View Full Version : truffle maker and chocolate dip

01-26-12, 09:17 AM
Why don't I have the chocolate dip or truffle maker to build? I want to cook some of those too!! I have an iPhone 4s and I have it set to automatically update.


01-26-12, 09:21 AM
Try re-installing the app manually anyway.

01-26-12, 09:23 AM
But at the same time, you should be aware of the following:

Our updates may not be distributed to all users at the same time. These items in question may be rolling out slowly to your device, or may otherwise not be available for your device at this time.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire) [Send Private Message] (http://forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=12701)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
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Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

01-26-12, 09:25 AM
Why don't I have the chocolate dip or truffle maker to build? I want to cook some of those too!! I have an iPhone 4s and I have it set to automatically update.


Sorry, some lucky IOS player's were given these items but then TL could not continue with the update, possibly due to issues I don't know. TL have not yet provided information when these item's will be released to the IOS player's. I really hope it's as soon as TL are able too.