View Full Version : mass gifting

01-14-12, 09:22 AM
TL took away mass gifting and didnt even give us a "check all" box like we requested... man, TL is on a roll of disappointment

01-16-12, 08:34 AM
I am also very annoyed about this. This was the most useful update in ages, and it has suddenly disappeared without explanation. Why would they do that?

01-16-12, 03:50 PM
Coz a lot of feedbacks on not wanting mass gifting.
So what TL does is easy way out, convert back to original without mass gifting.
Thus have to wait for a while or long time for the button but if TL gives higher priority to gem trap bug, which should be more urgent, we may have to wait really long.
Lastly, this is what we ask for and TL does do it but half job done with the other half in Q.
Have to give TL half of the credit after all.

01-16-12, 04:12 PM
I am also very annoyed about this. This was the most useful update in ages, and it has suddenly disappeared without explanation. Why would they do that?

Maybe it might be because the gifting system has been altered back, I don't know. I too liked sending to all at the same time.

01-16-12, 04:18 PM
The gifting system doesn't care if the neighbor list is checked or not checked, at least not in a good system design.

I am with starstar2, that its because of the feedback - people didn't want it in all cases. Plus it didn't seem to work - people unchecked neighbors and they still got the gift/request.

01-16-12, 04:42 PM
I am with starstar2, that its because of the feedback - people didn't want it in all cases. Plus it didn't seem to work - people unchecked neighbors and they still got the gift/request.

That was the biggest bug of all and I'm glad they got rid of mass gifting/automatic checks if it means this bug was fixed. I personally didn't like having all my neighbors automatically checked when I went to gift because many of them wanted different parts. Now at least I can gift the specific requests first and for anyone who didn't have a particular request, I check the rest and send the same part. This works well for me probably because I don't have that many neighbors (and don't want that many) - I can't imagine having hundreds of neighbors and having to check all the buttons to send them a gift or uncheck them to not send them a particular gift. Mass gifting seemed to provide more benefit to the person sending the gift by making it easier for them to do so than the gift recipients who may not get what they want/need but still have the gift take up space in their 10-gift queue until they can get into the game to decline it.

01-16-12, 05:17 PM
I also liked the mass gifting. That was a huge game improvement for me so it is a let down to see it removed. It saved me significant time as I have very little to waste. Prior to the mass gifting, I rarely received 20 gifts per day (I have few neighbors in most games). With the mass gifting, I maxed gifts most days with about the same numbers of neighbors. Since TL has changed back to the old system, I am not receiving maximum gifts again (except FS as I have acquired tons of neighbors to help with goals).

01-16-12, 08:03 PM
each nbr ask for specific parts hard to please everyone

But i prefer uncheck on gift and request material

01-17-12, 01:14 AM
The bug on mass gifting made the function less useful for requests.

01-17-12, 08:35 AM
I also liked the mass gifting. That was a huge game improvement for me so it is a let down to see it removed. It saved me significant timeas I have very little to waste. Prior to the mass gifting, I rarely received 20 gifts per day (I have few neighbors in most games). With the mass gifting, I maxed gifts most days with about the same numbers of neighbors. Since TL has changed back to the old system, I am not receiving maximum gifts again (except FS as I have acquired tons of neighbors to help with goals).

bolded importance of mass gifting^

01-17-12, 08:43 AM
Erghh... I knew this would happen.
I am on Android and would have loved mass gifting but now I will never get it because a bunch if IOS people complained.

01-17-12, 09:09 AM
I'm on Android and am happy we won't get fixed mass gifting. When people were asking for a Gift All button in the past, I always said I didn't want it.

For RS and BS, people want different parts or food. So it is not convenient to always have everyone checked. For Farm, unless someone requests a part, which is rarely, I gift the same thing so it would be convenient. But I have 30-33 neighbors on my games so gifting different gifts and selecting each one isn't a problem

01-17-12, 09:14 AM
I think TL has it backwards, for me anyway. I prefer to have all neighbors checked when I gift, but not when I request parts. It's very time consuming to uncheck a hundred boxes when I need only five motors.

01-17-12, 09:21 AM
I gift people different items so having them all selected is inconvenient.

