View Full Version : My poor restaurant

01-23-12, 01:09 AM
Ever since Teamlava messed around with the dish stats my restaurant is so empty and non colourful:( please change it back Teamlava!!! Or I will cry:( (not really), I'll just stop playing

01-23-12, 01:12 AM
Me too, please change it back TL. I have hardly any food left now, and I'm closed.

01-23-12, 10:40 AM
Try bakery. I quit restaurant due to them not caring. I saw today there was an update to download and it has been a full week of people complaining. No use posting here anymore. Get on the market and write a review about how crappy it is. I went there a bit ago and 2 of the 3 showing was people saying how terrible the game is due to this. That is always a sure fire answer to me leaving that game in the market and moving on to another download. These guys has had plenty of time by now to fix it. Looks like they aren't going to. All the people that like it will stay, and the people like me will leave.

01-23-12, 11:05 AM
Bakery story has decreased the quantity of dishes also, but i don't think it was as drastic as Restaurant story
Try bakery. I quit restaurant due to them not caring. I saw today there was an update to download and it has been a full week of people complaining. No use posting here anymore. Get on the market and write a review about how crappy it is. I went there a bit ago and 2 of the 3 showing was people saying how terrible the game is due to this. That is always a sure fire answer to me leaving that game in the market and moving on to another download. These guys has had plenty of time by now to fix it. Looks like they aren't going to. All the people that like it will stay, and the people like me will leave.

01-23-12, 11:08 AM
It's strange that RS is more affected than BS, I really hope TL can help us and change it back. I really miss not having a good selection of food/drinks on display.

01-23-12, 11:09 AM
See TL?
If both myself and barley oppose it, it's proof that it was a rubbish decision.

It's strange that RS is more affected than BS, I really hope TL can help us and change it back. I really miss not having a good selection of food/drinks on display.

Well, I think it was anyway.
I'll cry too...and I don't even play those games!

01-23-12, 11:26 AM
See TL?
If both myself and barley oppose it, it's proof that it was a rubbish decision.

Well, I think it was anyway.
I'll cry too...and I don't even play those games!

That's what I was going to say! :)

01-23-12, 12:28 PM
Ever since Teamlava messed around with the dish stats my restaurant is so empty and non colourful:( please change it back Teamlava!!! Or I will cry:( (not really), I'll just stop playing
I can't keep mine stocked...can't keep up so just closed it. Not really playing there at all now...not even trying for the goals. just mastering some "almost mastered" dishes.

01-23-12, 12:33 PM
So if barleycoon and rachael don't like the change, I guess it won't surprise anyone that I don't mind it. I actually like it in Bakery because now the food on my counter will drop. My stock pile of food in RS isn't as bad, but I don't think it'll affect me for a while if at all. I used to only master new recipes and put my appliances in storage when not mastering. This just means I won't take these breaks, but I don't think I'll be closing shop for a while. I think this is a terrible change for new players, and those are the ones mentioned that it was to help.

I have no idea how many parts I have since I'm on Android, but I think I had a lot. I built 53 constructables for 8 different appliances at 30 parts each in the last 10 days and some of my parts have been depleted. I want to build 2 more. I think its time to stop on the new appliances and add more recipes to the ones we have. This is what's affecting me at the moment.

01-23-12, 12:37 PM
I've decided after I expand my restaurant one last time, probably this week, that I'll be gone. I've spent the last month building up $4.5 million coins plus nearly 40 gems to make multiple expansions at once. I was going to wait another month to get the final expansion for $3.5 million, but there's no way I'm sticking around that long. When the update occurred, I had 216,000 plates while making 8-hour or longer recipes--and the number of plates was growing thanks to items like Baked Chicken and Olives and Cheese. Now, making 30-minute to 2-hour recipes, I've only held on to 172,000 plates as of today.

I know my plates will run out in a few weeks and I won't keep making short-term recipes after I've mastered them when I have 15 appliances. So I'm going to expand with what I have, make my restaurant pretty, take a nice picture of all of my hard work, let my food run out and tell my neighbors that while I loved coming around tipping and gifting everyday, I'm going to move on. It's not worth it anymore. Time to get on with my real life and let Team Lava enjoy its "success" without me...

