View Full Version : Abusive messages on my wall

01-29-12, 03:29 AM
Hi, everyone.
I'm new here, so please forgive me if this question has been asked before.
A few weeks ago, I posted a message on a neighbor's wall, saying that sorry, I could no longer accept food gifts and asking for them to send me parts. The message was short, but definitely not rude.
Some days later, they answered by telling me I didn't deserve anything at all and calling me a freak on my wall.
I asked them what their problem was, but decided it wasn't worth my time and left a message saying that I deleted them as a neighbor.
This morning, I check my wall and see no less than sex messages containing all kinds of slurs and calling me names.
What do I do now? This is something that will result in me quitting if it can't be stopped. I don't want to be abused in a game I play for fun.

01-29-12, 03:30 AM
Sorry, that was supposed to read "six messages", not "Sex messages". I apologize.

01-29-12, 03:35 AM
Send an email to support@teamlava.com. Provide your storm8 ID, your ex-neighbor's storm8 ID if possible, and screenshots of the posts.

01-29-12, 06:09 AM
You don't actually need the ex-neighbour's ID; just tell them that it was on your wall, and give them a rough timescale.
If you don't have screenshots, type what they said.
Good luck.

01-29-12, 12:18 PM
Thank you guys for replying. I emailed support and got the automated message back, so now I'm waiting for a real reply. I did send screenshots. Do you think I can delete the messages from my wall now? I hate looking at them every time I check for new messages from my neighbors.

01-29-12, 12:30 PM
Thank you guys for replying. I emailed support and got the automated message back, so now I'm waiting for a real reply. I did send screenshots. Do you think I can delete the messages from my wall now? I hate looking at them every time I check for new messages from my neighbors.

Yes, that should be fine, and I presume they're saved on the servers anyway.

Just as a sidenote, don't post what action Support take, if any, here once they get back to you:).

01-29-12, 12:34 PM
@Leotilly, you may actually want to wait until you hear from TeamLava Support, or message a TeamLava Employee here on the forums to confirm if deleting the messages are ok, just in case.