View Full Version : Chicken requests fail!!

01-21-12, 11:59 PM
To complete a goal it says I need 10 chickens. I sent a request successfully to 100 of my nbrs for it about 10 hours ago, but not one person has sent any!! Most of my nbrs are 4 star players so I find it weird that nobody has accepted my request. Is this a bug because it doesn't usually take this long to receive requests?

01-22-12, 02:25 AM
I'm sorry I forget who I'm quoting and it's for fashion but works in all the games. And you have a daily limit of 20 gifts AND 20 requested (combination of goal and material requests):

"Stop requesting items and you will receive the previously requested items more quickly. Apparently what happens is there is a delay when you send a request and when you receive the answer to your request.

The requested items, when received by you, go towards your daily quota/limit of 20 (?) gifts. So if you need 5 appetizers and you send to all your 300 neighbours asking for appetizer, when they respond by giving you your request you will end up with 300 appetizers which, you will understand, ends up tying up your ability to receive any more gifts in the game for a long time.

If you keep hitting the ask button requesting even more appetisers that just makes it even worse for you.

So step back, take a deep breath. Don't request anything for about a day or even two. Let your gifting system reset and then carefully request the items you need. If you only need 5 of something then ask only about 8 neighbours for that one thing. Be patient and don't be tempted to keep asking for that thing even if a few hours go by. Remember different players play at different times and a player may have accepted your request but it takes sometimes up to a few hours for it to register in your game.

The other thing is that not all players are receiving your requests. From what i understand, android players don't even see your request, so you have to try to figure out which players are android and which are not, which is easier to do in bakery and restaurant since you can see who has constructed appliances, but is harder in fashion. When tipping neighbours, try to look to see which players have the make up counters or the reward items from the goals placed in their store. If they don't have either, chances are they are playing on androids and you may not want to select them when requesting gifts.

One more thing, remember you have a daily limit of gifts that you can receive. So if you are accepting 20 shoes and sweaters and leggings and handbags (or food and parts in bakery & restaurant), that seems to limit the amount of requested items you can receive. This is what i have found out so far from other players and from my own experience. So as a rule, i don't accept gifts of food or clothing unless i'm constructing an appliance."

Summary: You really need only about 25-30 active neighbors. It'll make your life easier and you won't feel like you're spending all day tipping, allowing you to be a "better" neighbor. :).