01-23-12, 12:42 PM
Ever since Teamlava messed around with the dish stats my restaurant is so empty and non colourful:( please change it back Teamlava!!! Or I will cry:( (not really), I'll just stop playing

redbites, I really feel for you. I was lucky to be able to stock up on some foods just before the update or I'd be in bad shape. As it is, I really have no variety out, just the food that I had already stocked up on. I can't keep anything else in my restaurant at all and I'm at level 62. I hope they change it back as well, but if they don't, I'll be gone :-(

01-23-12, 02:38 PM
I've been playing RS since January last year and it was perfect until they reduced the quantity of dishes. I didn't have time to stock up because I was on holidays and had no access to wifi until quite recently. Right now I just hope Teamlava changes it back, but I doubt they will:(

01-23-12, 03:44 PM
Before I decided whether or not to buy the chocolate fountain for the New Years goal, I had dumped all of my food that gave fewer than four coins per dish, trying to increase my average hourly income. In the end i decided that the fountain was just too ugly and expensive. Of course now that food would have been worth so much more ( and all of my "expensive" food is worth so much less). Figures.

I did have a nice stash, but it is rapidly dwindling.

01-23-12, 05:56 PM
Before I decided whether or not to buy the chocolate fountain for the New Years goal, I had dumped all of my food that gave fewer than four coins per dish, trying to increase my average hourly income. In the end i decided that the fountain was just too ugly and expensive. Of course now that food would have been worth so much more ( and all of my "expensive" food is worth so much less). Figures.

I did have a nice stash, but it is rapidly dwindling.

That's too bad about the food. But look at the bright side - you have a bunch of coins rather than that too big and ugly chocolate fountain.

01-23-12, 06:03 PM
That's too bad about the food. But look at the bright side - you have a bunch of coins rather than that too big and ugly chocolate fountain.

Too big and ugly chocolate fountain vs too small and ugly black roses, who wins

01-23-12, 06:06 PM
Too big and ugly chocolate fountain vs too small and ugly black roses, who wins

TL? Black roses, are you kidding me? yuck

01-23-12, 06:32 PM
The chocolate fountain is uglier, but at least it costs coins. It costs 2.5M coins, and you get 12000 XP. And you can place it in storage.

So its a better deal than the black roses. I accidentally bought a black rose and accidentally harvested it about a day after it bloomed. A waste of 2 gems.

01-23-12, 07:04 PM
There was never anything wrong with the servings so why were they changed there was never any thread complaining about it please change back and don't change any thing unless we ask for it!!!

01-23-12, 07:44 PM
There was never anything wrong with the servings so why were they changed there was never any thread complaining about it please change back and don't change any thing unless we ask for it!!!

I think it may have been because so many higher level players moaned about having so much food, they had no space to place all the new recipes. I really hope a better balance can be sought, it must be hard finding the exact answer so that we don't have too much or too little food/drink.

01-23-12, 08:20 PM
The chocolate fountain is awesome!! What's so ugly about it?

01-23-12, 08:33 PM
I think it may have been because so many higher level players moaned about having so much food, they had no space to place all the new recipes. I really hope a better balance can be sought, it must be hard finding the exact answer so that we don't have too much or too little food/drink.

I am a higher level player who has too much food. I have plenty of space to place counters; that has never been an issue for me. I have 8 counters of Chinese New Year and Valentines food items recently released, and 10 counters of food made prior to that with a ridiculously large number of plates due to high yields on the recipes. I do not appreciate being referred to as a "moaner." Please refrain from attacking us higher level players with too much food.

In our many discussions, we have offered many suggestions on what can be done to resolve our excess food issues. The change TL made was not among those suggestions. In GM's rationale for why the change was made, he did not refer to higher level players, but did say it was in part to benefit newer players.

And as far as higher level players "moaning" about too much food, what about those, including yourself, who have posted that they are running out of food too fast? You have done so in several threads, including this one. Are you a "moaner?"

