View Full Version : I Don't Have the Heart to...

01-05-12, 07:15 AM
The whole commotion of this goal feature is truly a disadvantage to many beginner and low level players.

I play many other apps with quests but have yet to come across one that's so poorly "designed" as TL's. Buggy request system, delay request system, tight deadline, gem required tasks, gem to coin items changed in a matter of hours, lack of info given till forum clogged up with many queries of this and that...just to name a few. I could go on and on but what's the use when TL is too fixated in doing certain things to help improve gameplay.

Anyway, I've a handful of very low level players whom recently asked to be nbrs and I complied, which I don't mind give a little helping hand BUT in one case this "junior" nbr is starting to build a candy cane machine. I know he won't be able to make it (unlock the candy cane recipe) since he has only five appliances including the unbuilt CCM. I wanted to tell him to abandon that machine, build the marizpan instead or forgo all those quests and just bake as if there isn't any quest at all. But I don't have the heart to tell him.

My point here is that, the lack of or ambiguous info given by TL is really bothering. It certainly shows how "caring" TL is to their users. A simple line somewhere on the goal tab, TL could just add this..."time limited quests, countdown xx days, get there or be square. For more info, go to our forum..." for example. This will help users to know if they want to do the quest or not base on their time to play.

Also, a simple info on those contructible machine tab wouldn't hurt TL a tiny bit, to help users to know if they want to build or not or have the sufficient parts to build.

*shaking my head with a big loud sigh* it's all money talk, isn't it?

01-05-12, 08:16 AM
bottomline: if there were no limited time goals and they stay longer, then such players could finish. How about andriod players? high or low level, they have no goals, no mazipan, no candy cane etc. They are in worse position i think.

01-05-12, 10:14 AM
The new Goal feature is more designed for level 96 advanced players the limited time was only for the idems the were dated like the Christmas idems I solved all the quests with plenty time to spare. If u don't get it in time u probly need to get a different tactic on how to get it done. also there was only one idem that u needed to buy for gems and u could easly skip it for only 2 gems. I like the new feature and it gives me something to do now that I have perfected all the recipes and gotten all the gold badges.

01-05-12, 10:15 AM
The whole commotion of this goal feature is truly a disadvantage to many beginner and low level players.

I play many other apps with quests but have yet to come across one that's so poorly "designed" as TL's. Buggy request system, delay request system, tight deadline, gem required tasks, gem to coin items changed in a matter of hours, lack of info given till forum clogged up with many queries of this and that...just to name a few. I could go on and on but what's the use when TL is too fixated in doing certain things to help improve gameplay.

Anyway, I've a handful of very low level players whom recently asked to be nbrs and I complied, which I don't mind give a little helping hand BUT in one case this "junior" nbr is starting to build a candy cane machine. I know he won't be able to make it (unlock the candy cane recipe) since he has only five appliances including the unbuilt CCM. I wanted to tell him to abandon that machine, build the marizpan instead or forgo all those quests and just bake as if there isn't any quest at all. But I don't have the heart to tell him.

My point here is that, the lack of or ambiguous info given by TL is really bothering. It certainly shows how "caring" TL is to their users. A simple line somewhere on the goal tab, TL could just add this..."time limited quests, countdown xx days, get there or be square. For more info, go to our forum..." for example. This will help users to know if they want to do the quest or not base on their time to play.

Also, a simple info on those contructible machine tab wouldn't hurt TL a tiny bit, to help users to know if they want to build or not or have the sufficient parts to build.

*shaking my head with a big loud sigh* it's all money talk, isn't it?

Awww. You need to pre warn that player that he won't make it in time so his heart isn't suddenly broken. Your post made me sad :(

01-05-12, 10:51 AM

I am on Android and don't have goals. But in reading the posts from those who do, I felt the same about the goals and agree with all you have to say.

And its not just the goals. I know this is a BS thread but in Farm they released holiday crops in the last 2 weeks that are impossible for lower level players to master. In my 3 games I've seen Halloween and Christmas non-goal coin decorations that lower level players may not have been able to afford. I am at a high level and have a lot of coins and gems, but I feel for the lower level players.

01-05-12, 05:05 PM
I solved all the quests with plenty time to spare. If u don't get it in time u probly need to get a different tactic on how to get it done.

