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View Full Version : ZOO 2- Suggest New Themes and Items

kooky panda
12-11-11, 08:49 PM
Have any items you would like to see added please post here.

12-11-11, 09:05 PM
I really want to see a rock wallaby, Dingo, Tasmanian devil and a Taipan

12-11-11, 09:18 PM
I think there is already a red panda, but if not... RED PANDA!!! ;)

Fishing cats
Clouded leopards
Pudus (tiny little cat-sized deer)
Howler monkeys
Golden lion tamarins
Peccaries (cute little hog things)
Tapirs (the babies are so so cute!)
Komodo dragons
More tree types
Different path designs

12-12-11, 09:36 AM
I would suggest making this game for Android users as well...

12-12-11, 10:39 AM
A way to earn gems for a nursery or lab, or any animal for that matter. "Mastery" of the animals takes gems, so it would nice to have a balance between earning them and purchasing them, otherwise this is an expensive game.

12-14-11, 07:30 AM
Cheetahs :)

12-16-11, 12:48 AM
A way to earn gems for a nursery or lab, or any animal for that matter. "Mastery" of the animals takes gems, so it would nice to have a balance between earning them and purchasing them, otherwise this is an expensive game.

Agreed. A way to earn gems

12-17-11, 01:50 AM
I would like some more deviders like rocks, glassdeviders... And also to be able to move these including the bush halfsquares!

12-17-11, 05:56 PM
I think a way to earn gems would make a huge difference to how enjoyable this game is. I've noticed two goal challenges so far with gems as reward — though on of these goals involved breeding a liger which costs 7 gems and you were only rewarded 4 gems for completing it and I need to spend 7 gems if I want another liger :/ — more of goals with gems reward (that don't cost gems to complete!) would be great but I think introducing mastery for the animals and attractions would be the best solution.

I can't think of any new animals that aren't already in the game so I think it would be great to have more attractions and decorations. I'm only level 12 and I've already unlocked them all and there isn't very many. I like the suggestion above of different path designs and more tree and border options.

12-17-11, 06:14 PM
New items! Hmm... Since it's Christmas I think it would be cute to have some reindeer. Also, different pathways would be cute.

12-17-11, 11:06 PM
newsfeed that automatically lists who tours your zoo (sorry, I just had to!)

extra breeding and cross-breeding nests for coins (at least 1 of each)

12-20-11, 07:32 AM
Definetly need a way of getting an extra breeding nest without using gems.
A way of earning gems (getting gems from goals actually costs more in gems to complete than you get back)
Shame that you have to spend the gems 4 times to complete the family.
Need some more cross breedings that don't cost gems

12-23-11, 06:03 AM
Reducing the amount of gems to buy animals and cross breed them, some of them are ridiculous

12-25-11, 08:30 PM
Please learn from the feedback given to the original Zoo game. After a while every zoo looks exactly the same. We need color/style options for the roads and other decorative objects. Just look at how creative people get on other games with things as simple as multi-colored crates. It can't be difficult to add a couple different roads!

12-26-11, 12:20 PM
Please learn from the feedback given to the original Zoo game. After a while every zoo looks exactly the same. We need color/style options for the roads and other decorative objects. Just look at how creative people get on other games with things as simple as multi-colored crates. It can't be difficult to add a couple different roads!
I agree....I am getting tired of looking touring other zoos cuz they all look exctly the same. I think creativity keeps a lot of us in the game, so TL, PLEASE give us more varieties of trees, decor, attractions, etc.

12-26-11, 12:24 PM
Would be nice if habitats could rotate.
i would like the option of expanding and contracting the sizes n shapes of habitats. i hate that all my animals are too crammed in.

12-29-11, 12:22 PM
Golden eagles
Black jaguars
White tigers
Japanese cranes
Sun bears

Butterfly house
Petting zoo
Roller coaster
More restaurants
Skyride station
Train station

Palm trees
Maple trees
Learning stations
Train tracks
Trains (the little sightseeing trains that a lot if zoos have to get around in the park)

Faster expansion times
Another way to earn gems in-game (like getting 1 gem when you completely upgrade an exhibit)

12-29-11, 12:24 PM
It would also be fun if you had a random chance of getting an upgraded version of an animal, in a color variant or a different pose, to make looking at other people's zoos more interesting.

12-30-11, 09:16 AM
More ways to get gems! And have the animals cost less gems. I want a panther, but that's 79 gems. Then it'd have to have a mate, and breed...and that'd be 316 gems!
I also think we should be able to unlock more nests with coins. Another thing is more decorations. Different trees, maybe be able to make a stream or something would be cool too.

01-01-12, 08:49 PM
Balloon cart
Paved paths
Butterfly house
Ticket gate
Large signs to groups the animals together like: Africa, Rainforest, reptiles, etc

01-02-12, 04:54 AM
I love the sign idea.

Also suggesting
Hippocampus (half horse, half dolphin)
Western dragon

More themed boxes (and please make everything in a mystery box worth paying for)

01-02-12, 02:45 PM
I hope this won't turn out like the old version. No new updates on attractions and decors. Starting to bore a lot of players. Please updates.