01-23-12, 08:39 PM
And as far as higher level players "moaning" about too much food, what about those, including yourself, who have posted that they are running out of food too fast? You have done so in several threads, including this one. Are you a "moaner?"

Right now i am a whiner and a moaner and a complainer in hopes that we'll get at least a cople high yield recipes. :p
That way i think everyone will be happy :D

01-23-12, 08:43 PM
or maybe Teamlava could just change things back to the way they were before

01-23-12, 08:52 PM
Right now i am a whiner and a moaner and a complainer in hopes that we'll get at least a cople high yield recipes. :p
That way i think everyone will be happy :D

Moan away :) (it could work)

01-23-12, 08:53 PM
I would like them to change things back to the way they were before. My neighbors are closing shop or quitting. And to also decrease the plate count on new recipes in Bakery Story so people don't end up with too much food on their counters.

01-23-12, 09:05 PM
Right now i am a whiner and a moaner and a complainer in hopes that we'll get at least a cople high yield recipes. :p
That way i think everyone will be happy :D

If it said "complaining" it wouldn't have been as bad. It was the choice of words.

01-23-12, 09:45 PM
Right now i am a whiner and a moaner and a complainer in hopes that we'll get at least a cople high yield recipes. :p
That way i think everyone will be happy :D

I'm right there with you. Did I have an excessive amount of food in BS, heck yes! Did I mention it, yes I did. Did I ever once state that the plate sizes were too large, not to my knowledge. I only wanted them to offer more customers so the food would sell a little bit quicker, hence more money for me quicker. Now I get less plates, less money, and a closed RS.

Not at all what I asked for. LOL

01-23-12, 09:46 PM
Wow. Never thought that his change would be turned around and blamed on the players for "requesting it". Remember how TL says they pride themselves on interacting with its players? How was this remotely close to ANYONE'S suggestions?

Who remembers the heads up regarding any of these updates when they were released?

How long were we left wondering if this was a bug or intentional?

This marks the second time in my mind that TL's possibly(???) well intentioned updates were in fact COMPLETELY contrary to what anyone wanted.

The first being all neighbors being checked for gifting.

Was something along these lines requested by players? Yes. However, the very important !!! distinction that makes all the difference was that players wanted the CHOICE to select all neighbors or not. We wanted a CHECKBOX. That was always clear. What we didn't want was the default to be all checked which is what we got. TL heard the outrage and changed it back.

This latest change.. I don't disagree that some players myself included thought that the balance between quantities of food that could be prepared and the speed at which food was consumed was off, none of us condone the manner in which this matter was "handled". It was more of an observation that we had massive quantities of food on our counters and not something that severely upset us.

To turn this around and blame players for these changes is really unfair. TL says it prides itself in interacting with its player base but is that really true?

They reply here and there but in many cases the staff that reply here are just as clueless as we are (or not allowed to divulge information). We don't get good updates on bug fixes or explanation of why things were changed. We are often simply referred back to the "official company statement".

In short, the players have requested meaningful and useful user interface updates, not ham fisted changes that wreck all semblance of game balance or force players to jump through hoops to play the way they want.

01-23-12, 09:54 PM
Standing ovation Ultrafrog.

01-23-12, 10:02 PM
Applauding beside queentina3

01-23-12, 10:12 PM
Standing ovation Ultrafrog.

Thank you, queentina3.

The saddest part of all this is that TL has some really great games.

What I don't understand is the disconnect between the company and the player base.

With a couple very SIMPLE changes, player satisfaction could be through the roof.

Just do the following...
-Remove all gem traps.

Just do it. You think they are good because it forces customers to spend gems and have to buy more if they want to get anything but just STOP. It's not a good practice at all. Every time someone falls for a gem trap it just makes them re-evaluate really hard if they even want to keep playing the game. It's not fun!!! Why do we have to spend so much time being careful to not fall for traps instead of enjoying ourselves and playing the games?

-Remove neighbors from the checklist that can't be "gifted to" or can be "requested from"

It is infuriating to check all your neighbors only to find out that the timer hasn't reset and you just wasted 20 seconds of your life tapping hundreds of times. If the checklist was simply updated to only include neighbors that could be gifted/requested from, players would be VERY HAPPY!!!

