View Full Version : TL, please just give us the recipes!

12-17-11, 08:23 AM
Now, we finally have the goals but there is a problem with the request system. Please, TL just unlock the recipes we are waiting for since last weeks update. Its just one week till christmas. The last weeks, I baked all christmas stuff that is still there from last year, I just wanna start to bake the new stuff, not have half working quests and the fear the next minute the whole system is gone as happened just today on FS!

12-17-11, 08:50 AM
I agree, this is nuts. My FS goals disappeared also.

12-17-11, 10:24 AM
TL, at the same time can you provide the recipes to those who did not even receive the opportunity to do the goals, so that everyone, regardless of device, can enjoy the holiday recipes.

12-17-11, 10:46 AM
TL, at the same time can you provide the recipes to those who did not even receive the opportunity to do the goals, so that everyone, regardless of device, can enjoy the holiday recipes.

Agree! Till now i dont have my tasks in BS ipad

12-17-11, 10:52 AM
Yes.. I've got so many Problems.. Can't count them.. Request and buying the New appliance don't work :(

12-17-11, 11:22 AM
YES. Please just let all of us have the holiday recipes. The goals aren't working and we are a week from Christmas. Wouldn't it be easier on you (TL) to do that then keep working to fix all the bugs in the goals?

Holiday recipes for EVERY device, PLEASE!

12-17-11, 12:16 PM
The goals are just too extensive. And at one request per day allowed, this is becoming ridiculous.

12-17-11, 02:49 PM
The goals are VERY excessive without just paying with gems they are near impossible 30 hot cocoas that take 16 hours!

12-17-11, 04:00 PM
Yep. I have a candy cane oven that I can't use and an oven that only makes marzipan! Frustrating! And now I have to make MORE hot chocolate!!

12-17-11, 04:35 PM
Yep. I have a candy cane oven that I can't use and an oven that only makes marzipan! Frustrating! And now I have to make MORE hot chocolate!!
That's too bad. I guess these goals are to help newer players, but it's too bad they are not retroactive for those who have already mastered the food required to continue on. I think it would be great if it were added to newly released food items, but maybe that is too hard.

12-17-11, 04:36 PM
I'm in the minority that I actually do like the goals and am somewhat enjoying them (I don't see the point in stressing over a game) but I wish they would fix the ingredients request bug to actually work and that the recipes they want us to do to complete the goals are the new holiday recipes so we could **** two birds with one stone: get to mastery and complete the goals. They should also be for shorter times so we can go through the goals more quickly. 16-hour hot chocolate was a pain.

12-17-11, 04:49 PM
I'm in the minority that I actually do like the goals and am somewhat enjoying them (I don't see the point in stressing over a game) but I wish they would fix the ingredients request bug to actually work and that the recipes they want us to do to complete the goals are the new holiday recipes so we could **** two birds with one stone: get to mastery and complete the goals. They should also be for shorter times so we can go through the goals more quickly. 16-hour hot chocolate was a pain.

I don't mind the goals either but they could stand to cut back on the amount of things that need to be cooked (ie 30 hot chocolates, 30 macarons, it's too much). The goals should also be more profitable because so much work has to go into getting a single recipe or a lousy coin/star award.

12-17-11, 05:24 PM
Instead of baking red velvet cookies we have to make ancient fruit tarts, just so we can have a recipe one day before xmas.

12-17-11, 05:42 PM
I like to goals too....makes it more of a "game". It is just the quantity/time that bothers me. I don't mind the macaroons since they are only and hour but the hot cocoa is ridiculous!

12-17-11, 06:22 PM
Yeah, 30 servings of a 16 hour food. For those without a ton of drink machines, it's going to be quite the task. I have 10 of the drink machines, so just for me it's going to take 2 days. So we have less than a week to Xmas and won't even get the recipes. If they are pulled shortly after the holiday season, how are we suppose to master them?

12-17-11, 06:37 PM
TL, at the same time can you provide the recipes to those who did not even receive the opportunity to do the goals, so that everyone, regardless of device, can enjoy the holiday recipes.