01-03-12, 11:48 PM
Can't we have a switch in game settings, to set use gems or not, i don't like using gems with careless tap when I just get up.
Or use gems careless to skip any goal, or some items can ask from friends....plz.

by the way, the social neighbors visit list are better now, very convenient.

01-05-12, 08:12 PM
A way to earn gems (like one gem for completing each animal/habitat, like mastery in the other games)
A way to rotate the habitats
and...PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get rid of the bouncing coins and paws!!!! They clutter up the screen and cause me extra taps to get rid of them! They are pointless and annoying!

Petting zoo
Vending machines

01-12-12, 11:58 AM
Suggestion: option/ability to move entrance: just as you can in Restaurant story with its entrance door, I think it would be nice to be able to move the entrance gate ... anyone else agree?

But the biggest feature missing, that seems to be in every other TL game, is a NewsFeed!!! this game desperately needs one!!!!

01-12-12, 12:07 PM
Petting zoo
Vending machines

Caribous (which have been in the game for a while) pretty much are the same thing as Reindeers
The new Irish Elk pretty much takes care of the Moose as they look alike (in the cartoonish aspect)

01-12-12, 12:13 PM
Palm Trees (as a decoration) are needed, ones that match the ones you see with Elephants, Rhinos, Giraffes, Lions, etc etc when theyre fully upgraded

also 360? degree rotations (or North, South, East, and West) on the decorations and attractions would be quite optimal!

And again a NEWSFEED!!! :)

01-12-12, 12:51 PM
Lynx, serval, snowy owl, emu, red panda.

01-12-12, 03:41 PM
A way to earn gems for a nursery or lab, or any animal for that matter. "Mastery" of the animals takes gems, so it would nice to have a balance between earning them and purchasing them, otherwise this is an expensive game.

Indeed there should be a way to earn Gems

01-13-12, 11:32 PM
Can we buy some gems to become a VIP who have a right to exchange coins to gems?
The players will not play free and play harder and longer to earn coins for opening magic box.

01-14-12, 06:00 AM
I think a way to earn gems would make a huge difference to how enjoyable this game is. I've noticed two goal challenges so far with gems as reward — though on of these goals involved breeding a liger which costs 7 gems and you were only rewarded 4 gems for completing it and I need to spend 7 gems if I want another liger :/ — more of goals with gems reward (that don't cost gems to complete!) would be great but I think introducing mastery for the animals and attractions would be the best solution.

^^^^^^^^^^^ You hit the nail right on the head & didn't bend it ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

01-20-12, 03:11 PM
I have a whole laundry list of things in my other thread just a few down from this one, I add to it everyday. For one the prices of things are way to high and gems are ridiculous you should be able to earn the more often and things that cost gems shouldn't be so expensive for example, the mystery boxes would be more enticing at 10 gems. You should also be able to keep expanding without being broke and to continue expanding after you reach the limit so you can make your zoo look nice as well. I think you should be able to give every single one of your neighbors a gift each day not a limited number. New items would be nice ones you don't have to gamble 24 gems on at a mystery box, like new paths, decorations and attractions (ones that arent so over priced!) There should be a way to keep track of you who visited and toured for the day or the last time you visited or toured.

01-20-12, 06:38 PM
I almost feel bad adding that I'd like to see ribbon seals after reading a news article about them today. :)

01-21-12, 10:29 AM
It would also be nice to keep track of good neighbors by keeping info on them how many visits gift and tours they sent in a month and same for you to them  that way you can weed out bad neighbors

01-21-12, 11:59 AM
A Zoo hospital and lots more choice of tree's would be really nice.

01-21-12, 12:42 PM
Aviary/flight house
Glassed in two-story exhibit (butterfly garden, rainforest, etc)
Tapirs! I already asked for them but seriously, tapirs!
White tigers

01-21-12, 03:41 PM
Sharks (Dolphin & Lion Crossbreed) lol idk it's possible
Octopus (Crossbreed from squid & something)
Komodo Dragon (Surprised there isn't one already, unless it's a crossbreed)

01-29-12, 06:23 AM
Suggestions to make the game more pleasurable- make some animals cheaper to buy or make it easier to earn coins, being able to earn gems by completing tasks or harvesting animals several times, being able to expand more to make more room for animals, gems being on sale more frequently to encourage gem purchases!! Just my personal thoughts!! Xx

01-29-12, 06:30 AM
Suggestions to make the game more pleasurable- make some animals cheaper to buy or make it easier to earn coins, being able to earn gems by completing tasks or harvesting animals several times, being able to expand more to make more room for animals, gems being on sale more frequently to encourage gem purchases!! Just my personal thoughts!! Xx

I agree, I too would like to earn coins quicker/easier a larger daily amount of coins would be so helpful.