-Implement a check all/uncheck all for neighbor list

Do it right this time. Instead of being lazy and setting the default to have all neighbors checked, put in the checkbox so we have the option to check all or not.

-Better quality assurance on content updates

Players DO appreciate the new content! It's great and keeps the game fresh! But make sure it all works properly first. That is highest priority. We know it creates massive headaches for you too when bugs get released into the game world.

The bottom line is that the player base wants MORE interaction with Team Lava to improve its games. We have a lot of hours invested in these games and enjoy them. It's actually very sad (and shortsighted) that TL isn't willing to work with us to make these simple changes. I have stopped buying gems because I feel like TL just doesn't listen. I don't know why an adversarial approach like using gem traps is preferable to one where the player is free to spend his or her gems how he/she wants.

01-23-12, 10:16 PM
^^^ applauds again ^^^

01-23-12, 10:20 PM
I love you. I really do.

01-23-12, 11:04 PM
There's really just one thing all players have in common and that's a confirmation button on all gem items. And that's one thing they will never address.

01-24-12, 12:09 AM
My suggestion is, keep a very minimum of chair with tables for those Clone Troopers to maintain your cash flow. remaining tables for tipping.

01-24-12, 01:10 AM
Well said ultrafrog applauding you!!!

01-24-12, 09:27 PM
Everything ultrafrog said i agree with!!!

01-24-12, 09:41 PM
Well said both times, ultrafrog.

01-24-12, 09:43 PM
Everyone has a crush on ultrafrog now :p

01-25-12, 08:12 AM
i keep running out of food..... its so annoying! more so when doing goals grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

01-26-12, 07:40 AM
Ultrafrog I agree with you whole hearttedly. I love the games but at level 96 I should never had to close my restaurant to cook food. Why should we cook a varity of food when it all earns me the same amount. Now you have to look for the largest serving and only cook that one. The games are no longer fun when you have hundreds of people complaining and the company is too stubborn to listen to people that love them. 

01-26-12, 08:07 AM
Removing another 4 serving tables today....it's draining faster than I estimated.....

01-26-12, 08:57 AM
Everyone has a crush on ultrafrog now :p

Me too :-)

01-26-12, 09:50 AM
Do you suppose TeamLava realizes that for every negative spoken(written) comment there are 10 more unspoken(unwritten). This is typical customer service guidelines. To me the number of unhappy players would be in the 1,000s even 10,000s with more and more people just throwing their hands up and quitting. Hopefully they are at the discussion tables right now getting this major issue ironed out. Teamlava hear our roars!

01-26-12, 09:55 AM
My restaurant is always empty if food now since the changes implemented by TL I used to enjoy heaping the counters with an arrangement of colourful interesting foods now theres no point spending any time playing food gone in a flash. Aw well whatever floats TL s boat. I just done play restaurant so much anymore.

01-26-12, 10:57 AM
My restaurant is always empty if food now since the changes implemented by TL I used to enjoy heaping the counters with an arrangement of colourful interesting foods now theres no point spending any time playing food gone in a flash. Aw well whatever floats TL s boat. I just done play restaurant so much anymore.

I had to close my Restaurent a few days ago by blocking the door, I reopened and my food/drink is maintaining at much better levels. If the door is blocked, to try to prevent a quick sale which is not always possible. I've found by visiting other player's as soon as the door is unblocked seems to help most of the time.

01-26-12, 11:12 AM
They've slowed down the rate of consumption in RS - I guess that's TL's response to everyone's counters emptying too fast instead of putting the amount of servings back to what they were or at least something more reasonable to reflect a better balance between servings and cook times. It really feels like how they address the problems and feedback is counter to what people are really asking for. Consumption rate was fine in RS before the changes, it was the change they made to lower amount of servings so drastically that was adversely affecting players. But instead they lowered the consumption rate.

