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View Full Version : Time it takes before new-born baby gets sick?

01-03-12, 04:41 AM
Does anyone know how long it takes before a baby becomes sick?

01-03-12, 04:49 AM
I think it's maybe double the time, ie if an animal takes 4 hours then we have 8 hours. Hopefully, someone really kind could confirm this for us both, thanks.

01-03-12, 10:16 AM
I think it's maybe double the time, ie if an animal takes 4 hours then we have 8 hours. Hopefully, someone really kind could confirm this for us both, thanks.

I believe this is how its supposed to be, same as crop withering times, but I've read of glitches that need fixing about babies getting **** before they're supposed to.

01-03-12, 10:17 AM
Ahhh!!! Sick! They get sick!!! Thank god there's a filter for my above post

01-03-12, 10:28 AM
I think it's maybe double the time, ie if an animal takes 4 hours then we have 8 hours. Hopefully, someone really kind could confirm this for us both, thanks.

Until TL takes the games out of Beta Testing stage, no one can even guess how long it was even supposed to be. That was the assumption but hasn't proven true, It may if they ever decide on Breeding times and finally leave them alone long enough for someone too even find out.

01-03-12, 10:46 AM
Half the time or maybe a little more...

01-03-12, 10:46 AM
Half the time or maybe a little more...

sorry. Double the time.

01-04-12, 01:34 AM
Thanks everyone, I thought it might be double the time.
...but I guess iusedtobdigusr is saying there's no real clear/certain answer just yet?

01-04-12, 01:40 AM
I haven't tried it too much to test lately since I only have the long breeding times left, but Pet Story at least has settled down as far as breeding time are concerned. So if double the time is what it was supposed to be then that's probably it. I still wouldn't trust times on Zoo Story 2 yet though, as of only a few days ago times were changed around again.

01-04-12, 10:20 AM
Thanks everyone, I thought it might be double the time.
...but I guess iusedtobdigusr is saying there's no real clear/certain answer just yet?

I would say this is correct, for now. They seem to change. I can't confirm this though.

01-07-12, 10:33 PM
I don't know what the sick time period is, but if I have any babies that are born, if I don't retrieve them in 30 minutes it becomes sick. And you have to have a gem to heal it. I think it should be: born in four hours retrieve in four hours or it gets sick. And why does it take 7 days to be born! Jeez!

01-09-12, 08:43 PM
I just breed a beta which is for 2 days and it got sick right away ( within minutes)...kinda annoyed. Maybe this is a glitch?

01-09-12, 08:49 PM
Try closing app and shutting off device then restarting,, Worked for me.

01-09-12, 08:55 PM
Ahhh!!! Sick! They get sick!!! Thank god there's a filter for my above post

Someone is thankful there's a filter. We have it on record now. :p

I think it's maybe double the time, ie if an animal takes 4 hours then we have 8 hours. Hopefully, someone really kind could confirm this for us both, thanks.

This is accurate.

01-09-12, 09:01 PM
Hmmm unfortunately I deleted the animal already due to sock status. Will try that I the future. Thanks.

01-09-12, 09:02 PM
*** sick status***

01-09-12, 10:54 PM
I also had the problem with the beta. I think it took three days and was sick within 30 minutes of being born!

01-10-12, 11:07 AM
Someone is thankful there's a filter. We have it on record now. :p

Nice try, GM-my one is still better (you know what I mean):p.

This is accurate.


01-10-12, 11:20 AM
Someone is thankful there's a filter. We have it on record now. :p

This is accurate.

NO, It is not accurate. It may be one day in the distant future when TL decides on a Breeding time instead of, Hey It's time to play another game of WHEEL OF BREEDING TIMES. Let's change them every 2 days and let our contestants guess when their pet/animal breeds.. If guess wrong we are sorry but your pet/animal gets sick (but happy to get those Gems if revive), If guess right you get nothing except to wait just 2-10 days more.

01-10-12, 04:46 PM
It's definitely not double the time. They seems to get sick within minutes. A betta was supposed to breed in 1 day, got changed to 2 days. Checked it 2 days later and still had 2 hrs to go. Went back maybe 2 and a half hours later at most and it was sick.
Had some dog also 4 hr breeding time stated. Went back 5 hrs later and it was sick. so definitely not double. I'd be inclined to believe 30 mins is the max time you have to retrieve your pets.

01-10-12, 04:51 PM
It's just a new Gem Trap as I said, most people hate animals or pets to die!!! So they just adjust times every few days so they all will and make more money...

01-10-12, 10:58 PM
This is what I think is happening--using an example to illustrate:

Suppose you are breeding a puppy. When you start it, the game tells you that it will take 4 hours.
Sometime in the 4 hours, TL changes the breeding time to 8 hours (doubles the time).
So you check at 4 hours, and the game tells you that you need another 4 hours.
You wait another 4 hours (8 hours total).
At exactly 8 hours from when you started breeding the puppy: WHAM! The puppy is ready, but because it is ALSO double the time from the ORIGINAL breeding time, your puppy is instantly sick.

I suggest that everyone refrain from breeding/crossbreeding gem animals (and possibly any animals requiring a large coin investment) until TL tells us that they are no longer going to be changing the breeding times AND they fix the "when does the baby get sick" issue.

01-10-12, 11:15 PM
This is what I think is happening--using an example to illustrate:

Suppose you are breeding a puppy. When you start it, the game tells you that it will take 4 hours.
Sometime in the 4 hours, TL changes the breeding time to 8 hours (doubles the time).
So you check at 4 hours, and the game tells you that you need another 4 hours.
You wait another 4 hours (8 hours total).
At exactly 8 hours from when you started breeding the puppy: WHAM! The puppy is ready, but because it is ALSO double the time from the ORIGINAL breeding time, your puppy is instantly sick.

I suggest that everyone refrain from breeding/crossbreeding gem animals (and possibly any animals requiring a large coin investment) until TL tells us that they are no longer going to be changing the breeding times AND they fix the "when does the baby get sick" issue.
TL already knows this and are using it...Yes I agree and I quit both new games, But I see even here some people will spend GEMS no matter what,

I have seen one person quote that this will be the last time I BUY GEMS..PERIOD. at least 5 times. SO what happened other 4? As P T Barnum said and I know it's not factual but attributed to him. There is a Sucker Born Every Day.

01-10-12, 11:18 PM
OOPs Minute.

01-11-12, 05:51 AM
I don't think TL knows that babies are becoming sick instantly. Just two days ago GM said that "sick time" was double the time needed to breed.

Plus, I don't think it's fair to judge who buys gems and who do not. I do not buy gems. I do not make value judgements on those who do.

kooky panda
01-11-12, 06:01 AM
I don't think TL knows that babies are becoming sick instantly. Just two days ago GM said that "sick time" was double the time needed to breed.

Plus, I don't think it's fair to judge who buys gems and who do not. I do not buy gems. I do not make value judgements on those who do.

I agree and I have flagged over to GM this issue.

01-11-12, 01:58 PM
Can you provide us with the specific pet names? The only one I see is Betta, while the rest are dogs/cats. Please let us know the specific pet names for these animals so we can check this issue. Thanks!
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