I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. There are people who only have a handful of appliances, who would never be able to make like 100 16-hour hot chocolates, 40 or 60 or however many 8-hour cheesecakes, 30 22-hour chocolate tarts, etc. and that's not even taking into account the fact that the request system is buggy and people would not even get your requests till a day later or more sometimes, or they'd fulfill it and you wouldn't get it until much later. I can't remember how long (5 days? more?) I had to wait for ONE red bow in Farm Story. AND, some people didn't even get the goals until later than others.

I too like the concept of the quests but the execution was terrible.

01-05-12, 05:31 PM
I cant stand doing the cheesecakes... waiting 8-16 hours for it to finish does not match my playing schedule at all... by the time it expires im probably asleep lol so that wont work for me.

01-05-12, 08:33 PM
Exactly, what different tactic? Not when you have goal yanked away and then put back on 8 days later and those 40 hot chocolate and 30 whatever cake I'd already done didn't take into account.

You can have all the goal required recipes baked while waiting for the ingredient to come but if the required ingredients don't get to you after 2 to 3 days later what can you do?

I'd two BS's with different trouble shooting situations, but I was "lucky" to be able to see the following quest should either one of them got stuck in getting the ingredients. So I started to bake in advance to cut down any waiting time.

My original post here isn't about tactic and who get the goals completed with plenty of time to spare. It's more about the disadvantages to low level players (not to exclude those who don't have goals to begin with) with poor execution by TL.

@ mushroom: sometimes it's best not having anything at all then to have things done halfway through no fault of yours. The disappointment is even greater.

That being said, chances of me doing goals again in future are slim. 1. The end prizes are't rewarding. 2. One out of the three tasks in each goal required others action, almost all except for a couple of goals.

Not to derail here, but in DV which I love playing, the achievements are fairly executed. I've one nbr (started playing shortly only after Halloween) who is much lower level and has lesser XPs than I've but is able to get all her achievements checked just recently even though she doesn't have the bone dragon; because at that point of her entry bone dragon was no longer in the category.

I, on the other hand started playing since it launched, have every dragon but am missing one achievement because I've yet to have the moon dragon. So this system is fairly treated to all players regardless when you started playing.

01-05-12, 08:53 PM
@ 7733397 - are you going to give that poor candy cane builder player a heads up? I'm sad for them

01-05-12, 09:36 PM
After constructing all ten of my candy cane machines i realised that i had to complete several goals to actually unlock the cake recipe. Then i heard about the jan 13 deadline. I got to the second to last goal and got stuck as i needed eggs or cinnamon or whatever from my neighbours. I sent out the request on the Friday before Christmas and didn't get anything back until about Monday or Tuesday. And in that time i wasn't able to send out any other requests because the request system sent the requests to all my neighbours instead of the ones i had selected.

I'm a higher level player and it was beyond frustrating to me. I have now unlocked and actually have mastered the candy cane recipe but had i known all of this beforehand i would not have purchased and constructed the candy cane machine at all.

For lower level players having to basically throw away a $10,000 oven and all those hard to come by parts is heartbreaking. The goals were indeed designed for higher level players and i agree with 7733 that the chances of me playing goals in the future is verry slim. Right now i have no intention to achieve the bear or balloon goals. I was trying for the sleigh but again am stuck on getting my 10 eggs, even though i sent out the request yesterday. I have no idea whether my neighbours have received the request or not. Or whether they have responded to the request. I can't even be bothered to resend the request. Right now i'm just working on mastering whatever recipes will go on jan. 13.

01-05-12, 10:41 PM
Hmm, I totally agree in the sense that a warning or notice would be nice. But I just take it as lemons to make lemonade with. I use the forums and know the neighbors that don't. So I keep them in the know. At the end of the day, I think that works better than TL putting anything out. But that's just me.

01-06-12, 09:46 AM
Let me just say that I am NOT a junior user. I am on level 58. However, I agree with this post because I have no goals. I bought and built the candy cane maker and can not use it. I even spent a precious gem to go ahead a finish it because I was excited to make candy canes...hence the name candy cane maker...only to find one recipe for cake, no candy canes, that I can not bake because I get no goals on my game. Had I known I could have bought something else!

01-06-12, 09:50 AM
Let me just say that I am NOT a junior user. I am on level 58. However, I agree with this post because I have no goals. I bought and built the candy cane maker and can not use it. I even spent a precious gem to go ahead a finish it because I was excited to make candy canes...hence the name candy cane maker...only to find one recipe for cake, no candy canes, that I can not bake because I get no goals on my game. Had I known I could have bought something else!

Do you have the Christmas version?

01-06-12, 02:06 PM
Well said.

