View Full Version : Nbr feedback

01-03-12, 05:20 AM
Looking for some feedback.....I'm getting ready to delete inactive nbrs. Does anyone recommend just deleting them or leaving a message on their wall telling them that you are deleting them? I also delete nbrs that have a 0 or 1 star rating. I usually post on their wall that I'm deleting them.....but not sure if I should?? Thanks!

01-03-12, 05:22 AM
For me I usually give them a week or so to see if their rating goes up. Those are for the ones that usually don't post on my wall or I see their tables always full and food spoiled. I don't usually leave a note.

01-03-12, 05:46 AM
I dun leave notes else may arises to more unnecessary qns and lead to frustrations.

01-03-12, 07:22 AM
Thanks, I found the last time that nbrs would respond to my wall post 2 to 3 weeks later asking why they were deleted :)

01-03-12, 09:47 AM
I don't leave notes. I usually delete neighbors who gift me food (they've had warning upfront that that's what I do), who have spoiled food and full tables for over a week and nothing posted on their wall that says they're temporarily gone so I assume they're no longer playing, and 0 or 1 star neighbors who never gift or tip. I have one person I deleted because she could only play once a week and didn't really understand how to play so she kept asking me questions. I got tired of it after awhile, especially as I had answered a bunch of her questions, I'd already told her to read the FAQs and come to the forum, plus, given her postings, she didn't sound like she was really old enough to play the game per TL's TOS. Unfortunately I had written on her wall back when we were neighbors so she can always come find me and she still posts on my wall once a week to ask me another question about how to play the game, why did I delete her, why I wanted more active neighbors, where did I get the candy cane machine, where did I get this or that in my bakery, does she need to download an app to get to the forum, etc etc. It's getting really old.

01-03-12, 10:19 AM
As for mi , I only delete neighbor that are 0 star.. Won't leave note too.. I believe if you still playing no matter how busy you are.. Just visit one or two neighbor you can easily hit up to 1 or 2 star.. Only player seldom play or inactive will drop till 0 star

01-03-12, 10:37 AM
I usually give it a week of no activity before I delete them but I do leave a note telling them I'm deleting them due to inactivity.

01-11-12, 08:59 PM
gd post, as I have 290 nbrs still couldn't get few parts, so I think I need to delete some and welcome new active ones lol

Uncheck 200+ nbr to gift or request specially is tiresome

I can't visit ea one to see if their food is moludy or not hhaha

01-11-12, 09:05 PM
I never leave a note unless its someone I know on the forum.

01-11-12, 09:08 PM
I did write a note on someone's wall telling them i'm going to delete them for being rude and after i did, they posted on my wall apologizing and asking i could please, please, please not delete them. Too late...

01-11-12, 09:58 PM
I did write a note on someone's wall telling them i'm going to delete them for being rude and after i did, they posted on my wall apologizing and asking i could please, please, please not delete them. Too late...

If you do that you risk someone getting all weird

01-11-12, 11:45 PM
from now if I see mouldy food I just delete , leave no note as they may have moved on to other games lol

01-12-12, 01:50 AM
I have a Question for those who has already delete some nbr.

If you delete them, you can Add them again in the future?

I have to delete nbrs, and I will delete all those who has this 4 conditions:
(if they have only 3 conditions, I will not delete them)
* 0 star neighbors
* Full tips on tables
* No food on counters
* Spoil food, or no food cooking.
In fact, will delete those nbr, without activity. If they show some activity, I will not delete them.

I will do this because I remember what happened to me in the last android update:
"I could not tip my neighbors for 10 days, so I drop to Zero. But was not my wish."

my Ids: fecsuper (fecs) and lizsuper (lizi)

01-12-12, 08:44 PM
I have removed 90+ inactive nbrs which makes unchecking less time consuming

Yes remove those zero star and no food on counter and food gone mouldy

01-13-12, 09:57 AM
I usually do a clean up once a month. I don't really care about star ratings since I don't tip my neighbors as much as I hear other do. I do try to return tips though. I only delete neighbors with under one star, but if they're active I usually let it go. I notice some of my neighbors have a high rating but they have things spoiled for a while now and I don't notice any new decor. I thought they were just inactive for like a weekend, but I guess not. Apparently, if they leave with a high star rating it can stay that way?
But no, I don't leave a message, it's too time consuming.

01-13-12, 11:02 AM
I need held understanding my neighbors. I have a couple of neighbors with spoiled food that they NEVER change, but they clear their tips regularly. Why would they leave the spoiled food when they clear the tips? I haven't deleted them yet because they used to be good neighbors.

01-13-12, 11:08 AM
I need held understanding my neighbors. I have a couple of neighbors with spoiled food that they NEVER change, but they clear their tips regularly. Why would they leave the spoiled food when they clear the tips? I haven't deleted them yet because they used to be good neighbors.

That is confusing. Maybe ask them if they still cook food?

01-13-12, 11:23 AM
That is confusing. Maybe ask them if they still cook food?

Thanks, but I've done that. One deleted the question from their wall. The other question is still on the wall days later. I was really hoping someone on the forums had an explanation for why they wouldn't clear off the disgusting food. Deleting them is my next option.

01-13-12, 11:34 AM
I deleted over 100 nbrs in each restaurant and treasure stories. :( it became too cumbersome to tip my 4star players everyday constantly having to scroll thru the inactive nbrs. Not to mention too time consuming. I left a message for them to read my wall, I felt bad not saying anything.....

01-13-12, 11:51 AM
I need held understanding my neighbors. I have a couple of neighbors with spoiled food that they NEVER change, but they clear their tips regularly. Why would they leave the spoiled food when they clear the tips? I haven't deleted them yet because they used to be good neighbors.

Tips will clear themselves after a certain time if left untouched- seems to be about a week. This is probably what you're seeing if the food is still rotten.

01-13-12, 11:57 AM
Tips will clear themselves after a certain time if left untouched- seems to be about a week. This is probably what you're seeing if the food is still rotten.

Thank you! That makes sense. I tried leaving a tip on my table to test that theory, but it never disappeared on its own. If that's what is happening, I can delete them without feeling bad.

01-13-12, 01:34 PM
Tips will clear themselves after a certain time if left untouched- seems to be about a week. This is probably what you're seeing if the food is still rotten.

This is GOOD information.
I had the same question. Now I can delete them without feeling bad.
Thanks Badger8.

01-15-12, 03:05 PM
Tips will clear themselves after a certain time if left untouched- seems to be about a week. This is probably what you're seeing if the food is still rotten.

Not so, I have a pending neighbor who has 3 stars, moldy food, empty counters and full tips for about 4 months.... odd indeed. {we should be able to remove pending losers} With December updates it became harder to tip and gift so drop in Stars does not always make them a bad neighbor, only busy.

01-15-12, 03:42 PM
Well I'll only speak from personal experience then. My tips cleared after about a week all by themselves while I was on vacation. I've also seen it on my nbrs who keep their tables full. About once a week, they'll clear.
Most times good nbrs will then tip these clear tables filling them up again...
Also the only time star rating goes down is if you stop tipping AND continually open your game. If you don't ever open your game, your star # won't move- it remains frozen until the game is reopened. It then catches up with itself.
Chances are good your nbr quit playing long ago.
I agree- we need to be able to remove pending nbrs. We've been asking for this for quite a while here.