View Full Version : Lost 17 gems by mistake

12-15-11, 07:32 PM
Yes... I click on the Santa cow,get a hat by mistake and lost 17 gems..so sad that was i saving to buy the Holliday box now can't do...anyway is nothing I can't do to get it back.:(:(

12-15-11, 07:58 PM
Oh that's terrible. We've all done something like that. I feel bad for you.

kooky panda
12-15-11, 08:00 PM
I am sorry, but TL does not refund accidental purchases.:(

12-15-11, 09:12 PM
One main reason why I hate team lava. I've wasted over 100 gem over a course of time. It sucks. This exact reason is why they are not getting any of my money. When you master stuff and get 24 buy your box right away. Don't wait. :)

12-15-11, 09:22 PM
Thx u..I know they dont refund accidental purchase...it just got me a lil sad cause I was saving it for a box.
I'll never buy gems again.a least it be good if they have a confirm option.
I still love the game.

12-15-11, 09:25 PM
I've lost about 90 gems by "accident". 2 boxes and one expansion. I would love a confirmation button.

12-15-11, 10:14 PM
I am sorry, but TL does not refund accidental purchases.:(

Why is that do you suppose?

12-16-11, 03:22 PM
I understand not refunding for boxes but this is different

but oh well, sorry, I've purchased lots I didn't want too )=

12-16-11, 03:48 PM
Why is that do you suppose?

Because a person could intentionally buy a box, be unhappy with what he or she got, then claim it was an "accident," and demand a refund. A persond could also accidentally-on-purpose buy other things and demand refunds. There is no way for TL to know if someone is being truthful about accidental purchases.

12-16-11, 04:09 PM
Why is that do you suppose?

To stop buyer's remorse. But a confirmation would stop any of these accidental purchases.

12-16-11, 04:42 PM
So then it's ok in Restaurant Story to misclick and complete all 18 appliances cooking for 90 gems instantly? 20 bucks down the drain and no possibility of refund.

It's called compassion for your customers. If you see that the player has a history of abusing the refund system then don't offer to do it anymore. But why not help EVERY OTHER PLAYER that has dealt with gem traps with their situation?

Why should we be forced to spend our money in ways we did not intend?

12-16-11, 07:24 PM
there is no need for a refund system if you had a confirm button. TL, how come you still don't get it? I lost 15 gems today just because i tapped on the ask button for rosemaries but my finger was slightly out of the ask button! And you took it as I chose 15 gems to skip it! I was only 5 gems away from buying one of the houses an well, you think I will buy gems to replenish them and buy the house? Sorry not working on me. The more you lay out gem traps for me to fall into , the more you reinforce my decision of NEVER buying gems or CC. Seriously, I know TL put a lot of effort into the updates and lovely items, but that doesnt give you the right to lay out gem traps to make us buy more gems. Because I will never spend a single cent on these games until a confirm button is out.

12-16-11, 08:07 PM
Thanks mushroon and ultrafrog u guys just hit the spot..i dont think they want to do a confirm button, I think TL realize that confirm button means less mistakes and less gems buying.

When u spend ur real money buying gems..I believe we got the right to manage our gems in safer way.some people here can buy the gems cause they got the money other dont have much...and like me when u by mistake click the buttons that r so close to each other,it make u wanted to quit.

I spend an x amount of money that I should used on something useful,but half of that when down the drain.

Happy holidays everybody!