View Full Version : Halloween Recipes

12-18-11, 09:32 PM
So...in visiting other shops I'm seeing a lot of Halloween recipes being served...are those still available? I can't find them on any version. Thanks

12-18-11, 09:40 PM
No you can't make them anymore, your neigbors must have made a large amount originally. I still have my graveyard brownies and havent made them for quite a while.

12-18-11, 11:17 PM
High level players usually create more food than they can sell in one day.

12-19-11, 09:58 AM
I mastered candy corn macaroons the week they came out - they have so many servings per recipe that I will be serving them until July or August of next year. Unless I tire of them and eventually clear the counter - so far I think they're still cute, if out of season. I'm also still serving candy corn coffee, graveyard brownies and pumpkin cookies. Only my pumpkin ice cream is sold out.

12-19-11, 11:10 AM
Thanks guys! I will probably be serving Yule Logs for another year at this rate..I have thousands on my counter from the goals.

12-19-11, 01:48 PM
Thanks guys! I will probably be serving Yule Logs for another year at this rate..I have thousands on my counter from the goals.

Well, who can resist;)?

Anyway, they really must have made some extortionate amounts; which Hallowe'en food do you mean?

12-19-11, 03:56 PM
I saw an AWESOME shop yesterday that still had candy corn cookies, pumpkin ice cream, graveyard brownies, pumpkin cookies...etc. I love Halloween...so I would cook it all year!

12-20-11, 05:36 AM
I don't have the recipes as well, they removed it. But I want to ask why??? Because even if it's christmas maybe people want to cook those as well, why does it have to be so hard to have all the recipes??? If I recall well, this is a baking/cooking game. I baked a lot of candy corn cofee and pumpkin cookies and graveyard brownies, but I still want to! I really would like all the recipes back. Or maybe we shouldn't update the new versions of the games untill we get totaly bored of our current ones.

12-29-11, 12:55 AM
I never got to finish any of the Halloween Recipies. Valentine and Last years Christmas recipes are still in the regular game menus so why not leave this years? also, why build a whole new app just for a holiday? Why not create a theme option we can switch to like changing the walls & floors? I really don't like having to manage all the different holiday apps for 1 game..

01-21-12, 06:10 AM
You must understand that things here are happening by the rule of "not much logic". I want all my recipes from all the other holidays to be in my cookbook, catalogues and so forth!!! If I want to cook graveyard cookies in june then let me!