View Full Version : Dress your own mannequin...?

12-30-11, 02:24 PM
I enjoy the game but realized yesterday that the part I probably enjoy most is dressing up my little avatar in all sorts of clothes which I then don't actually buy (usually) :) It made me think; what if the "dress up" aspect could be more a part of the game play?

For ex., one idea might be to allow players to purchase a personal stock of items they order for their store. For ex., if I order black pants, I can set one aside and lose whatever money I would have made on that sale. Then, once I have accumulated an outfit, I can display it in my store on a mannequin. Or, the mannequins could be dressed from a personal supply of clothes purchased in the same way you purchase clothes for your avatar (though that is pretty pricey.)

Perhaps the mannequin would be something you'd purchase separately. Maybe there could be a "stock" mannequin (like the stock mirrors and dressing rooms) and then could get more interesting as the price goes up.

I wouldn't really want to see this treated as a goal because 1) I think it would limit the creativity and instead just turn into collecting gifts, and 2) I'm an android player. ;)

I think this would be really fun and judging by the way people dress their avatars, I think a lot of players would really love it.

12-30-11, 02:35 PM
That's a really great idea, I think a lot of players would love it too.

12-30-11, 02:43 PM
That's a great idea bt Team Lava don't make it too pricey pls

01-02-12, 07:19 PM
love the idea, i love to dress up my avatar!!!

01-02-12, 08:29 PM
It's a great idea but only not if it caused more glitches.