View Full Version : Zero star neighbors - delete them?

02-05-12, 11:52 AM
I seem to have quite a few neighbors with zero stars. I went through my list and tipped everyone yesterday who was 3-4 stars and it seems I have a lot of zero stars on the list. I clicked on some of their bakeries and I'm pretty sure they're still playing because they have current decorations and food cooking. I don't tip everyone everyday because I have other things in RL that need to get taken care of but I don't find it hard to maintain a 4 star rating. Generally I tip people who have 3-4 stars because I know they're playing the game and then maybe the 2 stars. Just curious what everyone else does? Do you give a warning or just delete? If someone's been inactive for a while and has no stars, then it's easy.

02-05-12, 12:21 PM
I went through all my neighbours on BS and RS and deleted all players who looked inactive. I don't tip everyday but I do return tips if u have tipped me.i do gift everyday though and I gift parts. But if neighbours want something specific then if they let me know and I gift them want they want.

02-05-12, 12:25 PM
If its obvious they're still playing, I keep them. Well, usually I don't delete anyway, unless my neighbor list gets over 75, and then I'll weed out clearly inactive players. I play Farm mostly, so if dead crops remain for a month or two I will delete, unless they told me they were taking hiatus for whatever reason.

Selfish reasons to keep active 0 star nbrs: expansion & goals.
Unselfish reasons: to help them with expansion & goals.

If you do decide to delete them, I'd advise not warning them... That could be taken very negatively.

02-05-12, 12:31 PM
I would keep them until I expand to the maximum area.

02-05-12, 01:49 PM
I tip nearly everyday as much as I can. I will only tip my 0 star neighbors if they gift me parts (then I don't care if they don't tip because I'd rather get parts than tips). Otherwise I'll tip 0 star neighbors if I have time. But if they don't tip or gift after more than a week, I'll delete them.

02-05-12, 03:09 PM
I used to delete them, but then I became super busy, myself. I work 10plus hours a day with two hours of commuting. I don't tip until the weekend anymore. People may delete me, and I get it, but i am still an active player. Now I don't judge and keep the 0 star people unless it's obvious they are not playing anymore.

02-05-12, 03:44 PM
For me it depends. I tip my 2-4 star nbrs daily. For my 0-1 start nbrs, I don't bother tipping unless I hear from them first. I will keep 0 & 1 star ppl if they gift- like pastry I prefer gifts to tips. If I never hear from them at all I will delete. No, I don't let them know. Not up for the nastiness that can follow.

02-05-12, 04:46 PM
I tipped my neighbors daily. For zero rating i skipped to tip them until they tipped or gifted me. If they don't tip or gift me like a weeks, before I delete them, I tip/gift them first. If no return while I see they actually active and always collect tip everyday, I delete them without warning.

02-05-12, 05:40 PM
I don't tip but I gift parts daily and I also accept accept&gift every single goal request from my neighbors

02-05-12, 05:42 PM
I delete zero star neighbors if they don't gift, tip, or answer requests. There is no point in having them clutter up my neighbor list. I'm considering deleting neighbors that only gift food and don't tip at all. Yes I should be thankful for the gifts, but I don't need the food and their gift is pushing important gifts off the list until I can get into the game and decline them. They also don't answer requests. So if they aren't tipping, aren't answering requests, and gift me something I have no use for, they get deleted. Some may think that's harsh, but I have too many neighbors in all my games and I don't need neighbors that just make the game harder for me. My other neighbors that do tip and/or gift parts and answer requests end up suffering if I keep those that don't, and that isn't fair to them.

02-05-12, 08:26 PM
Some of these bakeries are so amazing that I feel that I must have them as neighbors - 282 so far.

02-05-12, 08:56 PM
I only tip 3-4 star players, but I do visit 0 stars to get the coins or stars for visiting :)

02-05-12, 09:06 PM
Yes I tip everyone regardless of their star rating. However, if I find a neighbor hasn't tipped me or sent me a gift in a long while (about 3-4 weeks) I'll delete them with no warning. Of course I always read their walls first because you might find out that they're really busy with work or school, so I might decide to keep those people around.

02-05-12, 09:55 PM
I delete anyone of any star value who does not regularly tip & gift. I do give hints first:

"Don't be a stranger" or "stop back & tip my cafe sometime" Etc..

A 10:1 tipping ratio just doesn't do it for me, I cut my losses and they go byes. It's nothing personal, though.

