View Full Version : Suggestions for Bakery Story and Restaurant Story - Doors! One line bios on walls!

02-11-12, 04:36 PM
Doors! May we have a selection of doors and entrances? They don't even need to open and shut. In fact, please don't have them opening and shutting.

Make fabulous entrances. Sweeping curtains. Columns. Football poles. Anything but what we currently have.

(But keep them blockable please :rolleyes:)

We could also use one line - even 60 characters would do - posted somewhere on our "wall" so that we could indicate if we are working on goals and what we are seeking. So frustrating not knowing if my "asks" on goals are even reaching people and if they can do anything about them.

Thank you for listening.

02-13-12, 02:14 AM
I like the idea of different doors.

How about alphabet wallpaper to post messages on our actual walls?

02-13-12, 10:47 AM
I agree with all of the above.

02-13-12, 10:56 AM
That's sweet!

02-17-12, 12:55 PM
Aha, another door post! I agree that more door choices are needed, especially one that can be purchased with coins. My Resto design is stalled because I can't put the door where I want it. I don't have the gems to buy a second one to allow moving and if I had ten gems to spare, I would rather buy another cask than a door that will just sit in storage (once the other one is moved). (I am a paying TL customer, but RS is not the game I buy gems for....)

The one line bio idea is excellent, coolbett. Restaurant Story is a game, but it is a social network just as much. An easy way for users to update their status would be an invaluable enhancement to all of the Story games.