01-31-12, 12:11 AM
zoo 2 n pets its a game for the rich ppl only, u gain a gem once u spend like 149, its this a joke? its hard to make money n some animals cost more than a 1/4 of a mil, to compleate a fam of 4 u grow white hair or if u rich u spend real money

01-31-12, 12:17 AM
I like for TL to solved one issue, players always are like "add me" n post their ID you add n 6 moth later they still on pending, make possible for player to delete those "pending", make breeding room more cheaper, TL lava comes up w/a money making game for them n stick us w/ the bill

01-31-12, 10:42 AM
zoo 2 n pets its a game for the rich ppl only, u gain a gem once u spend like 149, its this a joke? its hard to make money n some animals cost more than a 1/4 of a mil, to compleate a fam of 4 u grow white hair or if u rich u spend real money

I hope it might be possible for TL to maybe give the players the option of earning more gems.
It would be so nice on PSS too.

01-31-12, 11:46 AM
Zoo2 & Pet Shop desperately need a way to earn gems. Kinda funny that a game that has no real way of earning gems has the gall to charge as many gems as it does for one animal / nursery spot.

02-07-12, 06:23 AM
A way to earn gems for a nursery or lab, or any animal for that matter. "Mastery" of the animals takes gems, so it would nice to have a balance between earning them and purchasing them, otherwise this is an expensive game.
BIG YESSSS for this suggestion

02-07-12, 02:45 PM
Any way we can get a collect all button. Come on tap tap tap...what are we in the 70's. I am glad I play on an Ipad2 I couldn't imagin click click clicking.
Excuse this post if it has already been suggested.
T-rex or a couple pre historic birds. Some cool dragons.

02-10-12, 10:12 PM
After level 35 , the XP does nothing. Why not award a gem for each level after 35?

02-11-12, 01:21 AM
Like everyone else seems to have said a way to earn gems would be good. I personally think if you've paid gems for an animal then when you harvest you should get a gems not coins. I love the various games and have spent a LOT of money on farm story and zoo story 1, but feel very reluctant to spend on this and pet shop, some of the prices you guys charges for animal is ridiculous, I love cheetahs they are my fav animal but I am spending ?28.00 plus to get a family of them, when I could actually adopt a real cheetah in a zoo for that.

It seems that TL are just coming up with more and more ways to try and get money out of us and by giving nothing back in return.

Another idea the boxes you can buy, how about having an option to get them for coins aswell, you could charge say 500,000 for them

02-11-12, 07:04 AM
Agree with all the comments in the thread 149 gems for another breeding nest is madness! At least 1 more nest for coins please, some of the goals can cost far too much gems to complete, if you buy an animal for gems should have the option to sell them for gems! A free gem when upgrading a habitat would be brilliant, being asked to pay out for gems all the time & not getting much at all back in return is one way to lose customer loyalty! Also having to use gems to skip part of a goal is so unfair, should be able to use coins for that. Give us a break TL more people would be willing to pay smaller amounts for things, if you change your tactics you'd still make plenty money of us . By asking people to pay out for gems all the time & giving nothing back in return.how about having an option to get gems for a habitat upgrade Or when you've bred an animal

02-11-12, 07:07 AM
More animal ideas = spider monkey, black panther & why are there no valentine goals for zoo?

02-11-12, 11:16 AM
I think there's a lot of animals to choose from so I'm satisfied there but I've read some posts and agree that a way to earn more gems would be great (using coins, not more gems) and also I wouldn't mind so much purchasing an animal with gems IF the mate and babies were coins after that. I think a lot more people would be willing to do that.
I would also like to see seasonal goals in ZS2, I've never seen any in either of the ZS games but always with the other games, RS, BS, PSS, etc...Would be nice to have a little pink floating around the zoo!!
I really enjoy playing the games though! I have two of each and am currently getting my daughters up and running :) would love to play it on my android phone too!!! Hint Hint!!

02-11-12, 11:25 AM
Another idea - some zoos I've visited have a pets corner, different paths, panels fencing to separate off would be good
The pet corner could have farm animals in it mini pigs, big pot veiled pig, black & pink, badger, lambs e,t,c
I started breeding a wombat which I abandoned in error, didn't get the gems back so lost the 9 gems :( been stuck on 5 gems since! That was around 15 levels ago. If You abandon a breeding pet you should get your gems back!

02-11-12, 01:50 PM
I think gems should be earned when you reach a "landmark" level- like 10 or 20 or 25.

02-23-12, 02:33 PM
Definitely more gems, and also more expansions!! My zoo is getting crowded and I still have a lot more animals to buy!

02-23-12, 09:12 PM
Please, more Zoo's space X___x mine is almost full

03-02-12, 03:48 AM
white tiger

03-13-12, 04:20 AM
Mute swan or giant swan? And maybe a pangolin?? Please....

03-13-12, 05:13 AM
Ohhh and I reckon a woodpecker would be a beautiful addition 

03-14-12, 05:03 AM
An Orca would be cool. Or any kind of Whale. Actually an Aquarium Story game would be even better:)

03-15-12, 10:06 AM
I like the petting zoo idea

04-03-12, 06:36 PM
I didn't read through all the posts, but so I don't know if anybody said this already. I would love to see:
Different types of paths
Do they have sea turtles? I forget :)
More types of bears