01-06-12, 02:07 PM
The whole commotion of this goal feature is truly a disadvantage to many beginner and low level players.

I play many other apps with quests but have yet to come across one that's so poorly "designed" as TL's. Buggy request system, delay request system, tight deadline, gem required tasks, gem to coin items changed in a matter of hours, lack of info given till forum clogged up with many queries of this and that...just to name a few. I could go on and on but what's the use when TL is too fixated in doing certain things to help improve gameplay.

Anyway, I've a handful of very low level players whom recently asked to be nbrs and I complied, which I don't mind give a little helping hand BUT in one case this "junior" nbr is starting to build a candy cane machine. I know he won't be able to make it (unlock the candy cane recipe) since he has only five appliances including the unbuilt CCM. I wanted to tell him to abandon that machine, build the marizpan instead or forgo all those quests and just bake as if there isn't any quest at all. But I don't have the heart to tell him.

My point here is that, the lack of or ambiguous info given by TL is really bothering. It certainly shows how "caring" TL is to their users. A simple line somewhere on the goal tab, TL could just add this..."time limited quests, countdown xx days, get there or be square. For more info, go to our forum..." for example. This will help users to know if they want to do the quest or not base on their time to play.

Also, a simple info on those contructible machine tab wouldn't hurt TL a tiny bit, to help users to know if they want to build or not or have the sufficient parts to build.

*shaking my head with a big loud sigh* it's all money talk, isn't it?

Well said!

01-06-12, 03:26 PM
Agree! I just said in another thread that it wouldn't have been hard to put an info/instruction button within the goals list to give players the basics and FAQs, especially when it's quests you have to spend gems on to complete! It wouldve been so easy for them to do and do helpful to us. B/c of all the chaos doing the Xmas goals, I'm not even attempting the new ones. Plus, having to make like a million hot chocolates and choc tarts that take like a day each really sucked all the fun out of it. Hopefully TL will listen to us and do it better next time.

01-06-12, 04:46 PM
@ 7733397 - are you going to give that poor candy cane builder player a heads up? I'm sad for them

Argh :( me too late, he's done building that CCM and it's sitting along side with one marzipan and two basic ovens looking pretty.

01-06-12, 09:33 PM
The goals were def. designed for higher level players with a lot of extra coin laying around - I tend to think that they 'might' have been intended as some sort of compensation to the longtime players; for missing out on the level 4 gem rewards that new players now enjoy.

The fashion story players were given really NICE reward prizes (grand piano/large wedding display/snow scene display/cupid statue/lip sofa/gold dressing room and more) - Really would have liked to have seen the bakery, restaurant and farm prizes match what was given in fashion - The rewards given to the latter were not worth the hassles/confusion/time & money spent imho.

With a new ipad for x-mas, I now have 2 games of each and didn't bother for my lower level games because I know ahead of time that I simply don't and won't have enough cash to complete in time - I feel very sorry for the new players that don't have that knowledge and will keep trying only to be sadly disappointed because the don't have enough coin/ordering slots/appliances - Also feel sorry for my android neighbors who didn't get the goals.

Poss., more info. could have been provided (especially with the candy cane maker; ie: you will need to unlock a goal before you can cook anything on this appliance) but all in all, goals shouldn't last forever (pulling them allows for new improved goals/prizes) and goals shouldn't be easy - If they were...it wouldn't be any kind of a challenge.

01-06-12, 10:13 PM
i bought the candy cane overs (a couple of them too! thinking i would be able to build something with it soon. turns out i need to complete MANY OTHER goals to get to the candy cane recipe.) i gave up on the candy cane recipe already. it's now collecting virtual dust in my storage ^_______________________^

on the other hand, i like these goals, but i sincerely think TL should be reasonable with the requests (x number of chocolate tarts??? x number of hot chocolate???) and also, be generous with the rewards!

01-06-12, 10:35 PM
I cannot wait jan 13th to come. I sick with all the goals. Farm one is OK because 20 grapes or 30 coconut trees aren't too bad. however. the worst one is BS. 20 hot chocolate, 30 hot chocolate, another hot chocolate.come one chiliboy!!!!! Do u have to drink all hot chocolate?how about coffee? at least is 4 hrs instead of 16hrs, and it is only 1/4 time to master it. This game make me so stress, and it wasn't fun at all with that limited time/limited info/limited gifts receive!!!!!!!Well, if they keep doing the same thing at Velentine version.I don't think I will even try to complete goals.