01-26-12, 11:15 AM
I had to close my Restaurent a few days ago by blocking the door, I reopened and my food/drink is maintaining at much better levels. If the door is blocked, to try to prevent a quick sale which is not always possible. I've found by visiting other player's as soon as the door is unblocked seems to help most of the time.. But I never had this problem before with lack of food I really don't see the point in trying to conform to Tls interruption of the game with their changes. All I can say is that it has taken the enjoyment out of the game for me. I have since downloaded some new apps to play.

01-26-12, 11:24 AM
That seems to be the case, pastrychef17.

The "new" system is worse is nearly every way. Each recipe prepared produces less food than before and consumption rate was reduced to slow counters from clearing out.

Less profit gained per recipe AND you get your profits slower.

01-26-12, 12:57 PM
Yes, I noticed the consumption rate is less now. Nothing TL does surprises me anymore.

01-26-12, 01:26 PM
They've slowed down the rate of consumption in RS - I guess that's TL's response to everyone's counters emptying too fast instead of putting the amount of servings back to what they were or at least something more reasonable to reflect a better balance between servings and cook times. It really feels like how they address the problems and feedback is counter to what people are really asking for. Consumption rate was fine in RS before the changes, it was the change they made to lower amount of servings so drastically that was adversely affecting players. But instead they lowered the consumption rate.

I guess we will have to find out how much slower it is now. Maybe it's play-able without me blocking the door, rerouting visiters or taking out the chairs? It's just not what some people wanted, since slower rate means slow gain on gold. But I have a feeling that was the objective TL had in mind when they implemented the change, so I doubt they'd be interested in pumping the inflation back.

01-26-12, 01:40 PM
Yeah, it will be harder to get money for expansions and the goodies, but if I can keep food on the counters without having to spend 24/7 on the game, I'll deal with it. If I get a chance later I'll take some stuff out of stock and use my gift food to see what the rate of consumption is, while I cook a one hour dish. If all my gift food is gone before that 1 hour plate comes off, then I'll probably stop again. I have almost 2500 in my gift que for food just waiting there until I re-open.

01-26-12, 02:01 PM
This is very confusing because I sense that there are actually multiple issues at play here.

Not only is TL fiddling with the quantities and cost of recipes, but also with the consumption speed.

It seems that around the time the quantity nerf update was released, some players encountered a bug with massively sped up consumption.

Like insanely increased.

I'm talking about players that had millions of stock on their counter had their counters cleared in a day or two. One million servings that should have taken approximately 23 days was clearing out overnight instead. While this isn't the worst bug because players got coin for serving that food, it is a bug to me nonetheless. Not everyone had that happen to them, I didn't.

This meant that even higher level players that had stocked millions of servings were placed in the same predicament of lower level players -

they didn't have enough counter stock to feed their customers.

I guess that bug got fixed so food consumption is returned to more normal levels now.

01-26-12, 04:03 PM
This is very confusing because I sense that there are actually multiple issues at play here.

Not only is TL fiddling with the quantities and cost of recipes, but also with the consumption speed.

It seems that around the time the quantity nerf update was released, some players encountered a bug with massively sped up consumption.

Like insanely increased.

I'm talking about players that had millions of stock on their counter had their counters cleared in a day or two. One million servings that should have taken approximately 23 days was clearing out overnight instead. While this isn't the worst bug because players got coin for serving that food, it is a bug to me nonetheless. Not everyone had that happen to them, I didn't.

This meant that even higher level players that had stocked millions of servings were placed in the same predicament of lower level players -

they didn't have enough counter stock to feed their customers.

I guess that bug got fixed so food consumption is returned to more normal levels now.

Im a level 95 player and the food missing (without payment) happened to me a few weeks ago!!! I emailed support and they told me thier records showed i deleted it!!! I had over 5,000,000 pieces of food...who would delete all thier counters to do that? Plus my door wasnt blocked or anything! I also had my gems go missing and storage items...TL told me Thier records showed I spent all gems reviving rotten food and deleted my storage items...i did not do any of those things! So either TL is lying or thier records are beyond faulty...just like how they r making the game now too! All these changes have made it horrible for me and after stealing all my food I cannot keep food on my counters either! It really sux!

01-26-12, 04:26 PM
Yeah.. sorry to hear that. It is really shoddy sometimes the way TL treats players.

