View Full Version : Time table typo

01-02-12, 12:48 AM
I have been looking through all posts to see if anyone has answered whether or not the typo for the tables is going to be fixed. After seeing how quickly the price was changed from gems to coins, I hope the typo will be fixed. We have all been more than patient for the bugs to be fixed and we could at least be given that. I am not asking for a refund of coins or gems...just please don't make me spend more due to another error.

I started playing this game a short while ago and up until this last update, I was very happy with the game. I could go on and on and complain over the smallest thing but that is not what I am looking for nor is it the path I want this post to take. Can someone please confirm with TeamLava what is going to be done.....please have them either change it to 5 from 10. Thank you. :)

01-02-12, 04:00 AM
Just buy 5 more, I don't see the problem.

01-02-12, 04:34 AM
Sorry, typo?
Has it not just been tweaked?

Rachael98:cool: (forums.TeamLava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)...because Norman was taken:p...what:o?
Monday, 2nd January 2012-Happy New Year!

Check out My Blog! (rachael98.Tumblr.com) & The TeamLava Fan Page! (http://www.facebook.com/pages/TeamLava-Fan-Page/194175333959663), the Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.TeamLava.com/group.php?groupid=18) & The TeamLava Forum Union (forums.TeamLava.com/group.php?groupid=74)

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

"If in doubt, tell them to e-mail TeamLava Support (support@TeamLava.com)...for issues regarding individual accounts, anyway" ;) (though note that Support have a limited service (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?21484-Limited-Support-over-the-Holidays) until 2012)

01-02-12, 11:39 AM
Just buy 5 more, I don't see the problem.

I don't know how long you've been playing but I started not that long ago so I am working towards expanding my bakery and that takes a lot of coins. Spending an extra 100,000 coins just does not seem right to me. I'm sure you know how long it takes to earn that much so if I don't have to spend it, I would rather not.

01-02-12, 12:03 PM
Sorry, typo?
Has it not just been tweaked?

Rachael98:cool: (forums.TeamLava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)...because Norman was taken:p...what:o?
Monday, 2nd January 2012-Happy New Year!

Check out My Blog! (rachael98.Tumblr.com) & The TeamLava Fan Page! (http://www.facebook.com/pages/TeamLava-Fan-Page/194175333959663), the Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.TeamLava.com/group.php?groupid=18) & The TeamLava Forum Union (forums.TeamLava.com/group.php?groupid=74)

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

"If in doubt, tell them to e-mail TeamLava Support (support@TeamLava.com)...for issues regarding individual accounts, anyway" ;) (though note that Support have a limited service (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?21484-Limited-Support-over-the-Holidays) until 2012)

I checked before posting this and this is still what I see...

01-02-12, 12:04 PM
Just buy 5 more, I don't see the problem.

The problem, for me, is I'm one of the 'lucky' people not getting their coins on BS - haven't been for weeks.