View Full Version : There is something different...

02-11-12, 06:07 AM
OH I KNOW! The 'My Valentine' catalog. If you look to page two of kooky-panda's thread about FS date 2-9 then to your game, all the items in 'My Valentine' had there names changed.

I also saw that 'Morning Stroll' was once 'Business Casual'.

Did anyone notice? Cause I sure did.

Does anyone else have any catalogs they would like to share that I missed?

02-11-12, 06:56 AM
I wondered about the business casual but never noticed the valentine! I think morning stroll is so much more appeasing. :)

02-11-12, 08:11 AM
I never knew about Morning Stroll having a different name. When I first started playing it was already Morning Stroll. LOL!!!

The 'My Valentine' catalog had the correct names when it showed up on my game, so I wonder why that post had them as something different originally? Odd.

I haven't noticed any others, but I'll be sure to post if I do. Once a catalog gets released, or is open to me, I put it on a spreadsheet so I'll be able to tell if the names changed when I go to put them in the catalog for order. I've finally had all the catalogs opened up to me. SO glad I finally reached that level. LOL

02-11-12, 08:30 PM
I was looking through some old Fashion Weekly Updates and saw that when 'Night Diamond' was released it was originally released as 'Glamorous Socialite'.

And...it did. Wow wonder why so big? Thanks Kooky for the great directions! Yay for another 12 hour item. Meh for black, but we can use it to mix and match, and I am LOVING the earrings!!

http://i1083.photobucket.com/albums/j383/ohmymavs3/cfb1ec39.jpg. I know this was posted already, but followed Kooky's directions that she posted using photo bucket a few weeks ago, and I just have to see if it works!!

And of course everyone was here for 'White Swan' also known as 'Winter Chic'

02-12-12, 02:26 PM
And also the halloween pirate avatar costume showed as a catalog in the pictures for the halloween version.

02-12-12, 02:32 PM
I never read the names of the catalogs :) i don't really care how you call them <(^-^)>