View Full Version : Help with the new goals

12-13-11, 01:12 AM
Ok so i have built my candy cane and still waiting to finish my marzipan oven but the new goals have not checked off that i have placed them. Why has this not counted on the goal. I shouldnt have to make them again it should of counted to start with.

12-13-11, 01:23 AM
Ok so i have built my candy cane and still waiting to finish my marzipan oven but the new goals have not checked off that i have placed them. Why has this not counted on the goal. I shouldnt have to make them again it should of counted to start with.

Is the goal showing as locked on the candy cane appliance?

12-13-11, 01:45 AM
Yes but im not on about that goal. Im on about the goal we get to build the machine. It never counted when i built it. I refuse to buy and build another machine to see if it will count when it should of counted in the first place

12-13-11, 07:18 AM
I understand what you're saying. I have not yet built my candy cane machine but I built my marzipan one just before the new goal system came into effect. However, if you built or purchased any kind of oven before the goal existed it doesn't count (this was the same with the original quest system). Honestly I don't want to have to buy an entirely new machine and request parts from my neighbours for it either. Not only would I have to request new parts, but I have to request sugar to complete the goals too. It's a whole lot of requesting, and you can only make 1 type of request per day!

12-13-11, 08:16 AM
It's a whole lot of requesting, and you can only make 1 type of request per day!

Actually, you can only receive 20 requests a day but you can make different requests. So if you need 2 teaspoons of sugar, 8 knobs, 10 fuses, you can request sugar from 2 neighbors, knobs from 8, fuses from 10, etc.

I started building the candy cane maker and marzipan oven too early as well so the ones I've already built and have under construction aren't going to count towards the goals either. Sucks but that's how the game is played. Right now I have enough parts to build another candy cane maker but I'm not going to complete the ones I have open already and will buy a new one to complete the goal.

12-13-11, 08:34 AM
Now that is really unfair and should be fixed - I got both marzipan and candy cane - they were available for purchase. I never read anything on the forum about not purchasing the candy cane machine. And, what about those non-forum players. TL this is not right. Don't place something for purchase if it can't be used - you had the goal glitch and you should fix it for those of us who have the candy cane and marzipan machine.

12-13-11, 11:09 AM
I received the new goals last night and bought both appliances..completed the tarts..asked all neighbors for sugar and started on the hot chocolate...this morning the goals were gone..so now when I get the goals back am I gonna have to buy the appliances again? I also had bought a set of appliances days ago not knowing we couldn't use. How is all this going to work?

12-13-11, 11:49 AM
I had the two new goals come up last night as well. Of course I have already bought and build both ovens. All of the goals are gone this morning, but my Candy Cane oven still has the recipes blocked. I would hope that we whom bought and paid for the ovens would be able to skip the goals for free and get our recipes unlocked.

12-13-11, 02:19 PM
I had the two new goals come up last night as well. Of course I have already bought and build both ovens. All of the goals are gone this morning, but my Candy Cane oven still has the recipes blocked. I would hope that we whom bought and paid for the ovens would be able to skip the goals for free and get our recipes unlocked.

So why not just...build another candy cane maker or marzipan oven?

12-13-11, 02:36 PM
So why not just...build another candy cane maker or marzipan oven?

Because it's expensive...especially after you've already paid for them with cash and not earned gems.