View Full Version : Using my gifts of gear

12-22-11, 03:50 PM
I am trying to build the fireplace oven. Why can't I use the gear under my gifts tab? I need 1 gear and in my gifts I have 4 gears, but I click on gear under my gifts tab and I get the message "Gear is a constructible part, can't be served." Why do these stay in my inventory if I can't use them?

12-22-11, 03:52 PM
The 4 gears you see in your constructable are the same parts you see in My Gifts. You need one more gear, and then you'll see 5 gears in My Gifts and you have enough for your fireplace oven.

12-22-11, 03:53 PM
You actually needed 5 gears...you have 4, so you still need one more. They are applied when you have them all and click BUILD IT. Until then, you can just see how many you have.

If you are building the parts are not used until you build it.....so if you are boding more then one appliance, you choose which one you build first.

12-22-11, 03:53 PM
I am trying to build the fireplace oven. Why can't I use the gear under my gifts tab? I need 1 gear and in my gifts I have 4 gears, but I click on gear under my gifts tab and I get the message "Gear is a constructible part, can't be served." Why do these stay in my inventory if I can't use them?

You will need to buy the Constructable to use them:).

Rachael98:cool: (forums.TeamLava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)...because Norman was taken:p...what:o?
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12-22-11, 04:40 PM
Check out the thread that gives step by step instruction about how to build the appliances. It tells you everything you need to know.

12-22-11, 06:06 PM
Guide (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?17818-BAKERY-STORY-GUIDE-FAQ-(Housewilson))

Scroll about halfway down and it will better explain constructable items.