Totally agree! This update is such a mess! How can you release something this bad??? And since Android users didn't even get the appliances or the goals, please give the recipes to IOS and Droid users alike. The frustration of all this cooking is taking all the fun out of the game. I'm not having fun and my restaurant is almost out of food because I have to cook a zillion Prime Ribs that take a day each!

12-17-11, 07:17 PM
Yep. I have a candy cane oven that I can't use and an oven that only makes marzipan! Frustrating! And now I have to make MORE hot chocolate!!
This is the same problem I have. I bought a marzipan oven, and can only make marzipan. I bought the candy cane oven, and it doesn't work, recipe shows a lock sign amd the word "goal" next to it.....
When I purchased the turkey deep fryer, I didn't have to complete the 10 grill cheese first to be able to use the fryer.

12-17-11, 07:19 PM
Totally agree! This update is such a mess! How can you release something this bad??? And since Android users didn't even get the appliances or the goals, please give the recipes to IOS and Droid users alike. The frustration of all this cooking is taking all the fun out of the game. I'm not having fun and my restaurant is almost out of food because I have to cook a zillion Prime Ribs that take a day each!

Either there is a new bug, but where is the prime rib recipe. That is one of my goals. Is it on the stove, oven or grill? I simply can't find it

12-17-11, 07:21 PM
The goals are fun if reasonable. But, really I have 50 cows and they want me to buy 10 more on farm - not so much gonna happen!!!! I know wrong thread but I'm here!

12-17-11, 07:24 PM
Either there is a new bug, but where is the prime rib recipe. That is one of my goals. Is it on the stove, oven or grill? I simply can't find it

It's at the end of the oven menu. you have to unlock it by completing the appropriate goal. Don't ask me which one, I can't remember.

12-17-11, 07:53 PM
I agree with everyone's complaints!!! The goals are asking for far too much, and at this rate all of the fun Xmas recipes and such will be gone by the time any of us actually complete anything! There are so many issues now it's ridiculous. TL had made it too difficult to enjoy any of the Xmas fun and most of the items can only be obtained through gems and I realize it's a business but honestly why make it so easy to lose all of the gems that I worked so dang hard to get in the first place! Okay long rant but overall I agree these new "updates" suck for the most part and we didn't even get the Christmas options until a week before Christmas. Epic fail please address our requests!

12-17-11, 08:11 PM
I agree with everyone's complaints!!! The goals are asking for far too much, and at this rate all of the fun Xmas recipes and such will be gone by the time any of us actually complete anything! There are so many issues now it's ridiculous. TL had made it too difficult to enjoy any of the Xmas fun and most of the items can only be obtained through gems and I realize it's a business but honestly why make it so easy to lose all of the gems that I worked so dang hard to get in the first place! Okay long rant but overall I agree these new "updates" suck for the most part and we didn't even get the Christmas options until a week before Christmas. Epic fail please address our requests!

I agree especially because iPads didn't get the update until yesterday. Not enough time to complete anything. What a bummer...

12-17-11, 08:45 PM
Everyone has great points��. ( at least the emoticons still work here). I think the goals are fun, but yes 16 hour, and 1 day food is way to long to get it all done. I totally agree, for those of us who have completed foods or bought certain appliances it should be counted. I had already bought 3 peppermint stoves and goals didnt count them then I realized I couldn't even use them! The requests I don't know what its going on with that I thought it was just me! I also had FS goals for abt 45 min then...nothing.
It almost seems as if they rush the holiday stuff out and then there are all these bugs and crashes etc. They should have been working on Christmas at the end of summer or at least by Halloween! I actually think the Christmas updates have been pretty nice and fair as far as gems and coins BUT with the goals issues and the Quest issue ( whatever that is) and emoticon issues, all rolled up in one this has been a bit much!
TL should be working on Vday and ST Pattys Day ( if they do St Patty) RT now so iOS, N Droids will have all content at the same time with all the same stuff, without bugs..each holiday update should roll out smoothly.:) DARE TO DREAM BUT STILL I PLAY��WITH NO PLANS TO STOP���� MY NAME IS BLAH BLAH N I AM A FS, BS, RS, ADDICT����������

12-17-11, 08:46 PM
I don't know what's going on but my goals are working perfectly. I'm on the iPad and the only game I don't have goals is Bakery Story: Christmas Edition. I do agree with the people on this thread since the recipes are on for limited time only they should give it to us without the goals.