02-05-12, 11:33 PM
I only tip 2-4 leveled people. Why tip those with 0-1 rating when they don't even give effort to tip others? I have people on my list who are at level 96 and 0 star rating....lol DELETE! I gift everybody though. I went through my list and deleted 0-1 star ppl i knew been at that rating for a while. And i delete those who are inactive with spoiled food or empty stoves with full tables

02-06-12, 12:19 AM
I agree with Dria, I delete folks at super high levels with zero star ratings. They ain't tipping and they know better so bye bye to them. I don't tip everyone, just people who tip me or give me gifts (parts, and only sometimes I tip the people who send food gifts) so I don't care if they have zero ratings or not for the most part.

02-06-12, 03:33 AM
I will keep them as long as they are tipping and gifting me. It doesn't have to be every day because some days I am unable to get to everyone. If they don't visit me at all or don't answer requests then I will delete them after a time. I have some friends at very high levels whose rating is way down because they just don't want to have a lot of nbrs at this point. That's fine with me. As long as they come by and try to be helpful, that's all I ask.

02-06-12, 08:04 AM
Okay, I'm just speaking for myself, but here lately I'm just busy. I have a crushing workload and while I love playing my story games, I just can't justify taking time I should be working or prepping for presentations gifting 534 people on BS, 430 on RS, 467 on FS, 567 on CS, etc. Then I've got to go tip, water, clean, dance, etc. for over a thousand neighbors...and leave a message on all their walls!!!

I envy everyone who has the luxury of time to tend to their star ratings, but I've got a business to run, a house to clean, a husband, a child to raise...I have a life outside of these games. I can't tell my clients that I didn't get their projects finished because I had to tip 2,000 people in my story games. I've got deadlines to meet! It's not that I don't want to tip and gift, but seriously, the are only 24 hours in a day. I wish people wouldn't take it so personally if their neighbors don't always have time to visit, tip or keep their star rating up. Sometimes all I have time to do is to check my food and start new stuff cooking, and i feel guilty for goofing off long enough to do that. If I'm lucky, maybe I'll have time to do a little decorating and move stuff around...you know, actually play the game. But if I don't cook or decorate for awhile, or if I don't tip and gift, it doesn't mean that I NEVER will...just that I can't spare the time right now.

It would be helpful to those of us with busy lives to have TeamLava add a 'Select All' button so I can gift everybody something on days when I'm pressed for time, but which I can deselect so I can still gift individually when I have time to answer requests. I'd also like a tip jar of some sort that I could just tap once and fill, so I could tip the maximum, even when all the tables at full. I'm a programmer, and I don't see why TL can't do these simple interface changes. Tips are just a number. Whenever I tap the tip jar, it increases by either three or six. Neighbors just tap the jar to empty the day's tips into their counter, and they never have to miss any tips just because their tables are full.

Seriously, this aspect of TL games makes game play far less enjoyable for me. Maybe you can't change the high-maintenance nature of some of the players, but TL could make a few simple interface changes that would make playing a lot more hassle-free. A little less attention on getting people to buy gems TeamLava, and a little more on streamlining the interface and debugging your software!

02-06-12, 09:09 AM
I manage to visit all my nbrs everyday (except the odd time if on holiday). I have about 50 nbrs in each game. If I had anymore than that I'd be a bad nbr as I'd have no time to visit all of them. However I don't expect my nbrs to tip every single day. If they manage to visit once or twice every 2 weeks that's ok. I don't expect nbrs to post when they stop by either. I'll visit all my nbrs and leave tips etc but during the week I only post on nbrs walls who have posted on mine otherwise I tip but don't post. If a nbr hasn't stopped by in over a month I delete them (I usually see the ones who stop by on the newsfeed now and then if they r a non poster). I do have some who have let me know they can't be on much and usually stop by maybe once a month which is fine but if they haven't let me know or posted it on their wall then I assume they are inactive and delete.

02-06-12, 07:08 PM
An easy & smart solution is not to bite off more than you can chew in the neighbor departmart. 1000's of neighbors... lol.

02-06-12, 08:48 PM
An easy & smart solution is not to bite off more than you can chew in the neighbor departmart. 1000's of neighbors... lol.
lol true. I have about 160 nbrs on RS and 80 on BS. I tip all that have 2-4 ratings. and i would rather delete 0-1 rated nbrs to make room for others who are active with 2-4 ratings. I don't have anything against any of the 0-1 ppl though

02-06-12, 09:27 PM
I am a level 96 player, I love cooking and decorating but as a law student, I find it difficult to tip all my 200+ neighbors (so if someone wants to delete me just for a low star rating, fine). BUT because I play everyday, I always always accept all requests and if someone asks on my wall, I always gift them the part they need. As a high level player...we don't need coins or stars...just parts to complete new goals/machines/etc. I could see how a beginning player needs the 3-4 star rated neighbors, still wanted to give my perspective though.

