View Full Version : The Great Bakery Update Date: January 6!

01-05-12, 08:55 PM
Well, it's almost here! The Great BS Update Date! It's finally the new year, 2012, and TL released some content right before New Years. This content will be removed next Friday, January 13th. All unlocked recipes will remain, but all unfinished goals will be incompletable. Sadly, there are no teasers this week, as TL was really busy. We can still talk about our hopes.

1. A new recipe!
2. More goals!
3. Coin Content!

In the mean time, let's all get ready for The Great Update Date!

01-05-12, 09:31 PM
TeamLava must be doing something spectacular because my bakery went in the hole today by $30,000. Yes i did some baking today but to lose that much money in a matter of 15 hours is not common (I would think).

01-05-12, 10:27 PM
Please, no more goals for just one week. I'm looking forward for the new Valentine Box but guess it would be a bit early for that :s

01-05-12, 10:36 PM
Actually instead of an update this week I would love for TL to fix the games! The force close problems, inabiltity to visit neighbors, inability to bake food, losing food quickly, the lag of the game etc, etc, etc. The games are almost unplayable. I would love to have the games fixed instead of new items. =)

01-05-12, 10:40 PM
I really don't undertand what is about the update :S

01-05-12, 11:01 PM
Actually instead of an update this week I would love for TL to fix the games! The force close problems, inabiltity to visit neighbors, inability to bake food, losing food quickly, the lag of the game etc, etc, etc. The games are almost unplayable. I would love to have the games fixed instead of new items. =)

01-05-12, 11:13 PM
Actually instead of an update this week I would love for TL to fix the games! The force close problems, inabiltity to visit neighbors, inability to bake food, losing food quickly, the lag of the game etc, etc, etc. The games are almost unplayable. I would love to have the games fixed instead of new items. =)

You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.

01-05-12, 11:20 PM
Nice to know you believe that, lol.

01-05-12, 11:21 PM
I'm thinking we should get an extension on goals (even though I've completed mine) and while they aren't working on putting out new content, they can get to work on all the Valentines day stuff.

01-05-12, 11:32 PM
You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.

I'm happy for you that you don't have problems with your games. From the posts I've read, many people, independent of the device they are playing on, are not as lucky. What device, device version and game versions are you playing on so that the rest of us can consider transitioning to a device like yours so that we can also enjoy an error-free game.

01-05-12, 11:44 PM
Sorry, here is an walking talking example that IOS users have tons of errors! (I can't send me neighbors goal requests)
I'm on iPhone, not even iPod nor iPad.

01-05-12, 11:49 PM
You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.
I'm on an IOS, and I have all the problems he's listed. Try again.

01-06-12, 01:24 AM
You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.

I'm happy for you that you don't have problems with your games. From the posts I've read, many people, independent of the device they are playing on, are not as lucky. What device, device version and game versions are you playing on so that the rest of us can consider transitioning to a device like yours so that we can also enjoy an error-free game.

HA HA HA!!! Good one, nmishii.

Me too, would like to know what magical iDevice and game version she is playing with. Then we all can dump our cheep (?) knockoff devices for good!!! LOL

01-06-12, 03:08 AM
Sadly I too am having issues with TL games.In both bakery and fasion, when i visit nbrs they are removed from my nbr list! It's crazy but happened on two different idivices! I hope this issue gets fixed quickly U_U

01-06-12, 03:21 AM
Sadly I too am having issues with TL games.In both bakery and fasion, when i visit nbrs they are removed from my nbr list! It's crazy but happened on two different idivices! I hope this issue gets fixed quickly U_U

They aren't removed. They are moved to the bottom of the list. The top entries in the neighbor list are those neighbors that haven't been visited, listed alphabetically. The bottom entreis in the neighbor list are those neighbors that have been visited, listed alphabetically. You can still go to the bottom of the list, find the neighbor, and revisit.

01-06-12, 05:05 AM
You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.

This would be considered 'chumming' bloody the water and see what bites.

01-06-12, 06:18 AM
I'm happy for you that you don't have problems with your games. From the posts I've read, many people, independent of the device they are playing on, are not as lucky. What device, device version and game versions are you playing on so that the rest of us can consider transitioning to a device like yours so that we can also enjoy an error-free game.

LOL. I love sarcasm. I play on an iPhone, iPod, iPad and I have to manually shut them down just to get the game to reboot.

01-06-12, 06:29 AM
Hi can someone Help me? I bought an appliance but I can't use it cause the recipe is locked and it saw GOALS.....what is this and how do I unlock it?

01-06-12, 06:30 AM
Sorry the game is Bakery Story

01-06-12, 06:32 AM
Hi can someone Help me? I bought an appliance but I can't use it cause the recipe is locked and it saw GOALS.....what is this and how do I unlock it?

Do you have the goals? You have to finish the goals that are with a recipe to unlock that recipe.

01-06-12, 07:47 AM
Not sure what or where to find if I have goals.....but I have lots of locked recipes tht say GOALS! I'm frustrated and appreciate the help.

01-06-12, 07:48 AM
Not sure what or where to find if I have goals.....but I have lots of locked recipes tht say GOALS! I'm frustrated and appreciate the help.