Is there a thread where we can see what recipes are for limited time only? I want master them before they go away since I missed out on Halloween.

Thanks. :)��:)

12-17-11, 08:46 PM
**** i guess i cant use MY emoticons lol

12-17-11, 08:48 PM
Neither can I.

12-18-11, 05:57 PM
Frustration! iOS has the recipes, but they are locked and we can't make them. Android hasn't even been given the recipes at all!
They were doing so nicely with the new decoration and 2 new recipes. Then they added goals and it all went down the drain.

12-18-11, 08:35 PM
After completing so many tasks, I still haven't unlocked ANY of the recipes! It's one week 'til Christmas and this is all limited time so I think the players would really appreciate it if TeamLava would simply give us the recipes and let us enjoy the game instead of making us annoyed with all the things we have to do.

Also, the advertisements are driving me nuts. It creates lag and I sometimes when I don't touch the X properly it will take me to the app store or something.
I just want to play the game. Stop bombarding us with advertisement 'cause it makes me not wanna play the game sometimes.
I've seen the same ads several times each day. And I have to decline all those game offers or ignore those reminders every single time I launch the game.

One of my friends actually decided to stop playing for the season because of all those annoying ads and the ridiculous goals.
Soon enough, I'll be quitting too. So please, just reduce the number of pop-ups because nobody likes it. It just puts players off.

12-19-11, 01:16 AM
For those getting frustrated with the early goals (i.e., the 30 hot chocolates), just wait until later. I'm now in the process of making forty (yes, 4-0) strawberry cheesecakes to accomplish a goal. Oh, and there also comes a point where you have no choice but to spend gems (either to buy gem-only item for the goal, or to spend gems in order to bypass buying the gem only item).

12-19-11, 01:48 AM
What kind of gem item do we have to buy? I know in RS it's a snowman. Please let me know!

12-19-11, 01:52 AM
Wow, seriously? I think imma just give up on this then.
There's no point continuing the game when you have to spend real money to achieve anything.

I know TL is greedy but this is ridiculous. I'm out.
To those who will persist in unlocking the goals, good luck =/ And I hope it'll be worth it.

12-19-11, 07:17 AM
Oh, and there also comes a point where you have no choice but to spend gems (either to buy gem-only item for the goal, or to spend gems in order to bypass buying the gem only item).

I just got to the goal requiring you to buy a gem item. I knew this was in Restaurant Story but had hoped it wasn't in Bakery. Guess I wont be doing this goal either -.-

12-19-11, 07:19 AM
What kind of gem item do we have to buy? I know in RS it's a snowman. Please let me know!

It's a Reindeer Penguin that costs 20 Gems but you can skip it for spending 2 Gems. It's weird because I think in RS the snowman is 24 gems and you have to pay 10 to skip.

12-19-11, 07:44 AM
Thanks for your reply, I think I'm gonna give up now...goals are buggy, what if it resets like in RS?

12-19-11, 09:56 AM
It's a Reindeer Penguin that costs 20 Gems but you can skip it for spending 2 Gems. It's weird because I think in RS the snowman is 24 gems and you have to pay 10 to skip.

Thanks for the info. Which recipe does this unlock? Or rather, which quest is this goal a part of that would presumably eventually unlock a recipe? The reindeer penguin isn't something I want so I probably won't do this goal either, especially if there are further goals down the line that require more gem purchases to unlock just 1 recipe. Not worth it.

12-19-11, 10:14 AM
Thanks for the info. Which recipe does this unlock? Or rather, which quest is this goal a part of that would presumably eventually unlock a recipe? The reindeer penguin isn't something I want so I probably won't do this goal either, especially if there are further goals down the line that require more gem purchases to unlock just 1 recipe. Not worth it.

This is for Mysterious Baker, titles "March of the Reindeer." The requirements are to serve 6 egg nog, have 1 reindeer penguin, and obtain 10 pie crusts. I believe this is to unlock the mincemeat pies.