02-06-12, 11:31 PM
I will check my zero rating nbrs if I see spoiled food I will delete no warning

as for tip n gift, if they gift me or tip me I will keep them I don't mind

But it is hard to tip everyone on a daily basis lol

02-07-12, 01:39 AM
I only delete if the tables are full and there's moldy food or nothing cooking for over a week or so.

I always keep a 3-4 star rating in my places now, but in the past I was doing good to keep my rating at even a 2. My old phone wasn't exactly cut out for these games -- between my battery going dead way too fast and the massive lag my more expanded neighbors gave my phone, it's really a wonder I was able to play at all. But I did play quite a bit and was pretty fast about answering requests and gifted every day. Even now, I have some days where I just don't have time for tipping, so I understand the people that have given up on caring about their star ratings.

02-07-12, 07:33 AM
I went through my list and just deleted the inactive players. I went down from 200 to about 150 neighbors. I kept active neighbors who were zero stars. I figured at least I could help them with their goals or material requests. I'm still going to keep tipping 3-4 star neighbors only though. I'll agree with everyone who says it's hard to get to every neighbor every day.

Thanks for the thoughts :)

02-07-12, 02:22 PM
I will check my zero rating nbrs if I see spoiled food I will delete no warning

as for tip n gift, if they gift me or tip me I will keep them I don't mind

But it is hard to tip everyone on a daily basis lol

That's my policy as well. Zero star rating plus spoiled food prompt deletion for me.

02-07-12, 02:31 PM
I am a level 96 player, I love cooking and decorating but as a law student, I find it difficult to tip all my 200+ neighbors (so if someone wants to delete me just for a low star rating, fine). BUT because I play everyday, I always always accept all requests and if someone asks on my wall, I always gift them the part they need. As a high level player...we don't need coins or stars...just parts to complete new goals/machines/etc. I could see how a beginning player needs the 3-4 star rated neighbors, still wanted to give my perspective though.

I don't think it matters who or what you are or what you do. Too many neighbors is too many neighbors. You can have a 4 star rating with 25 neighbors, it's basic math and common sense, folks. There are plenty of high star players with busy lives and careers also.

02-07-12, 09:19 PM
Everyone is BUSY, give me a break. People who want to will find time, people who don't want to find excuses.

If you won't want to tip, that's fine too, but I don't see how anyone could honestly expect people to keep neighbors who don't participate in the neighborly aspects of the game.

02-07-12, 09:57 PM
Your attitude is admirable and I apply it to real life, this however, I repeat, is just a game.

I regularly gift parts and accept all requests, but there have been times when I am traveling and leave my iPad at home for weeks on end. I have neighbors who have long been inactive but I have not had the time to prune my list. I still gift them anyway! At level 96 I do not need gifts or tips, just parts and quest requests.

02-07-12, 09:59 PM
ratandrooster, that's fine too. I have had neighbors actually tell me that they were moving or traveling or whatever and I keep them.

02-07-12, 10:27 PM
It's okay to delete neighbors. I delete neighbors if I never got to know them. 4 star or not. No warning. Sometimes they come back and ask "why did you delete me?"
I tell them sorry. I was getting to many and couldn't keep up. That is when they tell me that they are struggling to keep up too! And about their busy lives. Then we become good friends. No hard feelings yet. Game is now a special treat that I look forward to. 16 good neighbors and a couple newbies :-)

02-08-12, 12:26 AM
I am sure lots have deleted me too but I don't keep track. It's just a game, supposed to help me while my time not stress me out! I figure if my gifting and accepting requests wil help someone get their dream bakery, why not?

02-11-12, 01:04 AM
I delete neighbors who don't tip...I don't need the coins but I figure tipping should be done out of courtesy simply because I take the time to tip daily; however, is a neighbor takes the time to let me know why they aren't tipping then I make exceptions.

I keep very few neighbors...about 30 at a time. I rarely add unless I know for sure they are 4stars. I prefer to think of my neighbor list as "exclusive". No offense to anyone, this is just how I do things.

02-11-12, 09:21 AM
The past couple days, I've been tipping gift givers and tippers, then making a list of who is left at the top of the list(the ones that were tipped go to the bottom) then I've been checking on the ones at the top to see if there's moldy food etc