View Full Version : Does anybody else's game suddenly close mid game?

01-13-12, 10:04 PM
For at least a week now whenever I play either BS or RS right in the middle of the game it would exit out and go to my main screen! And I've noticed that its been a minute since I've seen the closed for update screen. Has this happened to anyone else and how do I fix it?

01-13-12, 10:12 PM
There's been several problems with RS and BS lately.

I have not seen your particular problem. I get a force close when I use the game menu on the top and try to swtich between my games. I'm not sure if its a TL bug or a memory problem on my phone.

Try to only run one game at a time. And not have other applications running. Move large applications to your SD card. Clear your cache. I do this and it helps my game. I'm on Android.

01-13-12, 10:22 PM
I'm playing on my iPod touch so it's not possible to have two games going at once. I'm thinking it's a bug as well because the game force shuts when I'm either in someone else's bakery/restaraunt or looking to redecorate or basically just play my game. I could be opening up the quest tab and the game would stall and either finally open or shut down. It's pretty annoying.

01-13-12, 10:44 PM
Same here. A trifle annoying but I can get back into the game right away so it doesn't bother me much.
I play on my iPad