Have you downloaded the recent updates?

01-06-12, 07:54 AM
App store says no updates available....do I need to get the download elsewhere?

01-06-12, 07:55 AM
App store says no updates available....do I need to get the download elsewhere?

Are you using the Christmas version?

01-06-12, 07:57 AM
No regular version

01-06-12, 07:58 AM
No regular version

Try the Christmas one and see if your goals show up.

01-06-12, 08:00 AM
Ok will it merge automatically or do I need to do something specal

01-06-12, 08:02 AM
Ok will it merge automatically or do I need to do something specal

Delete the regular version, download and play on the Christmas one, see if they show up.

01-06-12, 08:04 AM
Thx they showed up.....got lots to do since I read previously that they are expiring soon...thx for ur help.....btw stopped by ur bakery it is spectacular....

01-06-12, 08:09 AM
Thx they showed up.....got lots to do since I read previously that they are expiring soon...thx for ur help.....btw stopped by ur bakery it is spectacular....

That's great it worked, and thanks.

01-06-12, 08:24 AM
Thx they showed up.....got lots to do since I read previously that they are expiring soon...thx for ur help.....btw stopped by ur bakery it is spectacular....
Be careful how you buy those candy cane machines before you unlock the recipe for it. You may end up stuck with candy cane ovens and no recipe to cook if you don't get through the goal to unlock the recipe.

01-06-12, 10:09 AM
You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.

Hey dont dis my android. It matches my cheap designer knockoff perfume and my yard sale clothes.

01-06-12, 11:14 AM
Is the title of this thread a "teaser" or a typo?

01-06-12, 11:15 AM
Is the title of this thread a "teaser" or a typo?

I do think January was misspelled.

01-06-12, 11:17 AM
Hey dont dis my android. It matches my cheap designer knockoff perfume and my yard sale clothes.

Hah! Thats cute!
Well, my droid matches my personality. Unpredictable, open minded, full of options, not loaded down or confined, and wild. :D I dont much like being caged up and told what i can or cant do. Heh. Yea.. So ive got 'control' issues.. ::snickers::

So.. Whats the update?
Today is the 6th right? Or am i missing something?
Eagerly waiting to see stuff!

01-06-12, 12:29 PM
I do think January was misspelled.

lol. Its okay. We all make mistakes. :p

01-06-12, 12:38 PM
I got the update. Jade vase, firework display, scroll etc.

01-06-12, 12:38 PM
I got the update. Jade vase, firework display, scroll etc.

No update for me yet - are there any new recipes? TIA

01-06-12, 12:39 PM
Fortune cookies must be the recipe.

01-06-12, 12:41 PM
I got update too but nothing is showing up yet. When it does it no one has posted pics I will unless they don't crop for me like the did in restaurant story grr, I cropped them but they didn't show up cropped.

01-06-12, 12:42 PM
I got update too but nothing is showing up yet. When it does it no one has posted pics I will unless they don't crop for me like the did in restaurant story grr, I cropped them but they didn't show up cropped.

Cropped or uncropped, pics are much appreciated - thanks!

I hope fortune cookies are the recipe, that'd be cute.

01-06-12, 12:49 PM
Fortune cookies are the recipe. 12 hours for 73 xp

01-06-12, 12:50 PM
Fortune cookies are the recipe. 12 hours for 73 xp

Pictures??? :D

01-06-12, 12:53 PM
Sorry trying to figure out how to post it. Im on android

01-06-12, 12:57 PM

01-06-12, 12:58 PM
You must be playing with android because IOS users do not have any of these problems in my opinion android is a cheep knockoff version of someone trying to copy apples fine products.

I'm on an ipad2 and i have some problems/issues with my games.

01-06-12, 12:58 PM
There is a 1 day recipe - egg tart things
Spiced Coffee for drink machine 6 hrs

01-06-12, 12:59 PM

01-06-12, 01:02 PM
Awesome talbotmax. Thanks bunches for the pics. The theme is chinese new years

01-06-12, 01:05 PM
Thanks for all the pics! I guess they're going for the Chinese New Year theme. Glad to hear there are 3 new recipes.

01-06-12, 01:06 PM
Fortune tree and fireworks display:


01-06-12, 01:08 PM
If you want a smaller picture. http://i1097.photobucket.com/albums/g354/pathoffood/bakery%20story/JanBS.jpg
I'll check the other appliances after the food is done.

01-06-12, 01:09 PM
Here is the "offer" with the bug..... Ipad 1


01-06-12, 01:09 PM
Does anyone have a picture of the spiced coffee?

01-06-12, 01:14 PM
Does anyone have a picture of the spiced coffee?


01-06-12, 01:55 PM
Is there any new goal??

01-06-12, 02:13 PM
Thanks for the pics!

I think I count 7? new gem items along with 3? new coin items so for me, that's still a little unbalanced.

Happy for 3 new recipes! Ran out of things to cook so very much welcome this.

01-06-12, 02:15 PM

Oven for Egg Tarts and Fortune Cookies.
Drink Machine for White Spiced Coffee.
Fortune Cookies will be the most efficient of the three.

