View Full Version : How many times do you have to cook a recipe before it is mastered?

01-07-12, 11:58 AM
I have looked for this info and can't find it, so I apologize if this is a repeat question. I try to gauge where I am on mastery by the little chef's hat, but it's not very mathematical. Is there a way to know exactly how many times you need to cook the same recipe before it is mastered? And is it the same for every recipe?

Also, I know there's been a LOT of talk of the content that will be disappearing on Jan. 13. From my understanding, all recipes will be removed unless they are recipes that have been unlocked via special appliances, right? So even if I master a recipe like say, Morning Cheer, it will go away no matter what, right?

I'd still like to master them though, for the gems if nothing else. Thanks in advance!

01-07-12, 12:03 PM
From this thread :

Originally Posted by pastrychef17
Need to cook and serve (in Bakery, it no longer counts if you cook, you have to serve to get to mastery):
Level 1 = 8
Level 2 = 15
Level 3 = 20
Level 4 = 40

01-07-12, 12:06 PM
The cooked dish will remain in your restaurant until it is sold out or until you clear that counter. The cooked dish will remain past jan 13 but you will not be able to cook any more of that dish as the recipe will be removed from the list of items available for cooking.
Recipes which have been unlocked by achieving goals will not, apparently be removed on jan 13.

01-07-12, 12:40 PM
Thank you! That helps a lot.

01-08-12, 12:35 AM
Anyone know if the same is true for the holiday drink machine? Can we keep making holiday smoothie and spiced eggnog if we have the machine or will the machine be useless with no recipes after Jan 13?

01-08-12, 12:52 AM
If you read GM's original post, you will keep all constructables. He said the recipes unlocked from goals will remain around a little longer after Jan 13, but did not give a date. Kooky posted that the recipes for the holiday drink machine will remain longer, but I mastered the drinks just in case it was removed.

The holiday drink machines don't require 83 drinks to master like the regular recipes. I think it was around 65-67, but I can't remember exactly.

01-08-12, 01:25 AM
That is great to know, thanks. I only have 2 of the machines, and although it did seem to me like they were leveling up faster than usual, I still wasn't going to master them both by the end of this week. Good to know I have some time. Thanks!

01-11-12, 02:50 AM
That's a good thing if it takes fewer drinks.

RS Gift (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?22076-Gifting-Faq) and BS Gift (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?22075-Gifting-faq)

01-11-12, 01:12 PM
After testing further,

Cooking the dish
a. Buying the dish - 1 pt
b. Preparation 1 - 1 pt
c. Preparation 2 - 1 pt
Total = 3 pt

Placing the Dish
d. Preparation 3 - 1 pt
e Serving - 3 pt
Total = 4 pt
So the whole process nets you 7 pt per appliance.

RS Mastery
Lv 1 Mastery - 054 pt (Approx. 08 dish)
Lv 2 Mastery - 108 pt (Approx. 15 dish)
Lv 3 Mastery - 134 pt (Approx. 20 dish)
Lv 4 Mastery - 210 pt (Approx. 30 dish)
Total = approx. 73 dishes

01-12-12, 07:44 AM
Recitification to RS Mastery
Lv 2 - 100 pts
Lv 3 - 140 pts
Lv 4 - 282 pts
total = approx. 83 dishes

I missed out an extra set for Lv 4. >_>

01-13-12, 02:07 PM
Thanks for all of this great information, but I'm still confused about one thing. Is mastering a dish the same as achieving a goal?

01-13-12, 08:49 PM
Mastering the dish is getting the gem at the end of level 4.

01-15-12, 01:23 AM
There's one thing I really hate about RS/BS -- there's no sure indicator of if you've mastered the 4th level. The little bar looks full before it actually is and it can be easy to lose track of whether or not you've completed the 4th level. Empire Story doesn't have this problem because they have these little diamonds that change color once you've mastered a level so if you see all 4 diamonds changed, you know without question you've masted all 4 levels.

There's been a number of dishes where I thought I had mastered them but actually hadn't. It really sucks to be honest. I wish they would do something like the diamond thing from ES.

01-15-12, 01:51 AM
When you reach Level 4 you get a popup and a gem. That's how I know I have mastered a dish.

01-16-12, 03:33 PM
When you reach Level 4 you get a popup and a gem. That's how I know I have mastered a dish.
Sure, but it's still easy to forget. A visual indicator, such as the one in Empire Story or City Story, completely removes the guessing. In my opinion the same thing should be added to RS and BS. It doesn't hurt, only helps.

01-16-12, 07:41 PM
Sure, but it's still easy to forget. A visual indicator, such as the one in Empire Story or City Story, completely removes the guessing. In my opinion the same thing should be added to RS and BS. It doesn't hurt, only helps.

and Club! I'm so bad there... x3.

01-17-12, 06:30 PM
Are those dish counts the same for Easy appliances? I'm pretty sure I don't get all the prep points when I use Easy appliances. Anyone else notice this?

01-17-12, 06:36 PM
The dish counts are the same for easy appliances. For all appliances in both Restaurant and Bakery except for the holiday appliances.

The number of chef hats that float up are less than for the regular appliances, but they are counted the same. Its a display error. Greygull tested two different recipes side by side, on the regular appliance and one on the easy appliance, and they reached each level at the same time.

01-17-12, 06:43 PM
Thank you, that is good to know! : )