View Full Version : New Catalog?

12-25-11, 03:12 AM
When do we get new stuff I've noticed when I reach a new level I don't get anything new unlocked from the Catalog it has stopped at the Colection with the emerald dress :(

12-25-11, 03:41 AM
Yes when u reach lvl 37 I think? I forgot anyway there is no more cataluges to unlock
But there is new content every week and we get a new catalogues every two weeks maybe
So there is still more coming (:

12-25-11, 04:49 AM
When do we get new stuff I've noticed when I reach a new level I don't get anything new unlocked from the Catalog it has stopped at the Colection with the emerald dress :(

We have lovely updates, with either catalogue items or new decorations weekly. Many players like to reach level 96, and redesign their shops regularly. We also have the goals and we had the constructable make up counter. TL are really kind and give us so many new features quite often, hopefully that will hold players interest. Sorry last level unlocked for catalogue is level 38.

12-25-11, 01:17 PM
We have lovely updates, with either catalogue items or new decorations weekly. Many players like to reach level 96, and redesign their shops regularly. We also have the goals and we had the constructable make up counter. TL are really kind and give us so many new features quite often, hopefully that will hold players interest. Sorry last level unlocked for catalogue is level 38.

It must be nice to live in Never Never Land.

12-25-11, 08:59 PM
Ok thanks :)

12-26-11, 05:53 AM
Yeah, I reached the final level and now I'm a level 40. And barleycoon is right, I like to redesign and I just stick around for outfit ideas I can wear in real life. Guess what I'm wearing right now, hint: S.P.

12-26-11, 03:01 PM
Why don't I receive weekly updates like all of my nbrs?