View Full Version : Goal - Dsplay 100 Contracts???

12-25-11, 11:27 AM
What the heck do I have to do in order to display 100 Contracts? This is not a goal that requires requests from neighbors, it's just a little circle with a SALE tag on it. Any ideas?

12-25-11, 11:31 AM
probably a bug that should say display 100 fashions. What goal is it?

12-25-11, 11:34 AM
The goal is "Excuse Our Dust". I think I've figured it out though. The 0/100 is now at 13/100. The only thing I did was collect my tips (thumbs), so I'm thinking that "contracts" are thumbs. Perhaps :)

12-25-11, 11:50 AM
I dont think I already did this goal yet, but in one of my goals, i just collected some thumbs (likes) and it counted as 1 in 50 fashions..so ya i think that works for other ones too?