View Full Version : Using gifts

01-29-12, 12:35 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm getting a bit confused! How can I use constructive items ie metal sheets/motors etc for building cookers etc when they're given as gifts?? When I click on 'use gift' it just says 'this is a constructable item and can't be served'!!! I know that but I want to use them so I can build my blooming fryer quicker lol!!! Any help would be appreciated!! Kelly x

01-29-12, 12:39 PM
If you have an appliance that needs parts, as soon as you get the parts and accept them, they go towards the machine. If you click the box for the appliance you'll see how many you have left. I don't know why they are kept in our news feed if the "gift back" button is greyed out, but I notice mine sometime hang there for a few hours before they disappear. Some go away completely while others just like to hang around.

01-29-12, 12:41 PM
Oh, and if you are an Android User, you won't see how many parts you have total unless you play City Story. BS/RS we have to email support to find out how much we have of each part as our gift section doesn't show them. *sigh*

01-29-12, 12:45 PM
No I play on iphone...the thing is they are hanging around in my 'gift box' and they're not going towards my appliances :( For example I have 7 metal sheets and I only need 4 to complete that part! It's so frustrating! x

01-29-12, 12:46 PM
No I play on iphone...the thing is they are hanging around in my 'gift box' and they're not going towards my appliances :( For example I have 7 metal sheets and I only need 4 to complete that part! It's so frustrating! x

You'll soon get those 4 parts and it will be built, good luck.

01-29-12, 12:49 PM
No I play on iphone...the thing is they are hanging around in my 'gift box' and they're not going towards my appliances :( For example I have 7 metal sheets and I only need 4 to complete that part! It's so frustrating! x

Try rebooting your device as those should be applied to your appliance if you have them showing up in your gifts. If that doesn't work, email TL support and see if they can look at your game to find out why they aren't applying.

01-29-12, 12:50 PM
You'll soon get those 4 parts and it will be built, good luck.

She already has them, they are just not going towards her appliance.

01-29-12, 12:52 PM
Thanks barleycoon and queentina3 x

01-29-12, 01:37 PM
The parts in My Gifts and the constructable are the same parts. So if u have 7 metal sheets in both, u only have 7 metal sheets, not 14