View Full Version : Trade items

12-01-11, 11:59 PM
Can we trade items purchased from special boxes with neighbours? I have spent more than 500 gems but keep getting same items. Please allow us to trade.

12-02-11, 12:04 AM
That would be a really kind thing to do, i'm not sure how it could be implemented. I'm sorry you keep getting the same items, it must be disappointing. The items are all lovely in the boxes.

12-02-11, 04:34 PM
Unfortunately, there is no option to trade items between players.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
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12-02-11, 04:43 PM
Unfortunately, there is no option to trade items between players.
TeamLava Staff - DaojinWildfire (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?12701-DaojinWildfire)
Support Email: support@teamlava.com
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...and I suppose you don't plan on one, because it means that you don't get the revenue from continued trying if we just swap?
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Friday, 2nd December 2011
Merry Christmas! 23 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

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12-03-11, 05:42 PM
I actually think it may increase revenue, because players will feel more confident that if they spend the gems to get an item from a box, and get an item they do not want, they still might have the opportunity to eventually get one they want by trading.

12-03-11, 06:05 PM
I actually think it may increase revenue, because players will feel more confident that if they spend the gems to get an item from a box, and get an item they do not want, they still might have the opportunity to eventually get one they want by trading.

Absolutely agree.

TL - Can you not see that?

12-03-11, 06:10 PM
I disagree.
As long as they keep buying for one item (which happens, I know:)), they will continue spending gems.

12-03-11, 06:19 PM
I can see how some might continually buy boxes for the desired item, but that is a very small amount of players. I think mostly people with gems just do not buy boxes at all for fear of getting something they don't want. Instead, they spend their gems on the items instead of boxes. So if trading were implemented TL might lose some profits from the very small amount of people that can afford to buy boxes over and over for one item, but gain profits from players that are too timid to buy boxes in the first place.

12-03-11, 06:24 PM
I can see how some might continually buy boxes for the desired item, but that is a very small amount of players. I think mostly people with gems just do not buy boxes at all for fear of getting something they don't want. Instead, they spend their gems on the items instead of boxes. So if trading were implemented TL might lose some profits from the very small amount of people that can afford to buy boxes over and over for one item, but gain profits from players that are too timid to buy boxes in the first place.

They should probably do some testing with a small amount if userbase.
But then they'd get shouted at for not incorporating everyone...see?
Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Sunday, 4th December 2011
Merry Christmas! 21 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

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12-03-11, 06:26 PM
Yeah, I guess you can never please everyone :D

12-03-11, 06:31 PM
Yeah, I guess you can never please everyone :D

Rachael98...because Norman was taken:p! ...what:o?

Sunday, 4th December 2011
Merry Christmas! 21 sleeps to go...

Rachael98:cool: (http://forums.teamlava.com/member.php?1327-Rachael98)

Join (forums.teamlava.com/group.php?do=join&groupid=18) the TeamLava Forum Moderator Fan Club (forums.teamlava.com/groups.php?groupid=18)!

"The purpose of life is a life of purpose"

Want a Signature made for you? PM me (forums.teamlava.com/private.php?do=newpm&u=1327), with any quotes, colours, info or images/GIFs you'd like in it and I'll do the hard work!:)

12-03-11, 06:33 PM
I disagree.
As long as they keep buying for one item (which happens, I know:)), they will continue spending gems.

That's only looking at the small picture though.

The number of people who buy boxes is larger than you might think.

Many will continue buying until they get the 1st prize but a larger amount of people...will not. Would they feel more confident in buying boxes and risking duplication if they knew they could trade it (being able to gift anything from inventory is how I think it should be done) to a neighbor? Yeah, I know I sure would.

That would mean a larger amount of people feeling more confident in buying boxes (or any gem item actually) instead of a small select group who are addicted to the box gamble.

12-03-11, 06:35 PM
I can see how some might continually buy boxes for the desired item, but that is a very small amount of players. I think mostly people with gems just do not buy boxes at all for fear of getting something they don't want. Instead, they spend their gems on the items instead of boxes. So if trading were implemented TL might lose some profits from the very small amount of people that can afford to buy boxes over and over for one item, but gain profits from players that are too timid to buy boxes in the first place.

sorry TinyBabyPanda ; Just realized I posted exactly what you already said.

12-03-11, 06:39 PM
That's alright, I think you articulated it better then I did!