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View Full Version : Organizational Suggestions/Wants

12-06-11, 12:05 AM
Hey everyone,

Loving Bakery Story after a friend got me into it last month. I've run across some organizational suggestions that I'd love to see implemented. These would simply make things easier to find/do.

1. Organizing Friends List - I'd love to see some choices in friends list organization. For example I have around 200 friends - pretty hard to keep up with. It would be nice to have the following possible sort options:
a) Sort by Last Tipped (shows who last tipped you in reverse order, newest to oldest)
b) Sort by 'Stars' (makes removing non-tippers easier)
c) Sort by Name (alphabetical please >.<)

2. Organizing Recipes - Some of us, like myself, are completionists. To assist in that insanity, it would be great to have some sort options on the recipes under each appliance. For example, the following:
a) Sort by Mastery (gives all completed, then 4's, 3's, etc.)
b) Hide/Un-hide COMPLETED Recipes (shows only those recipes you have not completely mastered)
c) Sort by Time (so we can choose quickly which recipes to make within a certain timeframe, 30min, 2 hrs, etc. without scrolling through pages and pages)

Obviously these could be refined, but the general idea of what would be nice to see comes through I hope. There are many other things I'd love to see put in to help us with the Social aspects of the game.

Other ideas, randomly:
1. A way to keep track of who has gifted and/or what gifts they prefer to receive. Certain people prefer food while others want materials, and not all friends request materials.
2. A way to 'sticky' a wall post. I like to remind everyone I only add 3 and 4 star tippers, but it gets lost quickly in all my wall posts. I'd love to sticky it at the top so everyone sees it.
3. A 'Vacation' or similar setting - Letting friends know you are away from tipping/gifting, not that you are abandoning the game. This would either freeze your stars or simply put something like (V) next to your name so they are aware of it as they tip/remove friends.**

** - This could be problematic as people would abuse it so as not to have to tip to gain stars. There would need to be a time limit or maybe some sort of work-around so it's not abused.

I'm sure much more can be added, and as I said above, refined. Just some thoughts :)


12-06-11, 12:12 AM
Some really great ideas, It would be so much easier to be able to organise our nbrs especially by star rating.
It would be great if a maybe a tick appeared by the nbr list, when they had tipped gifted etc. I like to cook a variety of foods to carry on getting collectables and to have a display of different items. I would have grave concerns about stickying walls, due to the risk of abuse etc. I too love bakey story and thank you for sharing your ideas.

12-06-11, 12:15 AM
Thanks for the additional suggestion - a tick would be a nice easy way to see if they had done anything recently. As for stickying walls, possibly they could limit it to 1 sticky per wall, only allowing something like a 'sign' for the owner of the bakery to put up if they so wish. My only reasoning for it is as I mentioned above, it gets lost quickly and I hate deleting peoples posts :(

12-06-11, 12:19 AM
Thanks for the additional suggestion - a tick would be a nice easy way to see if they had done anything recently. As for stickying walls, possibly they could limit it to 1 sticky per wall, only allowing something like a 'sign' for the owner of the bakery to put up if they so wish. My only reasoning for it is as I mentioned above, it gets lost quickly and I hate deleting peoples posts :(

Your welcome, thank you too. It is hard when we have alot of posts to delete, I try to delete mine as I tip back etc.
I know when we put messages on our walls, they soon get lost with other posts. I'm not sure of the answer with stickying.
It's a difficult one, I can imagine the younger players could really play up possibly.

12-06-11, 12:22 AM
Quite true. It's a bit of a tough situation there considering people could potentially abuse it. Interestingly, I never thought to delete posts as I tip back - thanks for that! As I mentioned I started a month ago and it's sort of exploded - I'm still trying to get my own ideas on how to organize ;)

12-06-11, 12:59 AM
Quite true. It's a bit of a tough situation there considering people could potentially abuse it. Interestingly, I never thought to delete posts as I tip back - thanks for that! As I mentioned I started a month ago and it's sort of exploded - I'm still trying to get my own ideas on how to organize ;)

It's a lovely game my favourite game ever, it gets easier as we pick up tips. I know I never deleted posts to start with, so I know it can be time consuming, it would be good if we could maybe highlight all messages and delete all maybe.

12-07-11, 05:59 PM
Very nice suggestions. We'll forward them to the development team.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire) [Send Private Message] (http://forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=12701)
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