I'm really surprised to see how stingy TL is with their virtual currency. It's not like they don't know there are bugs in their games but they are so loathe to help players when they get affected by these issues.

How big of a deal would it be to restore niccy79's counters if the records show that 5 million servings just disappeared? If not restore food on the counter, just give the equivalent coin that she would have earned.

Granted I understand that some players might lie about it and say it just disappeared when they really actually did clear their counters but in this case I don't believe that it is an isolated incident. Other players have the same complaints of disappearing food as well.

I hope that you have stopped buying gems if you have bought and maybe make a complaint to Apple regarding their games. It's not right to have your items simply disappear from your game.

01-26-12, 07:11 PM
The actual main problem is... For most gaming companies... They ought to have what it's call... The beta version. Before launching, they could let us know that this is trial or test trial. Why? Because I lost almost 15 gems for nothing during the bs Christmas goals.

I am a gamer. (but I have my life as well) Playing and playing betas, as well as us giving opinions are very important to gaming companies. Gaming companies actually pay research or mystery companies to check on their betas or even hear customer feedback. I get paid per hour basis to give my opinion over a closed or open webcam about a game or some technical products about it.

WHEREAS TEAM LAVA has a public forum, which actually saves money for them to operate on such imitate clientele relationship. It's a really really good and beneficial way for both parties. First hand, original feedback and fast! However, ARE u listening? Especially to the androids users. I pity them, really. Imagine those who spent $100 over, thinking they are actually are at the same update as us iOS? CONNED.

Ok fine, I shall refrain from using too strong words.

It's really unfair. How balanced do you want this game to be. In my opinion, No game is ever balanced. but yes they try to be, but It will never be. because they will bound to have *****s and *****ers go undetected and this makes the game unbalanced also. My view is that for those who complained of too much food, u can always keep ur counters if u are not happy, anyway TL has not implemented the "view of the food" that is on the counters at design view. So, even one accidental tab of the counter to store it, VIOLA! No more food!

U cannot balance out a game with food being 4$ each. How "fair" if u sell a dish called "Buddha jumps over the wall", in real life, u steam the soup dish for almost overnight, and then in the end, the "government" had u sell it for a lower price suddenly after a warrant search. hello! I cooked long dishes so I can earn more... I know my maths. Why did u lower the price list of dishes?

I spent about close to $50 US? On both games.

In fact, I am quite sure that Team lava existed because there are real buyers. And so maybe u should have a separate corner for gem buyers, so u can listen to buyers first hand, and focus on buyer's word? Because they are your real target audience afterall.

The black out day? I wished it was longer like a week. So all neighbors can unite together and understand why no tips appeared for them. Or no one should even log in at all. (I did not start blackout day, but I thought it was a good idea)
I lost great some great neighbors. Majority lvl 96s.

spend ur time to fix the androids. I think u need their support.

with lots of love, Happy Chinese New Year.

01-27-12, 02:13 PM
applauding beside queentina3

clapping loud

01-27-12, 02:31 PM
I guess we will have to find out how much slower it is now. Maybe it's play-able without me blocking the door, rerouting visiters or taking out the chairs? It's just not what some people wanted, since slower rate means slow gain on gold. But I have a feeling that was the objective TL had in mind when they implemented the change, so I doubt they'd be interested in pumping the inflation back.

It seems that the update included some "bugs" that benefited TL as well. Lower consumption and less food means less money so what do consumers do? PAY MONEY VIA GEMS. Great way for TL to show an increase in profit but will the decrease hurt them in customers? I spent money before on a fairly regular basis. I even bought some gems for Christmas because I enjoyed the occasional fun of using them for something I wanted to do. However I have been "accidently" losing gems now in traps. I would never trust to buy them again as the last time the game froze on me. Later I attempted to purchase again and guess what???? Yep 2 purchases went through. Not my intention but I am sure my "user error". Can I sell them back?

I closed my place yesterday-level 96 with many level 96 neighbors. I noticed when visiting some lower level neighbors they had blocked doors and no food on the counters but were trying to cook quick recipes. I felt bad for them my high level neighbors that emptied there place because I know they loved it and hated to walk away but were fed up.