12-19-11, 11:16 AM
UGH! It seems like these goals are never ending. I am 7 cinnamon sticks away from my current goal and 15 bags of flour from the other. With only being able to request them once a day is ****ING ME! And it's 75 gems to skip the flour. With all of the new posts it seems like there are several more goals to go through...I feel like I'll never get to them. It's sad, because I like the goals, but they are too aggressive with so many recipes needed that take hours and hours too cook. From my time on this forum it doesn't seem like TL answers any of our issues personally, which really makes me believe they don't care about serving the players of these games. I really like this game...I hope something changes.

12-19-11, 11:39 AM
If the update had come out the first day of December, I could understand the large quests, but it came out after the 15th! Ten days from Christmas is NOT enough time to get through all this, especially with all the bugs!

12-19-11, 12:45 PM
Goals will be removed in mid-January, but recipes unlocked from Goals will be available beyond this point. Please refer to this thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?21362-Goal-Issues).

12-19-11, 12:57 PM
Oh no, we have to spend gems to advance on the tasks in Bakery too?? I was really hoping this wasn't the case like in Restaurant and Farm. :( If it's only 2 gems to skip, I might do that, since I'd get two back from mastering the recipe. But I would have to know that there weren't any MORE gem-required tasks after that.

12-19-11, 01:14 PM
What drives me nuts is that the requests aren't working. You can only send one request per day and you can't split it up. If I need butter for one goal and cranberries for the 2nd one, I can't ask half my neighbors for the cranberries and the other half for the butter. It's taking twice as long as it should. Plus, when I hit the spend gems, that's it for me. To above poster who hoped it would only be 2 gems, afraid not. You are required to buy something that costs 24 gems and it's 10 gems to skip it. Someone at TL didn't do their sums right. This is not fun.

12-19-11, 01:15 PM
I think they r fixing the goals so we don't have to spend gems....and refunding those gems people spent. Go see GMs post above and follow link.

12-19-11, 01:18 PM
I think they r fixing the goals so we don't have to spend gems....and refunding those gems people spent. Go see GMs post above and follow link.

I read his link but I didn't see the part about them refunding gems for the goals or not having goals with gems. Did I miss it? I thought the fix was so that when you sent ingredient requests, it would actually work and you'd receive them.

12-19-11, 01:26 PM
I never got goals on bakery story when did they start?

12-19-11, 01:38 PM
I think they r fixing the goals so we don't have to spend gems....and refunding those gems people spent. Go see GMs post above and follow link.

There will likely still be Goals which require Gems to be spent. However, in the case of Gems being spent to progress through Quests and losing progress, that is an issue for Support.

12-19-11, 02:02 PM
There will likely still be Goals which require Gems to be spent. However, in the case of Gems being spent to progress through Quests and losing progress, that is an issue for Support.

Gem sale, I'm just sayin. ;)

12-19-11, 02:05 PM
Gem sale, I'm just sayin. ;)

Nah, even at 40% off, I still don't want to buy something I don't want or have to spend 10 gems to skip it for the privilege of earning 2 back with a new recipe. There's no return on that investment except a negative one. I didn't think TL would reverse it in the first place. They'd make people mad who'd spent the gems already to fulfill the goal and they've never refunded gems spent. I just think it wasn't well thought out to begin with and they didn't expect that kind of negative backlash. Hopefully they will learn for next time.

12-19-11, 02:18 PM
Does anyone know why we cannot use our candy cane makers? After completing some goals, I think I wil be able to cook finally ...Not!

12-19-11, 05:47 PM
Does anyone know why we cannot use our candy cane makers? After completing some goals, I think I wil be able to cook finally ...Not!

I'm starting to think the candy cane recipe will only be unlocked if ALL of the goals are completed and it's the very end of the quests. Which means I may never get to unlock it because I don't think I'm going to spend gems to get past the reindeer penguin goal. At least not until someone determines if there are more gem goals after the reindeer penguin one. If there isn't, then I might do it. If there isn't, then I won't. I'll do the rest of the tasks for that quest just in case but I'll probably be stuck at that one for awhile. Still also trying to collect enough cinnamon sticks but I did finally complete the cupcake holders after 2+ days of waiting. On Day 3 for the 15 cinnamon sticks (just need 2 more) and Day 1 for the pie crusts.

