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View Full Version : Pop up of PetStory drive me crazy!!!!!!

01-11-12, 06:40 AM
Actually this complain is not for RS, but for all de story games. HOW LONG IS TL GOING TO KEEP DE POP-UP FOR PetStory??!!

It pop up so many times, also in de middle of me doing everything. Really drive me crazy!! Isn't TL is hard selling PS "a little" much? Pop-up, sale person walking around de place (always accidentally tap on them), little tap onde left bottom corner, and not forgeting de big bill-board......

Just found it extremely annoying. :mad:

01-11-12, 06:45 AM
Sorry about all de typo n grammar errors. Because I was very upset when typing it. Just fall into a 24 gems' gem trap because of this stupid pop-up.......

01-11-12, 06:52 AM
I don't know if this will help, but you could download pet shop story and play it for a bit than uninstall. I think that will stop the popups. I'm sorry you lost 24 gems.

01-11-12, 08:55 AM
Sorry about all de typo n grammar errors. Because I was very upset when typing it. Just fall into a 24 gems' gem trap because of this stupid pop-up.......

I'm so sorry you've lost gems, don't worry about mistakes we all make them. I know some players find the pop ups really annoying, I've found like for the storm8 games if you download the app and play it for a little while. It does stop the pop ups, I know it's not really a solution. Take care.

01-11-12, 06:47 PM
Thx guys/gals. Actually I also know that downloading de game will stop de popups, but I also know, TL is using this technic to force players to download it, so that their games will be on top of de "Most download app" in AppStore. That is why I refused to download it, as I'm not planing to play it. :(

I just hope they will stop soon, as it has been going for weeks......