the receiver not only get visiting rewards & from the tips received. I think selfish and calculative ones are those who delete their neighbours as their neighbours don't tipped back.

It will be nice if tipper gets to receive XP or Coins so as to level up faster. For receiver, they can still receive like now. In this case, it will be encourage players to tip even more as it clearly shows a tipping effort is being paid off right away, rather than leaving it to the hands of receiver. My 2 cents.

01-28-13, 11:05 AM
[QUOTE=LingSecret;527766] I think selfish and calculative ones are those who delete their neighbours as their neighbours don't tipped back.


If I were to keep every neighbor I ever had I would be well over 500 neighbors by now. Since I keep my list down to about 125 I have to pick and chose who I allow in and who I delete. I chose to play with people that play the way I do. And I have accomplished that. I have great neighbors. The tips, gifts and parts requests fly between us all day long. I have short conversations with many of them. We have fun.

If your happy with the way you play, thats fine but certainely dont call someone stupid or selfish for wanting to play differently! If one of your neighbors deletes you because they want more out of the relationship with you, you should be happy to let them go if you are not interested in playing that way.

01-28-13, 04:22 PM
Sorry a little off topic it's not about tipping, but sending gifts. How many gifts can a person receive daily? I can send to some but not to others.

01-28-13, 06:42 PM
I keep less than 30 neighbors. Ive been tipping daily for the past 2 years. Havent missed a single day.

I used to keep track of tips and kept only my 30 best neighbors. About half my neighbors are playing much less now but i dont mind. I wont delete them. Im done adding/removing neighbors.

I do wish the reward for tipping was greater. I am a 'tipper'. Dont really care if they tip me back anymore. They are good people. I take pleasure in being a 'good' player/tipper. I guess the reward isnt so great if i am not a more 'social' player, making 'NEW' friends. Understandable. I still wish the reward for tippers was greater.

01-28-13, 07:10 PM
Isn't that too selfish? Maybe you just chose the wrong set of neighbors. Gosh youre so bitter I dont mean to offend though I already am doin it LOL, coz the system does not need to change. If youre unhappy with your neighbors not tippin back then delete them, TL already has that option - EDIT > DELETE .

Just sayin. Peace ! <3

[QUOTE=LingSecret;527766] I think selfish and calculative ones are those who delete their neighbours as their neighbours don't tipped back.


If I were to keep every neighbor I ever had I would be well over 500 neighbors by now. Since I keep my list down to about 125 I have to pick and chose who I allow in and who I delete. I chose to play with people that play the way I do. And I have accomplished that. I have great neighbors. The tips, gifts and parts requests fly between us all day long. I have short conversations with many of them. We have fun.

If your happy with the way you play, thats fine but certainely dont call someone stupid or selfish for wanting to play differently! If one of your neighbors deletes you because they want more out of the relationship with you, you should be happy to let them go if you are not interested in playing that way.

Precisely! Things have many views, depending on how u wan to see it.. N looks like u have selective comments.

01-28-13, 09:51 PM
Select? Just using that comment as an example.

The game dynamics are fine. If you want more from the game, figure it out and run with it.

To the person that posted above about having 30 great neighbors, someday I hope to have that small a select group too!

01-30-13, 10:25 PM
If it bothers you that some people don't make the effort to tip back, just keep your 3 and 4 star neighbours. If their rating is at 3 or 4, you know for sure that they are also putting effort into tipping, just as much as you.

01-31-13, 10:48 PM
Personally I like the current system. I tip & gift daily off my news feed then my wall. Then if I have time ill scroll through my 160+ neighbors and start tipping the 4 starers first then the 3's ect. I only wish there were an edit button to delete pending invites. I've had some there pending for months, I go visit & tip and post on the walls and nothing back and I'm a 4 star daily player. It's frustrating to have to see the "pendings" that have been there forever and not be able to delete them. Other than that and my other post about purchased items to meet goals not counting (seperate thread) I like the current system and love the game.

02-01-13, 04:37 PM
The only change I would like to see is the idea of a "tipping jar" so you don't have to hunt the clear tables, something that can especially be time consuming for tipping those mega-decorated shops. And a one button "collect" for our tips, so that would be faster. too! Although I have to give kudos to TL as I've noticed they DID make the collecting faster in one of the updates!!

The players that annoy me are the ones who only tip off their walls, and will delete you if you don't tip them!!! I understand some people have to only tip off their walls temporarily for various reasons, but it's unreasonable to always expect the other person to go first. If we ALL did that, NO ONE would get tipped!!