View Full Version : Cooked food not registering in goal

02-01-12, 07:23 AM
This is the third time this has happened to me. I had 7 pizzas left to cook on my valentine goal. Four finished about an hour ago, and 3 had about 6 hours to go. After I served the food, I went to check my the goal, and the 4 pies did not register. This is so annoying. This happened to me twice before. Please check this out TL.

02-01-12, 08:53 AM
Although I didn't lose as many as you did, the same thing happened to me!

I'm not sure about the real cause of this issue, but when I experienced it, I guess I had "out of sink"
though there was no pop-up message. I had to tap for a few times more than usual to complete
cooking Pizza (the same as you!) and when it seemed that I finished cooking, I put out another
appliance from the inventory. After a while, I noticed that the last pizza I cooked for a goal wasn't counted!

7 pizzas must be hard to believe... Why don't you try sending an e-mail to TL support and explain the details?

Hope you'll get what you earned!!! Good luck :)

kooky panda
02-01-12, 09:10 AM
When you went back to place your food, were you in the valentine game or one of the other Restaurant games? (halloween, christmas, regular?)

Your items will only count towards the goals, if you are placing and serving the food in
the Valentine Game.

02-01-12, 03:10 PM
This happened to me yesterday as well...I too lost 7 pizzas. I also lost a Cojack in Pet Shop Story on Monday...I emailed TL about it but haven't heard a thing. I just redid both.