01-27-12, 03:57 PM
Im a level 95 player and the food missing (without payment) happened to me a few weeks ago!!! I emailed support and they told me thier records showed i deleted it!!! I had over 5,000,000 pieces of food...who would delete all thier counters to do that? Plus my door wasnt blocked or anything! I also had my gems go missing and storage items...TL told me Thier records showed I spent all gems reviving rotten food and deleted my storage items...i did not do any of those things! So either TL is lying or thier records are beyond faulty...just like how they r making the game now too! All these changes have made it horrible for me and after stealing all my food I cannot keep food on my counters either! It really sux!

I seriously doubt they log that much detail in the production game. They are only telling you what's convenient to say. It's not even worth your time to open a ticket. It's a very faulty game with a creator that is trying to con you to stay and to make mistakes. At the end, it is still your choice to stay and play. When you play, you accept all its faults, including missing gold, plates, xp, items and parts. That's how it works. It's a free game, though technically it's not true for people who had paid anything for gems. The only other way to help us is to start a class action suit. I know I certainly don't have the time or the energy for that;)

01-27-12, 04:10 PM
As I posted in another thread. I will likely be leaving all 4 of my TL games to find new games by another creator. Hopefully, enticing some of my neighbors with me in the process.

I can imagine what it takes to process all the bugs, issues etc. I can understand their frustration in a sense. But total disregard? That is insulting.

Good luck to all of you. If we are lucky they wont delete this entire thread like they did the others!


01-28-12, 10:36 PM
Im a level 95 player and the food missing (without payment) happened to me a few weeks ago!!! I emailed support and they told me thier records showed i deleted it!!! I had over 5,000,000 pieces of food...who would delete all thier counters to do that? Plus my door wasnt blocked or anything! I also had my gems go missing and storage items...TL told me Thier records showed I spent all gems reviving rotten food and deleted my storage items...i did not do any of those things! So either TL is lying or thier records are beyond faulty...just like how they r making the game now too! All these changes have made it horrible for me and after stealing all my food I cannot keep food on my counters either! It really sux! I had the same problem with my food. I had enough to last me for months and it was all gone in days and not a single dime for it. Don't they see that we do love this game and want them to make it better and be honest and fare to all it's players. If they take are recommendations and complaints and put them to good use we would be behind them 100%.

01-29-12, 01:16 PM
I had the same problem with my food. I had enough to last me for months and it was all gone in days and not a single dime for it. Don't they see that we do love this game and want them to make it better and be honest and fare to all it's players. If they take are recommendations and complaints and put them to good use we would be behind them 100%.

I would be behind them 100% if support actually did something to help (contacted support several times in past and they r extremely frustrating with thier beat around the bush ways)! I would support TL if a GM could actually respond to any of the threads in the past week...even if they dont know whats going on respond in some way to show respect to the ppl who r so frustrated! I would support TL if they actually quit messing up our games more instead of working on the issues they caused (and then they turn around and blame it on other ppl requesting changes - and the changes requested they didmt even get right)! Support comes with respect...if we r not respected why would we show it in return?

01-29-12, 01:31 PM
GM does respond to threads, so do DW and BP. The TL staff are on here a lot, sometimes they might be passing game issues on to the various teams at TL. That would take a lot of time, GM shows so much respect to players on here.
It's a pity players don't show GM that same level of respect, they really care about this forum. They are on usually every day replying to threads. I would have thought too a website does not run itself, this must be very time consuming for GM.
They have other roles at TL too, I feel they do an amazing job. Nothing is ever too much trouble, they give their time so freely to help others. They are kind and very approachable for players, they are very supportive of players too.
Thank you GM, DW and BP for everything you do on the forum.

01-29-12, 01:44 PM
GM does respond to threads, so do DW and BP. The TL staff are on here a lot, sometimes they might be passing game issues on to the various teams at TL. That would take a lot of time, GM shows so much respect to players on here.
It's a pity players don't show GM that same level of respect, they really care about this forum. They are on usually every day replying to threads. I would have thought too a website does not run itself, this must be very time consuming for GM.
They have other roles at TL too, I feel they do an amazing job. Nothing is ever too much trouble, they give their time so freely to help others. They are kind and very approachable for players, they are very supportive of players too.
Thank you GM, DW and BP for everything you do on the forum.