I did just finally unlock the holiday cupcake and it's a 10-hour recipe! Glad it's for a different time than what we've had before.

12-19-11, 06:03 PM
I'm starting to think the candy cane recipe will only be unlocked if ALL of the goals are completed and it's the very end of the quests. Which means I may never get to unlock it because I don't think I'm going to spend gems to get past the reindeer penguin goal. At least not until someone determines if there are more gem goals after the reindeer penguin one. If there isn't, then I might do it. If there isn't, then I won't. I'll do the rest of the tasks for that quest just in case but I'll probably be stuck at that one for awhile. Still also trying to collect enough cinnamon sticks but I did finally complete the cupcake holders after 2+ days of waiting. On Day 3 for the 15 cinnamon sticks (just need 2 more) and Day 1 for the pie crusts.

I did just finally unlock the holiday cupcake and it's a 10-hour recipe! Glad it's for a different time than what we've had before.

Oh man, I'm still trying to get through all these cranberries, but I am excited about getting the holiday cupcake! (When I

12-19-11, 06:04 PM
Grrr, should say when I unlock it. Sorry everyone for that.

12-19-11, 08:38 PM
Has anyone even seen the candy cane cake show up yet? I will be majorly ticked if I made 3 candy cane ovens, only to never be able to use them because the candy cane cake is in line behind gem-required tasks (which I WON'T do).

12-20-11, 06:32 AM
I haven't. After the mountains of hot chocolate, I'm on a task that asks for 40 strawberry cheesecakes- which take 8 hours each. It'll still be a couple of days...

12-20-11, 06:40 AM
...and on the bright side, I haven't come across any gem requirements yet and it recognized that I already built a candy cane oven- I don't have to build a new one for the current task.

12-20-11, 09:53 AM
Has anyone even seen the candy cane cake show up yet? I will be majorly ticked if I made 3 candy cane ovens, only to never be able to use them because the candy cane cake is in line behind gem-required tasks (which I WON'T do).

I finally got onto the goal to begin unlocking the candy cane cake. It requires serving 40 yulelogs so if you've been working on those, hold off making more until you get to this goal. You also need 10 tabs of butter and to visit 5 neighbors.

Badger8, you'll get to the gem task when you hit the requirement to buy the reindeer penguin or skip it for 2.

I also unlocked the cider recipe on the drink machine. It's a 1-hour recipe so it should be quick to master.

12-20-11, 09:53 AM
One of my neighbors has already made the candy cane cake - not me :(

12-20-11, 10:51 AM
Im having hard time unlocking recipes... My requests are late and i always get the "you already have requested" thingy even tho i haven't requested any yet... Maybe because of the delay, my 24 hour break is not reognized.. :-(

kooky panda
12-20-11, 11:40 AM
Im having hard time unlocking recipes... My requests are late and i always get the "you already have requested" thingy even tho i haven't requested any yet... Maybe because of the delay, my 24 hour break is not reognized.. :-(

Couple of things to keep in mind when sending your goal requests:

1. The goal request are tied up with your material requests(asking for parts for your appliances) So if you request a part for an appliance you are building to all your nbrs through the request sytem, you will not be able to go back and also request goal items from these same nbrs within the same 24 hr period.
You also can only accept a total of 20 goal and appliance parts combined in a 24 hour period.

2. When you send out your requests, be careful the next day, because if you send a nbr a request for Sugar on Tuesday, but that nbr did not return it, so on Wed you send that same nbr another request for the sugar- Then on Thursday you are now done with sugar, so you send that nbr a flour request on Thursday.
what will happen is when he comes into the game, he will see your Tuesday sugar and send it. Then the next day he will get another sugar request and send that one too (you may not need anymore sugar). Then the next day he will get your flour request and send that.
If you have all the sugar you need the extra sugars do not stock up they just do not get to you.
This nbr will always be a day behind you.
Now if that nbr declines, the second sugar, then he will get the flour request soon after that.

