View Full Version : FEEDBACK: Endgame

12-28-11, 11:47 AM
I don't know if or how often this concern has been brought up, but it would be nice if TeamLava would consider moving up the endgame number to 100. Players who just now had collectables made available to them can not get some items since they're unable to earn rewards by leveling.

Besides ... 96 is just such a random number anyway :-p

Thank you for your consideration,

12-28-11, 11:50 AM
Some players have reached level 97, however as it takes 10 million XP to reach it may take some time to achieve.

12-28-11, 11:51 AM
I don't know if or how often this concern has been brought up, but it would be nice if TeamLava would consider moving up the endgame number to 100. Players who just now had collectables made available to them can not get some items since they're unable to earn rewards by leveling.

Besides ... 96 is just such a random number anyway :-p

Thank you for your consideration,

I find it funny how almost everyone now is done or is almost done with RS. I'm a 94er

12-28-11, 12:49 PM
I am at 96 and wonder about if there will be anything new ahead...of course I am on Android and there are so many things not available to me that I know I should have a few things to look forward to 6-8 months down the line...seeing as I just got the sushi bar a week ago! I guess the only goals I have (not RS goals, just personal goals) are getting new recipes to master for more gems and redesigning the restaurant occasionally. Coins are not valuable as I have more than I will ever spend... just thinking about the future....

12-28-11, 12:55 PM
I reached level 96 on all games, had finished all planting, cooking, ordering etc and wrote to TL to ask if they would turn my mastering back to 0 so I could have something to do. They replied that they couldn't do this, so I bit the bullet, transferred all my games to a friends phone and started new games all over again. Although I had spent loads of money, it was very exciting to begin again, and take it slowly.

12-28-11, 12:58 PM
I reached level 96 on all games, had finished all planting, cooking, ordering etc and wrote to TL to ask if they would turn my mastering back to 0 so I could have something to do. They replied that they couldn't do this, so I bit the bullet, transferred all my games to a friends phone and started new games all over again. Although I had spent loads of money, it was very exciting to begin again, and take it slowly.
It is lovely having new games to start, especially with all the new additions. I play all the games on two devices and love them all.