View Full Version : New player needs tips

12-28-11, 05:37 PM
I am new to the Fashion Story game and i am having so much fun, have been doing pretty well but still need some help getting where i wantbto be.

How do i collect more gems without purchasing them. I know you get one when you reach the second level but is that the only way?

How do i sell more quickly?

How do i make my store more functional?

Thanks for your help :D

12-28-11, 05:46 PM
Okay, to answer your first question, you can also earn them on the fourth mastery. So thats second and fourth. Before, you could've got free 6 gems by downloading games. Of course, thats not happening anymore. You can also get free gems with the new goals. Some goals like "Excuse Our Dust" gives out gems, can be 1, 2 or maybe more. Therefore, these are the only way to get gems. But if you think about it, there are a lot of catalogs, multiply them by four, and double gems for each piece of clothing...thats a lot. I made over 70 gems!

I would answer the second and third question, but to be honest, Im not a good explainer. Dont worry, there'll be someone who can explain it easier and better than me. Hope at least the first question was answered okay.

12-28-11, 05:53 PM
1- also check out Forum Events and Contests (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?71-Events-and-Contests!) for frequent gem giveaways.
2- make sure your happiness is at 100. Further than that, you can't.
3- can you specify what you mean by that?

12-28-11, 07:30 PM
3- does how the store look determine how much faster you sale items, are liked, etc?

12-28-11, 07:39 PM
3- does how the store look determine how much faster you sale items, are liked, etc?

I think people are more likely to like items in your store if you have a 3 or 4star rating. More likes mean more money coming in. Also, try to have as many clothes out so that people visiting will have something to like.

Unless you're buying gems with real money, save your money for expansions, try to master the shorter time items first so that you will have items in your store to collect likes while you master the longer timed items.

Once you've expanded then you can add more racks and tables and fancy decorations.

Also, check out adelia's really good tips here: http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11343-Tips-and-Tricks&highlight=Shawa

12-28-11, 11:01 PM
Thanks so much everyone these are wonderful tips. Please add me as a neighbor breezy1981, let me know what you think :-)