I tested this sending duplicate requests from my Iphone to my ipad and when I declined the sugar, then the next item I had requested popped on to ipad to send.

12-20-11, 02:39 PM
Thnx kooky :-)

I asked a friend to check my request (example) today... She received it and sent it to me but i never received the said request.... Does the materials/task request added up to the gift system? Or gifting is different than the request? I dont think that 8 (example.. again) eggs will fill up my request quota if gifting and requests are different... But if they are added together in the 20 limit gifts, then i guess that answers for my delayed mats/tasks requests.....

kooky panda
12-20-11, 03:47 PM
Thnx kooky :-)

I asked a friend to check my request (example) today... She received it and sent it to me but i never received the said request.... Does the materials/task request added up to the gift system? Or gifting is different than the request? I dont think that 8 (example.. again) eggs will fill up my request quota if gifting and requests are different... But if they are added together in the 20 limit gifts, then i guess that answers for my delayed mats/tasks requests.....

The material gifts for constructibles + the goal/tasks gifts = 20 max per day. Yes these two are combined together.

What I have been doing is using the request system only for goal request(eggs, sugar) and I send my nbrs material gifts (instead of capp)of the parts that I need.
Some will send back the same part I sent them. That way I can get 20 parts per day (through the regular gifiting ) plus my 20 goal items(through the request from nbr system)

12-20-11, 05:07 PM
The material gifts for constructibles + the goal/tasks gifts = 20 max per day. Yes these two are combined together.

What I have been doing is using the request system only for goal request(eggs, sugar) and I send my nbrs material gifts (instead of capp)of the parts that I need.
Some will send back the same part I sent them. That way I can get 20 parts per day (through the regular gifiting ) plus my 20 goal items(through the request from nbr system)

Ugh! I guess i wont be able to finish those quests then..... :-(
I limit myself to 50-60 nbrs in each story cos i dont wanna be pressured tipping/cleaning/watering..... And even if i asked my nbrs to sent me materials, some still send food >.< ....... Cant delete them cos they've been my nbrs long time...

Thnx for the explanation, KP! ;-)
Hopefully TL will either extend or just give the recipes After the time limit....

12-20-11, 06:13 PM
Ugh! I guess i wont be able to finish those quests then..... :-(
I limit myself to 50-60 nbrs in each story cos i dont wanna be pressured tipping/cleaning/watering..... And even if i asked my nbrs to sent me materials, some still send food >.< ....... Cant delete them cos they've been my nbrs long time...

Thnx for the explanation, KP! ;-)
Hopefully TL will either extend or just give the recipes After the time limit....
I'm sure there are plenty of nice people in the forums that will help you out and send the items you actually need.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire) [Send Private Message] (http://forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=12701)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

12-21-11, 06:22 AM
I'm sure there are plenty of nice people in the forums that will help you out and send the items you actually need.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire) [Send Private Message] (http://forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=12701)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
Report Bugs: TeamLava Bugs and Feedback (http://forums.teamlava.com/forumdisplay.php?70-TeamLava-Bugs-and-Feedback)
Forum Questions: Community Manager Thread (http://forums.teamlava.com/showthread.php?11096-Community-Manager-Thread)

Yea.. And thank you for fixing the nbr request option! ;-)

12-21-11, 07:09 AM
Totally agree!!!!

12-21-11, 10:34 AM
I completely agree, being you can only request one item per day, yet all these goals, its near impossible

12-21-11, 01:45 PM
What's bugging me is the Candy Cane Oven-what in the world unlocks its sole recipe?:confused: Does anyone know? It's caused me so many issues, robbed me of 10 gems, and has been sitting collecting virtual dust for a couple of weeks now.:( It's practically been rendered useles in my bakery for so long.....now it just sits in storage....

12-21-11, 01:57 PM
What's bugging me is the Candy Cane Oven-what in the world unlocks its sole recipe?:confused: Does anyone know? It's caused me so many issues, robbed me of 10 gems, and has been sitting collecting virtual dust for a couple of weeks now.:( It's practically been rendered useles in my bakery for so long.....now it just sits in storage....
If you've lost gems because of issues with the goals, email support@teamlava.com include your storm8 ID and the game it occurred on.