01-06-12, 04:07 PM
Two of these recipes are LONG cooking items... which is great if they are "normal" permanent recipes... not so great if they are connected to "Chinese New Year", some new holiday related stuff that will be removed in 4 or 5 weeks or some crazy expiration date! Can anyone with TL confirm that these are 'standard' recipes, meaning they will stay for good?! I don't want to worry about ****ing myself making new recipes, while I'm still worrying about the other goals/holiday stuff for one more week.

IF these are just normal updates, and do not have an expiration date... I say Thank You for more great recipes. Although, I agree with others... I'd rather NOT have new updates and instead have TL FIX the games! I'm STILL having issues with the "check-all"... I UNCHECK people, yet you keep sending them that request or gift... requests I don't want to send to ALL nbrs... or gifts they don't want, so they get pissed at me, even though it's TL's fault, not mine! I have to keep apologizing over & over! It's very frustrating when they need parts to complete something, but I can't send it to them... because your games keep screwing up! In BS it's requests (thankfully not gifting... at least yet, but RS it's both gifting AND requests!)

So while I thank you for new recipes (IF they are permanent)... I am STILL waiting for all the MASSIVE amount of BUGS, FLAWS & ISSUES to be fixed!!

So... are these regular update recipes, ones that don't have an expiration date in the very near future??? And can someone PLEASE fix the massive issues, especially remove the "check-all" feature that is a MAJOR pain anyway, but especially since it does NOT work properly and sends things to UN-checked people!!! Thank you!

01-06-12, 04:50 PM
I didn't get the popup for the weekly update or any gem offer (was there one?) but it turns out I did get the update since I got the recipes and the items. I assume the recipes are like any normal ones and not seasonal. I'm not going to sweat asking TL to confirm or deny their permanence or lack of or else I'd twist myself up with any new recipe being released, wondering the worst every week. Which would suck all the fun out of the game if I do that. So, just simply thank you for 3 new recipes this week!

01-06-12, 05:59 PM
The Egg Tarts is a nice change for my long term recipe. I'm getting sick of the Red Velvet Cake and the Egg Tarts offer me an extra 1,750 overall for a 24 hour recipe. :-p

01-06-12, 07:14 PM
Let me make sure I have this right, so you will still be able to master any recipes unlocked by goals even after the 13th? Please confirm! Thanks!

01-06-12, 07:23 PM
i love the new update stuff!! i got all of it, shame i didnt get the vase offer. can anyone post a pic of it in store??? i would have got that too....

01-06-12, 07:39 PM
any goals for chinese new year?

01-06-12, 08:58 PM

Big THANK YOUUUU to TL for eggtart!! ~蛋撻~蛋撻~蛋撻~
TL made it exactly how I thought it should look. *CUTE*
Please please please let me keep them???

A side note~~~egg tarts are more specifically Hong Kong yumcha food than Chinese. We yumcha every weekend! They are certainly NOT linked to New Year sooo---why take away such a cute recipe?

Please don't and I forgive TL for...I already forgot what:D

01-06-12, 09:00 PM
Let me make sure I have this right, so you will still be able to master any recipes unlocked by goals even after the 13th? Please confirm! Thanks!

Yes! That is correct :)

kooky panda
01-06-12, 09:13 PM
Let me make sure I have this right, so you will still be able to master any recipes unlocked by goals even after the 13th? Please confirm! Thanks!
as long as you have already bought and built the appliance that that receipe cooks on.

01-06-12, 09:13 PM
I like this weeks' update.

Coincidentally, I made egg tarts last weekend :) Yummy yummy....

01-07-12, 07:27 AM
Does the fireworks machine actually do anything, or is it just for show?

kooky panda
01-07-12, 09:55 AM
Does the fireworks machine actually do anything, or is it just for show?
just a decoration.

01-07-12, 10:01 AM
I love the Fortune Cookie Tree. Too bad they didn't set it up so if you clicked on it you got a random fortune. That would have been hilarious.

01-07-12, 11:56 AM
I've been playing for about a week and I don't have any goals. Any solutions?

kooky panda
01-07-12, 02:50 PM
I've been playing for about a week and I don't have any goals. Any solutions?
IOS players received the goals(except some ipad players never did get them).

01-08-12, 10:57 AM
I like this week's update. I got 3 recipes. That's one recipe more than I got the entire month of December.

I like not having goals released because when they are released, TL releases many recipes with the goals and few outside the goals. I wish they would stop releasing goals until everyone can have the recipes inside them, its really not fair. I could care less about the goals, I just want the recipes. The recipes could easily be released as weekly content to those who do not have goals.

01-08-12, 11:26 AM
as long as you have already bought and built the appliance that that receipe cooks on.

I was looking for the thread that announces when & what things are going to be removed but I couldn't find it. I am still confused in the 5 games I play what will actually be removed and what will not.

I understand that the goals and the decor will be removed. What I am not clear on is the recipes, crops, dresses and drinks that will be removed. How is it that if you bought the appliance you can cook seasonal recipes if they are supposed to be removed? I just need to know so I can concentrate on those first.
