View Full Version : Out of sync issues

01-01-12, 01:01 AM
I keep getting out of sync messages when I have a baby ready in my nursery. The first time I just went out of the game and rebooted it. Stayed out for about 30 minutes and when I went back in the baby was sick. It was a Caribou (roughly 6 or 7 hour breeding time) so shouldn't have gotten sick during that 30 minutes. Annoyed, but I simply set things up to breed it again. (no, I'm not going to use gems just to revive an animal) When the Caribou was ready the second time I was able to place it without issue.

I just got it again. My Ruffed Lemur was ready after 12 hours and I went to place it in my zoo. Shortly after placing it I got the "out of sync" message again just like last time. Placed the lemur multiple times with same results. Lemur kept going back into nursery just as the Caribou had done. So I left the game and rebooted. Played a couple other games and then went back into Zoo (sooner this time, didn't want it to get sick again). Still same problem, wouldn't leave the nursery. So I deleted the game and reinstalled it. Now the clock on the Ruffed Lemur has reset and I have to wait another 12 hours again.

This is really annoying. Don't like having to breed everything twice. :mad:

01-01-12, 01:05 AM
BTW I'm us an i Pod with ios 5.0.1

01-01-12, 01:07 AM
I had same problem, TL doubled the Breeding times the other day (was the day everyone's babies could not be placed or kidnapped all morning). So when you re-downloaded it gave you the new Breeding times. Think 2nd-3rd time TL has just randomly changed times around without any notification or even a note in forum saying they did it. All they post is standard contact TL support and in 2013 we may look into it note.

01-01-12, 01:13 AM
BTW, this is just from my personal experience, I will not claim it will fix everyone's problem.

01-01-12, 08:30 AM
I cannot believe this is happening again! It happened a few days ago & I lost out on the capybara goal due to the inability to place the babies. Without any acknowledgement from TL, it seemed fixed. Guess not, as I just placed a baby walrus only to discover it wasn't there & needed 10 more hours. And now my nursery is tied up since I can't cancel to breed something else. Team Lava, you are making this game exceedingly frustrating and the lack of acknowledgement of this issue from you is appalling.

iPod, latest update.

01-02-12, 10:31 PM
Good to know. Thanks for the replies. I often feel these are all Beta versions of the games. They just keep changing things without any notice. Wish they would settle on things, make thing work like they are actually supposed and then just focus on occasional updates of new animals/items.Team Lava needs to learn that less is often more, or simple is better. They keep trying to make things too complicated. If they keep this up they are going to have fewer and fewer fans.