Ok we get it. Ad nauseum.

Can we go back to the restaurant issues please?

01-29-12, 01:48 PM
It's sad.. A Restaurant without Food! Just empty counters...

01-29-12, 02:19 PM
I think it may have been because so many higher level players moaned about having so much food, they had no space to place all the new recipes. I really hope a better balance can be sought, it must be hard finding the exact answer so that we don't have too much or too little food/drink.

I think it's rubbish to complain that you have "too much food" and I doubt that is AT ALL WHAT CAUSED THIS DECISION by TL. It's greed pure & simple. If high levels really don't want the food it's easier to select "clear counter" than to go to the forums and formulate a complaint. Team Lava gets more money from this AND THAT'S THEIR MOTIVATION. PERIOD.

01-29-12, 02:25 PM
I think it's rubbish to complain that you have "too much food" and I doubt that is AT ALL WHAT CAUSED THIS DECISION by TL. It's greed pure & simple. If high levels really don't want the food it's easier to select "clear counter" than to go to the forums and formulate a complaint. Team Lava gets more money from this AND THAT'S THEIR MOTIVATION. PERIOD.

Fully agree my friend!

01-29-12, 03:16 PM
If Teamlava doesn't fix the food quantity issue fast I'll quit playing and stick to BF3

01-29-12, 03:37 PM
ultrafrog, you are my hero!!
So very well said!! Thank you for putting into words what so many of us have been screaming!!

I'm a RS LV95 player only with a blocked door. I'm loathed to "sell" my servings of food at such ridiculous discounts!! We've all spent hours upon days upon months buying & cooking our food and for TL to come in & try to "rob & steal" it all in name of "BALANCE" is completely over & beyond insulting! I adore this game but the constant & seemingly never-ending frustrations are pushing me to toward a decision I don't want to have to make....Close,Quit & Move On (Very heavy & sad sigh...)

01-29-12, 04:40 PM
This is so sad. When I first heard about all of this, it was from a neighbor writing about it on her wall. I honestly wrote it off as someone having a rant. THEN I CAME TO UNDERSTAND IT!! As unfortunate as it sounds, until TL makes changes, we will have to. We either have to stop playing all together or to find a way to work around the changes. It is a very personal choice, and although I have chosen the latter, it's sad because there is no win-win here. If they do put things back the way they were, YOU'D BEST BELIEVE THEY WILL CHANGE SOMETHING ELSE ... and then what? Another blackout? UGH, it's disheartening.

So I've found a way to "survive" in RS. I have ONLY 8 TABLES OPEN. That's right ... 8! It's not huge, it's not elaborate, it's not all gemmed down because I don't buy gems, but it's MY little quaint shop and I was happy with it before all the changes. Now it's just a hot mess. Verily, with only 8 tables I'm not making any money, but I'm not stressing about the food disappearing at rapid rates either. I read in a post in another thread that someone was going to just decorate their restaurant as that was the joy in it for them ... and I like that idea. Tomorrow, I'll take all the tip only tables down, and decorate. I'll leave those 8 tables open and give up hope of expanding. I need the money for the food. Eventually, I'm sure the money may run out (cost of food vs. $ returned vs. only 8 tables open), but it beats the big woeful sigh of clicking that button and dreading what you see when it loads and opens.

Saddest part of all of this: There is no compromise to be made on anyone's part but the players. TL please either make the statement that you will or won't change it back so we can be done with this. ... And if you won't change it back, open a thread for suggestions that players may have on something else you WILL implement to improve customer satisfaction. Honestly, at the moment, I can't think of anything because my evening medication just kicked in (Moscato ... lol) and I'm just beat down with the whole thing. We really need a mediation/negotiation here. Your players don't want to leave you - it's obvious, but what are you willing to do to keep them?

01-29-12, 09:04 PM
Nicely said Gotalotalov...even on meds ;-)