When I ask for a part, I'll almost always ask all my neighbors for the same part. So it could take up to 4 days to build an appliance, and then I can build multiple appliances. Its easier than trying to guess how many of each part I'll get back. Having a surplus of parts is not bad.

01-17-12, 10:09 AM
A check all/ uncheck all button will make everyone happy :)

01-17-12, 04:20 PM
A check all/ uncheck all button will make everyone happy :)

this has been requested many times before the boxes were automatically checked. Those who enjoy the automatic checking (like me) are "bad" neighbors and dont gift requested parts. the truth is that i simply dont have time to make all of my 100 something neighbors happy.

I'm on Android and am happy we won't get fixed mass gifting. When people were asking for a Gift All button in the past, I always said I didn't want it.

a gift all button would be GREAT. its the perfect solution. just because its there doesnt mean you have to use it, but it would save me a LOT of time

01-17-12, 05:53 PM
The pre-select all feature was causing issues with gifting/requesting in many of the games. It has been removed so that there are no longer any issues with gifting or requesting items.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire) [Send Private Message] (http://forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=12701)
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01-21-12, 10:59 AM
There's no reason an "invert" button can't be created. This will please everyone and should not cause any problems. If it does, it's due to poor coding. I'm almost ready to offer to do it for them, free of charge. And fix all the other long-standing bugs while I'm at it.

01-21-12, 04:19 PM
... So what TL does is easy way out, convert back to original without mass gifting. ...

Makes you wonder, why can't they just convert back to the original plate pricing since lots of people are complaining about it too. x3.

01-21-12, 04:23 PM
this has been requested many times before the boxes were automatically checked. Those who enjoy the automatic checking (like me) are "bad" neighbors and dont gift requested parts. the truth is that i simply dont have time to make all of my 100 something neighbors happy.

a gift all button would be GREAT. its the perfect solution. just because its there doesnt mean you have to use it, but it would save me a LOT of time

You should think about pairing down your neighbor list and then you have no excuse to be a "bad" neighbor. x3. Technically, you only need about 25-30 active neighbors to be most effective in this game since you can maximally receive 20 gifts AND 20 requested (goals or parts). More and you run into the issue where people are still sending you what you requested 5 days later... Counting towards your daily 20, making it less likely that you'll get what you want. :D.

As annoying as it is, I feel those with 50+ neighbors should spend the time to pare down their list. It's a win-win situation. :>.

01-21-12, 05:12 PM
You should think about pairing down your neighbor list and then you have no excuse to be a "bad" neighbor. x3. Technically, you only need about 25-30 active neighbors to be most effective in this game since you can maximally receive 20 gifts AND 20 requested (goals or parts). More and you run into the issue where people are still sending you what you requested 5 days later... Counting towards your daily 20, making it less likely that you'll get what you want. :D.

As annoying as it is, I feel those with 50+ neighbors should spend the time to pare down their list. It's a win-win situation. :>.

You should think about pairing down your neighbor list and then you have no excuse to be a "bad" neighbor. x3. Technically, you only need about 25-30 active neighbors to be most effective in this game since you can maximally receive 20 gifts AND 20 requested (goals or parts). More and you run into the issue where people are still sending you what you requested 5 days later... Counting towards your daily 20, making it less likely that you'll get what you want. :D.

As annoying as it is, I feel those with 50+ neighbors should spend the time to pare down their list. It's a win-win situation. :>.
That doesn't make any sense at all. First, it's crazy to think the majority of your neighbors bother sending your requests. I would suggest most don't and the more neighbors your have, the better your chances of getting what you need. Next, you decline gifts as well if you're sent something you no longer need. Third, what about people who like helping others? Why would they limit themselves to 25-30 as you suggest when they're more than happy to gift 2x, 3x, 4x, etc. that amount?

I can't think of any real reason less neighbors is better aside of being annoyed to have to select every one of them manually -- which was addressed, and subsequently removed apparently only due to poor implementation. I've said before that the problem can be addressed in a way that makes everyone happy... They just have to do it.

01-21-12, 05:13 PM
...Sorry for the double-quote above. For some silly reason users have been restricted from editing their own posts.